výhody registrácie

Kniha Jób

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Jób 33, 1-33

1 (CPDV) Therefore, hear my speeches, Job, and listen to all my words.
1 (ROH) Avšak počuj, prosím, Jobe, moje reči a pozoruj ušima na všetky moje slová!

2 (CPDV) Behold, I have opened my mouth; let my tongue speak along with my throat.
2 (ROH) Nože hľa, otvorím svoje ústa; môj jazyk bude hovoriť v mojich ústach.

3 (CPDV) My words are from my simple heart, and my lips will speak a pure judgment.
3 (ROH) Moje slová budú úprimnosťou môjho srdca, a čo do známosti mojich rtov, budú hovoriť čiste.

4 (CPDV) The Spirit of God made me, and the breath of the Almighty gave me life.
4 (ROH) Duch silného Boha ma učinil a dych Všemohúceho mi dal život.

5 (CPDV) If you can, answer me, and oppose me to my face.
5 (ROH) Ak môžeš, odpovedz mi; priprav sa predo mnou na odpor a postav sa!

6 (CPDV) Behold, God has made me, just as he also has made you, and I, likewise, have been formed of the same clay.
6 (ROH) Hľa, ja som práve tak Boží jako ty, i ja som odštiknutý z blata.

7 (CPDV) So, truly, do not let my wonders terrify you, and do not let my eloquence be burdensome to you.
7 (ROH) Hľa, tedy, môj strach ťa nepredesí, a môj tlak nebude ťažko doliehať na teba.

8 (CPDV) For you have spoken in my hearing, and I have heard the voice of your words, saying:
8 (ROH) Ale si povedal predo mnou, v moje uši, a počul som zvuk tvojich slov:

9 (CPDV) “I am clean and without sin; I am immaculate, and there is no iniquity in me.
9 (ROH) Čistý som, bez prestúpenia, nevinný som a nemám neprávosti na svedomí.

10 (CPDV) Yet he has discovered blame in me, and so he has treated me like his enemy.
10 (ROH) Hľa, vynašiel proti mne príčiny k nepriateľstvu; považuje ma sebe za nepriateľa.

11 (CPDV) He has put my feet in fetters; he has kept watch over all my ways.”
11 (ROH) Vložil moje nohy do klady; strežie všetky moje stezky.

12 (CPDV) Therefore, it is for this reason that you have not been justified. For I tell you that God is greater than man.
12 (ROH) Hľa, v tej veci nie si spravedlivý; odpoviem ti, pretože je Bôh väčší ako smrteľný človek.

13 (CPDV) Do you contend against him because he has not responded to all of your words?
13 (ROH) Prečo sa s ním pravotíš, že sa nezodpovedá za niktoré svoje veci?

14 (CPDV) God speaks once, and he does not repeat the same thing a second time.
14 (ROH) Lebo raz hovorí silný Bôh i dva razy, a človek toho nevidí,

15 (CPDV) Through a dream in a vision of the night, when a deep sleep falls over men, and they are sleeping in their beds,
15 (ROH) vo sne videnia noci, keď pripáda hlboký spánok na ľudí v driemotách na posteli.

16 (CPDV) then, he opens the ears of men, and, educating them, he teaches discipline,
16 (ROH) Vtedy odhaľuje ucho ľudí a zapečaťuje to, čomu ich učí,

17 (CPDV) so that he may divert a man from the things that he is doing, and may free him from pride,
17 (ROH) aby odviedol človeka od zlého skutku a zakryl pýchu pred mužom.

18 (CPDV) rescuing his soul from corruption and his life from passing away by the sword.
18 (ROH) Zdržuje jeho dušu od jamy a jeho život, aby nenadišiel na meč.

19 (CPDV) Likewise, he rebukes by sorrow in bed, and he causes all of his bones to become weak.
19 (ROH) A je káraný bolesťou na svojej loži a jeho kosti trvalou pravotou káravou,

20 (CPDV) Bread becomes abominable to him in his life, and, to his soul, the meat which before he desired.
20 (ROH) takže si jeho život oškliví chlieb a jeho duša pokrm, ináče žiadúci.

21 (CPDV) His body will waste away, and his bones, which had been covered, will be revealed.
21 (ROH) Jeho telo hynie, až ho nezrieť, a jeho kosti páčia, ktoré sa nevidely.

22 (CPDV) His soul has approached corruption, and his life has drawn near to what is deadly.
22 (ROH) A tak sa blíži jeho duša jame a jeho život usmrcujúcim.

23 (CPDV) If there were an angel speaking for him, one among thousands, to declare the fairness of the man,
23 (ROH) No, ak je pri ňom anjel vykladač, jeden z tisíca, aby oznámil za človeka jeho právo,

24 (CPDV) he will have mercy on him, and he will say, “Free him, so that he will not descend to destruction. I have found a reason to be favorable to him.
24 (ROH) vtedy sa zľutuje nad ním a povie: Vyprosti ho, aby nesostúpil do jamy; našiel som výkupné.

