| Kniha GenezisBiblia - Sväté písmo(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD) | Gn 48, 1-22 |
1 Gn 48, 1 After these things were done, it was reported to Joseph that his father was sick. And taking his two sons Manasseh and Ephraim, he went directly to him. 2 Gn 48, 2 And it was told to the old man, “Behold, your son Joseph is coming to you.” And being strengthened, he sat up in bed. 3 Gn 48, 3 And when he had entered to him, he said: “Almighty God appeared to me at Luz, which is in the land of Canaan, and he blessed me. 4 Gn 48, 4 And he said: ‘I will increase and multiply you, and I will make you influential among the people. And I will give this land to you, and to your offspring after you, as an everlasting possession.’ 5 Gn 48, 5 Therefore, your two sons, who were born to you in the land of Egypt before I came here to you, will be mine. Ephraim and Manasseh will be treated by me just like Reuben and Simeon. 6 Gn 48, 6 But the remainder, whom you will conceive after them, will be yours, and they will be called by the name of their brothers among their possessions. 7 Gn 48, 7 As for me, when I came from Mesopotamia, Rachel died in the land of Canaan on the very journey, and it was springtime. And I entered Ephrath and buried her next to the way of Ephrath, which by another name is called Bethlehem.” 8 Gn 48, 8 Then, seeing his sons, he said to him: “Who are these?” 9 Gn 48, 9 He responded, “They are my sons, whom God gave to me as a gift in this place.” “Bring them to me,” he said, “so that I may bless them.” 10 Gn 48, 10 For Israel’s eyes were clouded by reason of his great age, and he was unable to see clearly. And when they were placed up against him, he kissed and embraced them. 11 Gn 48, 11 And he said to his son: “I have not been cheated out of seeing you. Moreover, God has shown me your offspring.” 12 Gn 48, 12 And when Joseph had taken them from his father’s lap, he reverenced prone on the ground. 13 Gn 48, 13 And he placed Ephraim on his right, that is, towards the left hand of Israel. Yet truly Manasseh was on his left, namely, towards his father’s right hand. And he placed them both up against him. 14 Gn 48, 14 And he, extending his right hand, placed it over the head of Ephraim, the younger brother, but the left hand was on the head of Manasseh, who was the elder, so that his hands were crossed. 15 Gn 48, 15 And Jacob blessed the sons of Joseph, and he said: “God, in whose sight my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, God who pastured me from my youth until the present day, 16 Gn 48, 16 the Angel, who rescues me from all evils: bless these boys. And let my name be invoked over them, and also the names of my fathers, Abraham and Isaac. And may they increase into a multitude across the earth.” 17 Gn 48, 17 But Joseph, seeing that his father had placed his right hand over the head of Ephraim, took it gravely. And grasping his father’s hand, he tried to lift it from Ephraim’s head and transfer it onto the head of Manasseh. 18 Gn 48, 18 And he said to his father: “It should not have come to pass this way, father. For this one is the firstborn. Place your right hand over his head.” 19 Gn 48, 19 But refusing, he said: “I know, my son, I know. And this one, indeed, will be among the people and will be multiplied. But his younger brother will be greater than he. And his offspring will increase among the nations.” 20 Gn 48, 20 And he blessed them at that time, saying: “In you, Israel will be blessed, and it will be said: ‘May God treat you like Ephraim, and like Manasseh.’ ” And he established Ephraim before Manasseh. 21 Gn 48, 21 And he said to his son Joseph: “See, I am dying, and God will be with you, and he will lead you back to the land of your fathers. 22 Gn 48, 22 I give you one part beyond that of your brothers, which I took from the hand of the Amorite with my sword and my bow.”
 | | Gn 48, 1-22 |
Verš 3
And when he had entered to him, he said: “Almighty God appeared to me at Luz, which is in the land of Canaan, and he blessed me.
Gn 17:1 - In truth, after he began to be ninety-nine years of age, the Lord appeared to him. And he said to him: “I am the Almighty God. Walk in my sight and become complete.
Gn 35:6 - And so, Jacob arrived at Luz, which is in the land of Canaan, also named Bethel: he and all the people with him.
Verš 4
And he said: ‘I will increase and multiply you, and I will make you influential among the people. And I will give this land to you, and to your offspring after you, as an everlasting possession.’
Gn 28:3 - And may God almighty bless you, and may he cause you to increase and also to multiply, so that you may be influential among the people.
Gn 35:11 - and he said to him: “I am Almighty God: increase and multiply. Tribes and peoples of nations will be from you, and kings will go forth from your loins.
Verš 5
Therefore, your two sons, who were born to you in the land of Egypt before I came here to you, will be mine. Ephraim and Manasseh will be treated by me just like Reuben and Simeon.
Gn 41:50 - Then, before the famine arrived, Joseph had two sons born, whom Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera, priest of Heliopolis, bore for him.
Gn 46:20 - And sons were born to Joseph in the land of Egypt, whom Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera, priest of Heliopolis, bore for him: Manasseh and Ephraim.
