| Kniha NumeriBiblia - Sväté písmo(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD) | Nm 19, 1-22 |
1 Nm 19, 1 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying: 2 Nm 19, 2 “This is the ritual that the Lord has appointed for a victim. Instruct the sons of Israel, so that they may bring to you a red cow of full maturity, in which there is no blemish, and which has not carried a yoke. 3 Nm 19, 3 And you shall deliver it to Eleazar the priest, who, having led it out beyond the camp, shall immolate it in the sight of all. 4 Nm 19, 4 And dipping his finger in its blood, he shall sprinkle it seven times, opposite the door of the tabernacle. 5 Nm 19, 5 And he shall burn it, while all are watching, delivering into the flame, not only its skin and flesh, but also the blood and dung. 6 Nm 19, 6 Likewise, cedar wood, and hyssop, and twice-dyed scarlet he shall cast into the flame, by which the cow is consumed. 7 Nm 19, 7 And then finally, having washed his garments and his body, he shall enter into the camp, and he shall be deeply stained until evening. 8 Nm 19, 8 Then he also who had burned it shall wash his garments and his body, and he shall be unclean until evening. 9 Nm 19, 9 Then a clean man shall gather the ashes of the cow, and he shall pour them out beyond the camp, in a very pure place, so that they may be preserved for the multitude of the sons of Israel, and for the water of aspersion, because the cow was burned for sin. 10 Nm 19, 10 And when he who had carried the ashes of the cow will have washed his garments, he shall be unclean until evening. The sons of Israel, and the newcomers who live among them, shall have this as a holy and perpetual right. 11 Nm 19, 11 Whoever touches the corpse of a man, and is, 84 because of this, unclean for seven days, 12 Nm 19, 12 shall be sprinkled from this water on the third and seventh days, and so shall he be cleansed. But if he was not sprinkled on the third day, he is not able to be cleansed on the seventh. 13 Nm 19, 13 Anyone who will have touched the dead body of a human life, and who has not been sprinkled with this mixture, pollutes the tabernacle of the Lord, and he shall perish out of Israel. For not having been sprinkled with the water of expiation, he shall be unclean, and his filth shall remain upon him. 14 Nm 19, 14 This is the law of a man who dies in a tent. All who enter into his tent, and all the vessels which are there, shall be polluted for seven days. 15 Nm 19, 15 The vessel that has no cover or binding over it shall be unclean. 16 Nm 19, 16 If anyone in the field will have touched the corpse of a man, who was killed or who died on his own, or his bone, or his grave, he shall be unclean for seven days. 17 Nm 19, 17 And they shall take some of the ashes from the burning and the sin offering, and they shall pour living waters over them into a vessel. 18 Nm 19, 18 And into it a man who is clean shall dip hyssop, and he shall sprinkle from it the entire tent, and all its articles, and the men who were polluted by means of contact. 19 Nm 19, 19 And so, in this manner, what is clean shall purify what is unclean, on the third and seventh days. And have been expiated on the seventh day, he shall wash both himself and his garments, and he shall be unclean until evening. 20 Nm 19, 20 If anyone has not been expiated by this ritual, his soul shall perish from the midst of the Church. For he has polluted the Sanctuary of the Lord, and he has not been sprinkled with purifying waters. 21 Nm 19, 21 This precept shall be an everlasting ordinance. Likewise, the one who has sprinkled the waters shall wash his garments. All who will have touched the waters of expiation shall be unclean until evening. 22 Nm 19, 22 Whatever has been touched by something unclean will itself be made unclean. And the soul who touches any of these things shall become unclean until evening.”
 | | Nm 19, 1-22 |
Verš 11
Whoever touches the corpse of a man, and is, 84 because of this, unclean for seven days,
Nm 31:19 - And remain beyond the camp for seven days. Whoever has killed a man, or who has touched one that was killed, shall be purified on the third day and on the seventh day.
Ag 2:13 - If a man will have carried sanctified flesh in the pocket of his garment, and the top of it touches his bread, or appetizer, or wine, or oil, or any food, shall it be sanctified? But the 526 priests responded by saying, “No.”
Verš 18
And into it a man who is clean shall dip hyssop, and he shall sprinkle from it the entire tent, and all its articles, and the men who were polluted by means of contact.
Ž 51:7 - Because of this, God will destroy you in the end. He will pull you up, and he will remove you from your tabernacle and your root from the land of the living.
Verš 3
And you shall deliver it to Eleazar the priest, who, having led it out beyond the camp, shall immolate it in the sight of all.
Heb 13:11 - For the bodies of those animals whose blood is carried into the Holy of holies by the high priest, on behalf of sin, are burned outside the camp.
Verš 4
And dipping his finger in its blood, he shall sprinkle it seven times, opposite the door of the tabernacle.
Heb 9:13 - For if the blood of goats and oxen, and the ashes of a calf, when these are sprinkled, sanctify those who have been defiled, in order to cleanse the flesh,
Verš 5
And he shall burn it, while all are watching, delivering into the flame, not only its skin and flesh, but also the blood and dung.
Ex 29:14 - Yet truly, the flesh of the calf, and the hide and the dung, you shall burn outside, beyond the camp, because it is for sin.
Lv 4:11 - Yet truly, the skin and all the flesh, with the head and the feet, and the intestines and the dung,
Nm 19,1 - O prípadoch, keď sa možno poškvrniť, pozri Lv 12 a 15. Najväčším poškvrnením bolo dotknúť sa ľudskej mŕtvoly. Bolo to vari preto, že smrť je následkom hriechu, a preto zobrazovala aj hriech. Nielen dotyk, lež aj blízkosť mŕtvoly poškvrňovala na týždeň. Od poškvrnenia mŕtvolou nebolo sa možno očistiť akoukoľvek vodou, na to sa vyžadovala voda, zmiešaná s popolom červenej jalovice, tzv. očistná voda.Obrad s jalovicou mal vykonať Eleazar, a nie veľkňaz Áron. Poškvrnil by sa dotykom zabitej jalovice (Lv 17,2; 16,26; 21,11). Obrad sa konal mimo tábora na znamenie, že hriech a smrť nemá miesta v tábore. O kropení pozri Lv 4,6.17.
Nm 19,6 - Porov. Lv 14,4.6.49. Ako vidno, jalovica bola skutočne obetou za hriech. Za hriech sa obyčajne obetoval býk (Lv 4,4). Tu sa však prikazuje jalovica, pretože ženské pohlavie je darom života. Značí to teda protiklad smrti.V tom, že jalovicu obetovali mimo tábora, podľa návodu sv. Pavla Otcovia vidia predobraz Ježiša Krista, ktorý trpel a umrel za hriechy ľudstva vonku z mesta, za hradbami (Hebr 13,12). Očistná voda, pomiešaná s popolom z červenej jalovice, je zasa predobraz krstu, pretože táto sviatosť dostáva svoju silu z obety kríža, akoby z krvi Spasiteľovej.