25 (CPDV) His body is consumed by suffering. Let him return to the days of his youth.”
25 (ROH) Vtedy omladne jeho telo viac ako za detstva; navráti sa ku dňom svojej mladosti;

26 (CPDV) He will beg pardon from God, and he will be soothing to him; and he will look upon his face in jubilation, and he will restore his justice to man.
26 (ROH) bude sa modliť Bohu, a bude mu milostivý, a uvidí jeho tvár s jasotom, a Bôh navráti smrteľnému človekovi jeho spravedlivosť.

27 (CPDV) He will consider mankind, and he will say: “I have sinned and truly I have offended, yet I was not treated as I deserved.”
27 (ROH) Bude spievať hľadiac na ľudí a povie: Zhrešil som a prevrátil som to, čo je pravé, a nie je mi odplatené podľa zásluhy.

28 (CPDV) He has freed his soul from continuing into destruction, so that, in living, it may see the light.
28 (ROH) Vykúpil moju dušu, aby neišla do jamy, a môj život, aby videl svetlo.

29 (CPDV) Behold, all these things God works three times within each one,
29 (ROH) Hľa, to všetko robí silný Bôh, a to dvakrát i trikrát pri človekovi,

30 (CPDV) so that he may revive their souls from corruption and enlighten them with the light of life. 304
30 (ROH) aby vrátil jeho dušu zpät od jamy, aby bol osvietený svetlom živých.

31 (CPDV) Pay attention Job, and listen to me; and remain silent, while I speak.
31 (ROH) Pozoruj, Jobe, ušima, počuj ma; mlč, a ja budem hovoriť.

32 (CPDV) Yet, if you have anything to say, answer me and speak, for I want you to be treated justly.
32 (ROH) Ak máš, čo povedať, odpovedz mi; hovor, lebo by som ťa chcel ospravedlniť.

33 (CPDV) But if you do not have anything to say, then listen to me. Be quiet and I will teach you wisdom.
33 (ROH) Ale ak nič, počuj ty mňa; mlč, a poučím ťa múdrosti.

Jób 33, 1-33

Verš 6
Behold, God has made me, just as he also has made you, and I, likewise, have been formed of the same clay.
Jób 9:35 - I will speak and I will not fear him, for in fearfulness I am not able to respond.
Jób 23:10 - Truly, he knows my way and has tested me like gold that passes through fire.

Verš 8
For you have spoken in my hearing, and I have heard the voice of your words, saying:
Jób 10:7 - And you know that I have done nothing impious, yet there is no one who can deliver from your hand.
Jób 16:17 - My face is swollen from weeping, and my eyelids have dimmed my vision.
Jób 23:10 - Truly, he knows my way and has tested me like gold that passes through fire.
Jób 27:5 - Far be it from me that I should judge you to be right, for, until I expire, I will not withdraw from my innocence.

Verš 10
Yet he has discovered blame in me, and so he has treated me like his enemy.
Jób 13:24 - Why do you conceal your face and consider me to be your enemy?
Jób 16:9 - My wrinkles bear witness against me, and a liar rises up against my face, contradicting me.
Jób 19:11 - His fury has raged against me, and in this way he has treated me like his enemy.

Verš 11
He has put my feet in fetters; he has kept watch over all my ways.”
Jób 13:27 - You have put my feet on a tether, and you have observed all my paths, and you have considered the steps of my feet.
Jób 14:16 - Indeed, you have numbered my steps, but you have been lenient with my sins.

Verš 20
Bread becomes abominable to him in his life, and, to his soul, the meat which before he desired.
Ž 107:18 -

Verš 26
He will beg pardon from God, and he will be soothing to him; and he will look upon his face in jubilation, and he will restore his justice to man.
Ž 50:15 - I will teach the unjust your ways, and the impious will be converted to you.
Iz 58:9 - Then you will call, and the Lord will heed; you will cry out, and he will say, “Here I am,” if you take away the chains from your midst, and cease to point your finger and to speak what is not beneficial.

Verš 30
so that he may revive their souls from corruption and enlighten them with the light of life. 304
Ž 56:13 -

Job 33,9 - Elihu zopakuje súhrn Jóbových tvrdení, ktorými ustavične zdôrazňoval svoju nevinnosť (porov. 9,21; 10,7; 12,4; 16,17; 27,5 n.). Odsúdi Jóbovu opovážlivosť. Veď podľa verša 10 Jób pripisoval Bohu istú predpojatosť (porov. 13,24; 19,11).

Job 33,14 - Boh hovorí k ľuďom rozmanitým spôsobom. Elihu uvádza aspoň tri spôsoby: Boh hovorí pomocou videnia (verše 15–18), prostredníctvom chorôb a neduhov (verše 19–22) a konečne cestou priateľského napomenutia (verše 23–28).