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List Títovi

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Tít 1, 1-16

1 (CPDV) Paul, a servant of God and an Apostle of Jesus Christ, in accord with the faith of God’s elect and in acknowledgment of the truth which is accompanied by piety,
1 (KAT) Pavol, služobník Boha a apoštol Ježiša Krista pre vieru Božích vyvolených a pre poznanie pravdy, ktorá na základe nábožnosti vedie
1 (ROH) Pavel, sluha Boží, ale apoštol Ježiša Krista podľa viery vyvolených Božích a podľa známosti pravdy, pravdy podľa pobožnosti,

2 (CPDV) in the hope of the eternal life that God, who does not lie, promised before the ages of time,
2 (KAT) k nádeji na večný život, ktorý pred večnými vekmi prisľúbil pravdovravný Boh,
2 (ROH) na nádeji večného života, ktorý zasľúbil neklamný Bôh pred večnými časy

3 (CPDV) which, at the proper time, he has manifested by his Word, in the preaching that has been entrusted to me by the command of God our Savior;
3 (KAT) ale v určenom čase zjavil svoje slovo v kázaní, ktoré mi bolo zverené na rozkaz Boha, nášho Spasiteľa,
3 (ROH) a zjavil vo svojich vlastných časoch svoje slovo kázňou, ktorou som ja poverený podľa nariadenia nášho Spasiteľa Boha,

4 (CPDV) to Titus, beloved son according to the common faith. Grace and peace, from God the Father and from Christ Jesus our Savior.
4 (KAT) - Títovi, pravému synovi podľa spoločnej viery: Milosť a pokoj od Boha Otca i od Krista Ježiša, nášho Spasiteľa.
4 (ROH) Títovi, svojmu pravému dieťaťu podľa obecnej viery: milosť, milosrdenstvo a pokoj od Boha Otca a od Pána Ježiša Krista, nášho Spasiteľa.

5 (CPDV) For this reason, I left you behind in Crete: so that those things which are lacking, you would correct, and so that you would ordain, throughout the communities, priests, (just as I also ordained you)
5 (KAT) Na to som ťa nechal na Kréte, aby si usporiadal, čo ešte treba, a po mestách ustanovil starších, ako som ti prikázal;
5 (ROH) Nato som ťa zanechal na Kréte, aby si to, čo ešte chýba, uviedol do poriadku, a po mestách ustanovil starších, ako som ti nariadil,

6 (CPDV) if such a man is without offense, the husband of one wife, having faithful children, not accused of self-indulgence, nor of insubordination.
6 (KAT) nech je každý z nich bez úhony, muž jednej ženy, má mať veriace deti, ktoré nemožno obviniť z neviazanosti a neposlušnosti.
6 (ROH) že ak je niekto bez úhony, muž jednej ženy, má deti veriace, nie také, na ktoré žalujú, že sú prostopašné alebo nepoddajné.

7 (CPDV) And a bishop, as a steward of God, must be without offense: not arrogant, not short-tempered, not a drunkard, not violent, not desiring tainted profit,
7 (KAT) Lebo biskup ako Boží správca musí byť bez úhony, nie pyšný, hnevlivý, pijan, bitkár, ani žiadostivý mrzkého zisku,
7 (ROH) Lebo biskup, dozorca sboru, musí byť bezúhonný, jako Boží hospodár, nie svojvoľný, nie hnevivý, nie pijan vína, nie bitkár, nie žiadostivý mrzkého zisku,

8 (CPDV) but instead: hospitable, kind, sober, just, holy, chaste,
8 (KAT) ale pohostinný, láskavý, triezvy, spravodlivý, nábožný, zdržanlivý,
8 (ROH) ale pohostinný, milovník dobrého, rozumný, spravedlivý, svätý, zdržanlivý

9 (CPDV) embracing faithful speech which is in agreement with doctrine, so that he may be able to exhort in sound doctrine and to argue against those who contradict.
9 (KAT) taký, ktorý sa drží spoľahlivého slova podľa učenia, aby bol schopný aj povzbudzovať v zdravom učení, aj usvedčovať tých, čo protirečia.
9 (ROH) a ktorý sa drží verného slova, podľa učenia, aby mal moc aj napomínať v zdravom učení a trestať tých, ktorí protirečia.

