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2. list Timotejovi

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

2Tim 1, 1-18

1 (CPDV) Paul, an Apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, in accord with the promise of the life which is in Christ Jesus,
1 (KAT) Pavol, z Božej vôle apoštol Ježiša Krista podľa prisľúbenia života, ktorý je v Kristovi Ježišovi,
1 (ROH) Pavel, apoštol Ježiša Krista vôľou Božou podľa zasľúbenia života, ktorý je v Kristu Ježišovi,

2 (CPDV) to Timothy, most beloved son. Grace, mercy, peace, from God the Father and from Christ Jesus our Lord.
2 (KAT) milovanému synovi Timotejovi: Milosť, milosrdenstvo a pokoj od Boha Otca i od Ježiša Krista, nášho Pána.
2 (ROH) Timoteovi, milovanému dieťaťu: milosť, milosrdenstvo, pokoj od Boha Otca a od Krista Ježiša, nášho Pána.

3 (CPDV) I give thanks to God, whom I serve, as my forefathers did, with a pure conscience. For without ceasing I hold the remembrance of you in my prayers, night and day,
3 (KAT) Vzdávam vďaky Bohu, ktorému slúžim s čistým svedomím ako moji predkovia, keď na teba neprestajne myslím vo svojich modlitbách vo dne v noci.
3 (ROH) Ďakujem Bohu, ktorému slúžim od predkov v čistom svedomí, jako neprestajne mám na teba pamäť vo svojich prosbách dňom i nocou

4 (CPDV) desiring to see you, recalling your tears so as to be filled with joy,
4 (KAT) A keď si spomínam na tvoje slzy, túžim ťa vidieť, aby ma naplnila radosť.
4 (ROH) túžiac ťa vidieť, pamätlivý tvojich sĺz, aby som bol naplnený radosťou,

5 (CPDV) calling to mind the same faith, which is in you unfeigned, which also first dwelt in your grandmother, Lois, and in your mother, Eunice, and also, I am certain, in you.
5 (KAT) Spomínam si na tvoju úprimnú vieru, akú mala už tvoja stará matka Loida a tvoja matka Eunika, a som presvedčený, že aj ty.
5 (ROH) keď sa rozpomínam na nepokryteckú vieru, ktorá je v tebe, a ktorá prebývala najprv v tvojej starej materi Loide i v tvojej matke Eunike, a som presvedčený, že aj v tebe.

6 (CPDV) Because of this, I admonish you to revive the grace of God, which is in you by the imposition of my hands.
6 (KAT) Preto ti pripomínam, aby si roznecoval Boží dar, ktorý je v tebe prostredníctvom vkladania mojich rúk.
6 (ROH) A pre tú príčinu ťa upomínam, aby si roznecoval dar Boží, ktorý je v tebe, daný ti vložením mojich rúk.

7 (CPDV) For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of virtue, and of love, and of self-restraint.
7 (KAT) Veď Boh nám nedal Ducha bojazlivosti, ale Ducha sily, lásky a rozvahy.
7 (ROH) Lebo nám nedal Bôh ducha bojazlivosti, ale moci a lásky a zdravého rozumu.

8 (CPDV) And so, do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me, his prisoner. Instead, collaborate with the Gospel in accord with the virtue of God,
8 (KAT) Preto sa nehanbi za svedectvo o našom Pánovi ani za mňa, jeho väzňa, ale trp spolu so mnou za evanjelium, posilňovaný mocou Boha.
8 (ROH) A tak sa nehanbi za svedoctvo nášho Pána ani za mňa, jeho väzňa, ale trp priekorie spolu s evanjeliom podľa moci Boha,

9 (CPDV) who has freed us and has called us to his holy vocation, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given to us in Christ Jesus, before the ages of time.
9 (KAT) On nás spasil a povolal svätým povolaním, nie pre naše skutky, ale zo svojho rozhodnutia a milosti, ktorú sme dostali v Ježišovi Kristovi pred večnými vekmi.
9 (ROH) ktorý nás spasil a povolal svätým povolaním, nie podľa našich skutkov, ale podľa vlastného preduloženia a podľa vlastnej milosti, ktorá nám je daná v Kristu Ježišovi pred večnými časy,

10 (CPDV) And this has now been made manifest by the illumination of our Savior Jesus Christ, who certainly has destroyed death, and who has also illuminated life and incorruption through the Gospel.
10 (KAT) No známou sa stala až teraz, keď sa zjavil náš Spasiteľ Ježiš Kristus. On zničil smrť a zjavil život a nesmrteľnosť evanjeliom
10 (ROH) ale zjavená teraz zjavením sa nášho Spasiteľa Ježiša Krista, ktorý zahladil smrť a vyviedol na svetlo život a neporušiteľnosť skrze evanjelium,

11 (CPDV) Of this Gospel, I have been appointed a preacher, and an Apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles.
11 (KAT) a ja som ustanovený za jeho hlásateľa, apoštola a učiteľa.
11 (ROH) cieľom ktorého som ja ustanovený za kazateľa a apoštola a za učiteľa pohanov,

12 (CPDV) For this reason, I also suffer these things. But I am not confounded. For I know in whom I have believed, and I am certain that he has the power to preserve what was entrusted to me, unto that day.
12 (KAT) Preto aj toto trpím, ale sa nehanbím, lebo viem, komu som uveril, a som presvedčený, že má moc zachovať to, čo mi bolo zverené, až do onoho dňa.
12 (ROH) pre ktorú príčinu aj toto trpím, ale sa nehanbím, lebo viem, komu som uveril, aj som presvedčený, že má moc ostrážiť to, čo uložil u mňa, do tamtoho dňa.