Verš 7
As for me, when I came from Mesopotamia, Rachel died in the land of Canaan on the very journey, and it was springtime. And I entered Ephrath and buried her next to the way of Ephrath, which by another name is called Bethlehem.”
Gn 35:19 - And so Rachel died, and she was buried in the way that leads to Ephrath: this place is Bethlehem.
Verš 15
And Jacob blessed the sons of Joseph, and he said: “God, in whose sight my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, God who pastured me from my youth until the present day,
Heb 11:21 - By faith, Jacob, as he was dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph; and he reverenced the summit of his rod.
Verš 16
the Angel, who rescues me from all evils: bless these boys. And let my name be invoked over them, and also the names of my fathers, Abraham and Isaac. And may they increase into a multitude across the earth.”
Gn 31:42 - If the God of my father Abraham and the fear of Isaac had not been close to me, perhaps by now you would have sent me away naked. But God looked kindly on my affliction and the labor of my hands, and he rebuked you yesterday.”
Gn 32:1 - Likewise, Jacob continued on the journey that he had begun. And the Angels of God met him.
Verš 19
But refusing, he said: “I know, my son, I know. And this one, indeed, will be among the people and will be multiplied. But his younger brother will be greater than he. And his offspring will increase among the nations.”
Rút 4:11 - All the people who were at the gate, along with the eldest, answered, “We are witnesses. May the Lord make this woman, who enters into your house, like Rachel, and Leah, who built up the house of Israel, so that she may be an example of virtue in Ephrathah, and so that her name may be honored in Bethlehem.
Verš 20
And he blessed them at that time, saying: “In you, Israel will be blessed, and it will be said: ‘May God treat you like Ephraim, and like Manasseh.’ ” And he established Ephraim before Manasseh.
Jer 31:20 - Certainly, Ephraim is an honorable son to me; surely, he is a tender child. For I will still remember him, as in the time when I first spoke about him. Because my heart is stirred up over him, surely I will take pity on him, says the Lord.
Verš 22
I give you one part beyond that of your brothers, which I took from the hand of the Amorite with my sword and my bow.”
Joz 13:7 - And now, divide the land as a possession to the nine tribes, and to the one half tribe of Manasseh.”
Joz 16:1 - Similarly, the lot of the sons of Joseph fell from the Jordan, opposite Jericho and its waters, to the east, to the wilderness that ascends from Jericho to the mountain of Bethel.
Joz 17:1 - Now this lot fell to the tribe of Manasseh, since he is the firstborn of Joseph: to Machir, the firstborn of Manasseh, the father of Gilead, who was a fighting man, and he had as a possession Gilead and Bashan;
Joz 24:8 - And I led you into the land of the Amorite, who was living beyond the Jordan. And when they fought against you, I delivered them into your hands, and you possessed their land, and you put them to death.
Gn 48,5 - Jakub adoptuje oboch synov Jozefových. Dáva im tie isté práva, ako majú ostatní synovia Jakubovi. Na požehnaní a prísľube z Betelu (35,11–12) majú mať synovia Jozefovi rovnaký podiel ako ostatní synovia Jakubovi. Efraim a Manasses stanú sa praotcami kmeňov a pripadne im rovnaký podiel pri rozdelení Kanaánu.
Gn 48,6 - Jozef mal aj iných synov, tí sa však pripoja k Efraimovi a Manassesovi. Keď Jakub namiesto Jozefa volí za dedičov jeho dvoch synov, tým dáva najavo, že na Jozefa preniesol právo prvorodeného. Jozef vo svojich synoch dostáva dva podiely. A to bolo právo prvorodeného.
Gn 48,7 - Porov. pozn. k 35,16–20.
Gn 48,8 - Jakubov zrak je už slabý, vidí dve postavy, ale už ich nerozoznáva.
Gn 48,13 - Jozef predvádza svojich synov podľa veku, a to tak, aby Jakubova pravá ruka dostala sa na staršieho syna, Manassesa. Pravica značila šťastie a hojnosť a toto všetko mal dostať prvorodený Jozefov.
Gn 48,19 - Mladší Jozefov Efraim v budúcnosti bude viac znamenať v histórii vyvoleného národa ako Manasses, bude to mocný a početný kmeň. Efraimov kmeň dostáva sa na popredné miesto v čase sudcov a po Šalamúnovi je vôbec najmocnejším kmeňom v severnej ríši kráľovstva Efraim!
Gn 48,20 - Požehnanie, ktoré dostávajú synovia Jozefovi, bude príslovečné. Keď niekto bude žehnať svoje potomstvo, bude im žičiť šťastie, ktorým obdaril Boh Efraima a Manassesa.
Gn 48,22 - Podiel, ktorý vyrval Jakub v boji Amorejčanom, nie je pozemok, ktorý kúpil (33,19). Apokryfná kniha Jubileorum v hl. 34 má rozpravu o boji, ktorý viedol Jakub s amorejskými kráľmi v okolí Sichemu, keď jeho synovia boli tu prepadnutí. Mojžiš tu zachytáva podanie o tomto boji. Isteže je to pozemok, podiel v okolí Sichemu; neskoršie tam uložili Jozefove kosti (Ex 13,19 a Joz 24,32).