10 (CPDV) For there are, indeed, many who are disobedient, who speak empty words, and who deceive, especially those who are of the circumcision.
10 (KAT) Lebo je mnoho nepoddajných, zbytočne hovoriacich a zvodcov, najmä takých, čo sú z obriezky.
10 (ROH) Lebo je mnoho i nepoddajných, márnomluvných a zvoditeľov mysle, najmä tí z obriezky,

11 (CPDV) These must be reproved, for they subvert entire houses, teaching things which should not be taught, for the favor of shameful gain.
11 (KAT) Tých treba umlčať, lebo rozvracajú celé rodiny a pre mrzký zisk učia, čo sa nemá.
11 (ROH) ktorým treba zapchať ústa, ktorí prevracajú celé domy učiac, čo sa nemá, pre mrzký zisk.

12 (CPDV) A certain one of these, a prophet of their own kind, said: “The Cretans are ever liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.”
12 (KAT) Veď ktosi z nich, ich vlastný prorok, povedal: „Kréťania sú veční luhári, zlá zver, bruchá lenivé.“
12 (ROH) Ktosi z nich, ich vlastný prorok, povedal: Kréťania boli a sú vždycky lhári, zlé zvieratá, lenivé bruchá.

13 (CPDV) This testimony is true. Because of this, rebuke them sharply, so that they may be sound in the faith,
13 (KAT) Toto svedectvo je pravdivé. Preto ich tvrdo karhaj, aby boli zdraví vo viere
13 (ROH) To svedoctvo je pravdivé. A pre tú príčinu ich prísne tresci, aby boli zdraví vo viere

14 (CPDV) not paying attention to Jewish fables, nor to the rules of men who have turned themselves away from the truth.
14 (KAT) a nedbali na židovské bájky a príkazy ľudí, ktorí sa odvracajú od pravdy.
14 (ROH) a nedbali na židovské bájky a na prikázania ľudí, ktorí sa odvracajú od pravdy.

15 (CPDV) All things are clean to those who are clean. But to those who are defiled, and to unbelievers, nothing is clean; for both their mind and their conscience have been polluted.
15 (KAT) Čistým je všetko čisté, ale poškvrneným a neveriacim nie je nič čisté; ešte aj ich myseľ a svedomie sú poškvrnené.
15 (ROH) Všetko je čisté čistým, ale poškvrneným a neverným nie je nič čisté, ale poškvrnená je aj ich myseľ aj ich svedomie.

16 (CPDV) They claim that they know God. But, by their own works, they deny him, since they are abominable, and unbelieving, and reprobate, toward every good work.
16 (KAT) Vyznávajú, že poznajú Boha, ale skutkami ho popierajú; sú odporní, neposlušní a neschopní nijakého dobrého skutku.
16 (ROH) Vyznávajú, že znajú Boha, a skutkami ho zapierajú ohavní súc a neposlušní, k niktorému dobrému skutku nedokázaní.

Tít 1, 1-16

Verš 2
in the hope of the eternal life that God, who does not lie, promised before the ages of time,
Nm 23:19 - God is not like a man, so that he would lie, nor is he like a son of man, so that he would be changed. Therefore, having spoken, will he not act? Has he ever spoken, and not fulfilled?
2Tim 2:13 - If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful: he is not able to deny himself.
Rim 16:25 - But to him who is able to confirm you according to my Gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, in accord with the revelation of the mystery which has been hidden from time immemorial,
Ef 1:9 - So does he make known to us the mystery of his will, which he has set forth in Christ, in a manner well-pleasing to him,
Ef 3:9 - and to enlighten everyone concerning the dispensation of the mystery, hidden before the ages in God who created all things,
Kol 1:26 - the mystery which had remained hidden to past ages and generations, but which now is manifested to his saints.
1Pt 1:20 - foreknown, certainly, before the foundation of the world, and made manifest in these latter times for your sake.

Verš 3
which, at the proper time, he has manifested by his Word, in the preaching that has been entrusted to me by the command of God our Savior;
Sk 20:24 - But I dread none of these things. Neither do I consider my life to be more precious because it is my own, provided that in some way I may complete my own course and that of the ministry of the Word, which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the Gospel of the grace of God.
Gal 1:1 - Paul, an Apostle, not from men and not through man, but through Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead,

