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Biblia - Sväté písmo

(UKJV - Anglický - Updated King James)

Gn 23, 1-20

1 And Sarah was an hundred and seven and twenty years old: these were the years of the life of Sarah. 2 "And Sarah died in Kirjatharba; the same is Hebron in the land of Canaan: and Abraham came to mourn for Sarah, and to weep for her. " 3 And Abraham stood up from before his dead, and spoke unto the sons of Heth, saying, 4 I am a stranger and a sojourner with you: give me a possession of a buryingplace with you, that I may bury my dead out of my sight. 5 And the children of Heth answered Abraham, saying unto him, 6 "Hear us, my lord: you are a mighty prince among us: in the choice of our sepulchers bury your dead; none of us shall withhold from you his tomb, but that you may bury your dead. " 7 And Abraham stood up, and bowed himself to the people of the land, even to the children of Heth. 8 "And he communed with them, saying, If it be your mind that I should bury my dead out of my sight; hear me, and implore for me to Ephron the son of Zohar, " 9 "That he may give me the cave of Machpelah, which he has, which is in the end of his field; for as much money as it is worth he shall give it me for a possession of a buryingplace among you. " 10 And Ephron dwelt among the children of Heth: and Ephron the Hittite answered Abraham in the audience of the children of Heth, even of all that went in at the gate of his city, saying, 11 "Nay, my lord, hear me: the field give I you, and the cave that is therein, I give it you; in the presence of the sons of my people give I it you: bury your dead. " 12 And Abraham bowed down himself before the people of the land. 13 "And he spoke unto Ephron in the audience of the people of the land, saying, But if you will give it, I pray you, hear me: I will give you money for the field; take it of me, and I will bury my dead there. " 14 And Ephron answered Abraham, saying unto him, 15 "My lord, hearken unto me: the land is worth four hundred shekels of silver; what is that between me and you? bury therefore your dead. " 16 "And Abraham hearkened unto Ephron; and Abraham weighed to Ephron the silver, which he had named in the audience of the sons of Heth, four hundred shekels of silver, current money with the merchant. " 17 And the field of Ephron which was in Machpelah, which was before Mamre, the field, and the cave which was therein, and all the trees that were in the field, that were in all the borders round about, were made sure 18 Unto Abraham for a possession in the presence of the children of Heth, before all that went in at the gate of his city. 19 And after this, Abraham buried Sarah his wife in the cave of the field of Machpelah before Mamre: the same is Hebron in the land of Canaan. 20 And the field, and the cave that is therein, were made sure unto Abraham for a possession of a buryingplace by the sons of Heth.

Gn 23, 1-20

Verš 16
"And Abraham hearkened unto Ephron; and Abraham weighed to Ephron the silver, which he had named in the audience of the sons of Heth, four hundred shekels of silver, current money with the merchant. "
Gn 50:13 - For his sons carried him into the land of Canaan, and buried him in the cave of the field of Machpelah, which Abraham bought with the field for a possession of a buryingplace of Ephron the Hittite, before Mamre.

Verš 17
And the field of Ephron which was in Machpelah, which was before Mamre, the field, and the cave which was therein, and all the trees that were in the field, that were in all the borders round about, were made sure
Sk 7:16 - And were carried over into Sychem, and laid in the tomb that Abraham bought for a sum of money of the sons of Emmor the father of Sychem.

Verš 4
I am a stranger and a sojourner with you: give me a possession of a buryingplace with you, that I may bury my dead out of my sight.
Sk 7:5 - And he gave him none inheritance in it, no, not so much as to set his foot on: yet he promised that he would give it to him for a possession, and to his seed after him, when as yet he had no child.

Gn 23,5 - O Hetejcoch sa donedávna veľa nevedelo, a preto viacerí popierali, že by boli v Abrahámovom čase osadení v Hebrone. Dnes už vieme zaručene, že okolo roku 2000 pred Kr. tento kmeň bol v Palestíne roztratený po celej jej dĺžke až ku hraniciam Egypta. Moderné vykopávky tento náhľad potvrdili s veľkou presnosťou.

Gn 23,10 - "Tých, čo prišli k bráne mesta": pri mestskej bráne sa konali porady a súdy; myslí sa tu teda na obyvateľov, ktorí pri bráne zasadali a vybavovali verejné záležitosti.

Gn 23,16 - O šekli pozri poznámku k 20,2–18. Dnes jaskyňa, v ktorej je pochovaná Sára s Abrahámom, je pod mešitou východne od Hebrona. Do nej je prísne zakázaný prístup všetkým, čo nie sú mohamedánmi. Tým, že Abrahám kúpil pre seba a svoju ženu hrobku v cudzej zemi, dal najavo, že je presvedčený o Božej vernosti, ktorý mu túto krajinu prisľúbil. A krajina sa stala vlastníctvom jeho potomkov.