13 (CPDV) Hold to the kind of sound words that you have heard from me in the faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.
13 (KAT) Maj za vzor zdravých slov to, čo si počul odo mňa, vo viere a v láske, ktoré sú v Ježišovi Kristovi.
13 (ROH) Za vzor zdravých slov maj tie, ktoré si počul odo mňa vo viere a láske, ktorá je v Kristu Ježišovi.

14 (CPDV) Guard the good entrusted to you through the Holy Spirit, who lives within us.
14 (KAT) Zverený poklad chráň mocou Ducha Svätého, ktorý v nás prebýva.
14 (ROH) Krásne u teba složené imanie stráž a zachovaj Svätým Duchom, ktorý prebýva v nás.

15 (CPDV) Know this: that all those who are in Asia have turned away from me, among whom are Phigellus and Hermogenes.
15 (KAT) Vieš, že sa odo mňa odvrátili všetci, čo sú v Ázii, medzi nimi aj Fygelus a Hermogenes.
15 (ROH) To vieš, že sa odvrátili odo mňa všetci, ktorí sú v Ázii, z ktorých je Fygellus a Hermogenes.

16 (CPDV) May the Lord have mercy on the house of Onesiphorus, because he has often refreshed me, and he has not been ashamed of my chains.
16 (KAT) Nech Pán preukáže milosrdenstvo Oneziforovmu domu, lebo často ma osviežil a nehanbil sa za moje okovy,
16 (ROH) Nech dá Pán milosrdenstvo domu Oneziforovmu, lebo ma mnoho ráz občerstvil a nehanbil sa moju reťaz.

17 (CPDV) Instead, when he had arrived in Rome, he anxiously sought me and found me.
17 (KAT) ale keď prišiel do Ríma, usilovne ma hľadal a našiel ma.
17 (ROH) Ale keď prišiel do Ríma, usilovne ma hľadal i našiel.

18 (CPDV) May the Lord grant to him to obtain mercy from the Lord in that day. And you know well in how many ways he has ministered to me at Ephesus.
18 (KAT) - Nech mu Pán dá, aby v onen deň našiel milosrdenstvo u Pána. - A aké služby preukázal v Efeze, ty vieš najlepšie.
18 (ROH) Nech mu dá Pán najsť milosrdenstvo od Pána v tamten deň! A koľko slúžil v Efeze, ty vieš lepšie.

2Tim 1, 1-18

Verš 2
to Timothy, most beloved son. Grace, mercy, peace, from God the Father and from Christ Jesus our Lord.
Gal 1:3 - Grace and peace to you from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ,
1Tim 1:2 - to Timothy, beloved son in the faith. Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and from Christ Jesus our Lord.
1Pt 1:2 - in accord with the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sanctification of the Spirit, with the obedience and the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: May grace and peace be multiplied for you.

Verš 3
I give thanks to God, whom I serve, as my forefathers did, with a pure conscience. For without ceasing I hold the remembrance of you in my prayers, night and day,
Sk 22:3 - And he said: “I am a Jewish man, born at Tarsus in Cilicia, but raised in this city beside the feet of Gamaliel, taught according to the truth of the law of the fathers, zealous for the law, just as all of you also are to this day.
Rim 1:9 - For God is my witness, whom I serve in my spirit by the Gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I have kept a remembrance of you
1Sol 1:2 - Grace and peace to you. We give thanks to God always for all of you, keeping the memory of you in our prayers without ceasing,
1Sol 3:10 - For night and day, ever more abundantly, we are praying that we may see your face, and that we may complete those things that are lacking in your faith.

Verš 6
Because of this, I admonish you to revive the grace of God, which is in you by the imposition of my hands.
Sk 6:6 - These they set before the sight of the Apostles, and while praying, they imposed hands on them.
Sk 8:17 - Then they laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.
Sk 13:3 - Then, fasting and praying and imposing their hands upon them, they sent them away.
Sk 19:6 - And when Paul had imposed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came over them. And they were speaking in tongues and prophesying.
1Tim 4:14 - Do not be willing to neglect the grace that is within you, which was given to you through prophecy, with the imposition of the hands of the priesthood.
1Tim 5:22 - You should not be quick to impose hands on anyone, nor should you take part in the sins of outsiders. Keep yourself chaste.

Verš 7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of virtue, and of love, and of self-restraint.
Rim 8:15 - And you have not received, again, a spirit of servitude in fear, but you have received the Spirit of the adoption of sons, in whom we cry out: “Abba, Father!”

Verš 8
And so, do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me, his prisoner. Instead, collaborate with the Gospel in accord with the virtue of God,
Rim 1:16 - For I am not ashamed of the Gospel. For it is the power of God unto salvation for all believers, the Jew first, and the Greek.
Sk 21:33 - Then the tribune, drawing near, apprehended him and ordered that he be bound with two chains. And he was asking who he was and what he had done.
Ef 3:1 - By reason of this grace, I, Paul, am a prisoner of Jesus Christ, for the sake of you Gentiles.
Ef 4:1 - And so, as a prisoner in the Lord, I beg you to walk in a manner worthy of the vocation to which you have been called:
Kol 4:18 - The greeting of Paul by my own hand. Remember my chains. May grace be with you. Amen.
Flm 1:1 - Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus, and Timothy, a brother, to Philemon, our beloved fellow laborer,
Flm 1:9 - but I beg you instead, for the sake of charity, since you are so much like Paul: an old man and now also a prisoner of Jesus Christ.
Flm 1:13 - I myself wanted to retain him with me, so that he might minister to me, on your behalf, while I am in the chains of the Gospel.

Verš 9
who has freed us and has called us to his holy vocation, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given to us in Christ Jesus, before the ages of time.
Ef 1:3 - Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavens, in Christ,
Tít 3:4 - But then the kindness and humanity of God our Savior appeared.

Verš 10
And this has now been made manifest by the illumination of our Savior Jesus Christ, who certainly has destroyed death, and who has also illuminated life and incorruption through the Gospel.
Rim 16:25 - But to him who is able to confirm you according to my Gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, in accord with the revelation of the mystery which has been hidden from time immemorial,
Ef 1:9 - So does he make known to us the mystery of his will, which he has set forth in Christ, in a manner well-pleasing to him,
Ef 3:9 - and to enlighten everyone concerning the dispensation of the mystery, hidden before the ages in God who created all things,
Kol 1:26 - the mystery which had remained hidden to past ages and generations, but which now is manifested to his saints.
Tít 1:2 - in the hope of the eternal life that God, who does not lie, promised before the ages of time,
1Pt 1:20 - foreknown, certainly, before the foundation of the world, and made manifest in these latter times for your sake.
Iz 25:8 - He will violently cast down death forever. And the Lord God will take away the tears from every face, and he will take away the disgrace of his people from the entire earth. For the Lord has spoken it.
Heb 2:14 - Therefore, because children have a common flesh and blood, he himself also, in like manner, has shared in the same, so that through death, he might destroy him who held the dominion of death, that is, the devil,

Verš 11
Of this Gospel, I have been appointed a preacher, and an Apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles.
Sk 9:15 - Then the Lord said to him: “Go, for this one is an instrument chosen by me to convey my name before nations and kings and the sons of Israel.
Sk 13:2 - Now as they were ministering for the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said to them: “Separate Saul and Barnabas for me, for the work for which I have selected them.”
Sk 22:21 - And he said to me, ‘Go forth. For I am sending you to far away nations.’ ”
Gal 1:15 - But, when it pleased him who, from my mother’s womb, had set me apart, and who has called me by his grace,
Gal 2:8 - For he who was working the Apostleship to the circumcised in Peter, was also working in me among the Gentiles.
Ef 3:8 - Although I am the least of all the saints, I have been given this grace: to evangelize among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ,
1Tim 2:7 - Of this testimony, I have been appointed a preacher and an Apostle, (I speak the truth, I do not lie) as a teacher of the Gentiles, in faith and in truth.

Verš 13
Hold to the kind of sound words that you have heard from me in the faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.
1Tim 3:14 - I am writing these things to you, with the hope that I will come to you soon.

Verš 15
Know this: that all those who are in Asia have turned away from me, among whom are Phigellus and Hermogenes.
Sk 19:10 - Now this was done throughout two years, so that all who were living in Asia listened to the Word of the Lord, both Jews and Gentiles.

Verš 16
May the Lord have mercy on the house of Onesiphorus, because he has often refreshed me, and he has not been ashamed of my chains.
2Tim 4:19 - Greet Prisca, and Aquila, and the household of Onesiphorus.

2Tim 1,6 - Porov. 1 Tim 4, 14.

2Tim 1,8 - Pavol píše tento list počas druhého väznenia v Ríme.

2Tim 1,9-10 - Ide o základné prvky kresťanskej katechézy.

2Tim 1,12 - O tom, čo mu bolo "zverené" (depósitum), porov. poznámku k 1 Tim 6, 20. "Onen deň" je deň slávneho Kristovho príchodu, deň súdu.

2Tim 1,15 - Nejde o zanechanie viery, ale o nedostatok odvahy vytrvať pri ňom a vydávať svedectvo.

2Tim 1,16 - Niektorí z tohto vyjadrenia usudzujú, že Oneziforos medzitým zomrel.