Verš 4
to Titus, beloved son according to the common faith. Grace and peace, from God the Father and from Christ Jesus our Savior.
2Kor 2:12 - And when I had arrived at Troas, because of the Gospel of Christ, and a door had opened to me in the Lord,
2Kor 7:14 - And if I have gloried in anything to him about you, I have not been put to shame. But, just as we have spoken all things to you in truth, so also our glorying before Titus has been the truth.
2Kor 8:6 - so much so that we petitioned Titus, that in the same manner as he had begun, he would also complete in you this same grace.
2Kor 8:16 - But thanks be to God, who has granted to the heart of Titus, this same solicitude for you.
Gal 2:3 - But even Titus, who was with me, though he was a Gentile, was not compelled to be circumcised,
Ef 1:2 - Grace and peace to you from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Kol 1:2 - to the saints and faithful brothers in Christ Jesus who are at Colossae.
2Tim 1:2 - to Timothy, most beloved son. Grace, mercy, peace, from God the Father and from Christ Jesus our Lord.
1Pt 1:2 - in accord with the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sanctification of the Spirit, with the obedience and the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: May grace and peace be multiplied for you.

Verš 5
For this reason, I left you behind in Crete: so that those things which are lacking, you would correct, and so that you would ordain, throughout the communities, priests, (just as I also ordained you)
2Tim 2:2 - and by the things which you have heard from me through many witnesses. These things encourage faithful men, who shall then be suitable to teach others also.

Verš 6
if such a man is without offense, the husband of one wife, having faithful children, not accused of self-indulgence, nor of insubordination.
1Tim 3:2 - Therefore, it is necessary for a bishop to be beyond reproach, the husband of one wife, sober, prudent, gracious, chaste, hospitable, a teacher,

Verš 7
And a bishop, as a steward of God, must be without offense: not arrogant, not short-tempered, not a drunkard, not violent, not desiring tainted profit,
Mt 24:45 - Consider this: who is a faithful and prudent servant, who has been appointed by his lord over his family, to give them their portion in due time?
1Kor 4:1 - Accordingly, let man consider us to be ministers of Christ and attendants of the mysteries of God.
1Tim 3:15 - But, if I am delayed, you should know the manner in which it is necessary to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the Church of the living God, the pillar and the foundation of truth.
Lv 10:9 - “You shall not drink wine, nor anything that is able to inebriate you or your sons, when you enter into the tabernacle of the testimony, lest you die. For it is an everlasting precept in your generations.
Ef 5:18 - And do not choose to be inebriated by wine, for this is self-indulgence. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit,
1Tim 3:3 - not a drunkard, not combative but restrained, not quarrelsome, not covetous;
1Pt 5:2 - pasture the flock of God that is among you, providing for it, not as a requirement, but willingly, in accord with God, and not for the sake of tainted profit, but freely,

Verš 8
but instead: hospitable, kind, sober, just, holy, chaste,
1Tim 3:2 - Therefore, it is necessary for a bishop to be beyond reproach, the husband of one wife, sober, prudent, gracious, chaste, hospitable, a teacher,

Verš 10
For there are, indeed, many who are disobedient, who speak empty words, and who deceive, especially those who are of the circumcision.
Sk 15:1 - And certain ones, descending from Judea, were teaching the brothers, “Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.”

Verš 11
These must be reproved, for they subvert entire houses, teaching things which should not be taught, for the favor of shameful gain.
Mt 23:14 - Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! For you consume the houses of widows, praying long prayers. Because of this, you shall receive the greater judgment.
2Tim 3:6 - For among these are ones who penetrate houses and lead away, like captives, foolish women burdened with sins, who are led away by means of various desires,

Verš 14
not paying attention to Jewish fables, nor to the rules of men who have turned themselves away from the truth.
Iz 29:13 - And the Lord said: Since this people have drawn near to me only with their mouth, and their lips glorify me while their heart is far from me, and their fear of me is based on the commandments and doctrines of men,
Mt 15:9 - For in vain do they worship me, teaching the doctrines and commandments of men.’ ”
Kol 2:22 - which all lead to destruction by their very use, in accord with the precepts and doctrines of men.
1Tim 1:4 - against those who have been paying attention to fables and endless genealogies. These things present questions as if they were greater than the edification that is of God, which is in faith.
1Tim 4:7 - But avoid the silly fables of old women. And exercise yourself so as to advance in piety.
1Tim 6:20 - O Timothy, guard what has been deposited with you, avoiding the voice of profane novelties and of opposing ideas, which are falsely called knowledge.

Verš 15
All things are clean to those who are clean. But to those who are defiled, and to unbelievers, nothing is clean; for both their mind and their conscience have been polluted.
Mt 15:11 - A man is not defiled by what enters into the mouth, but by what proceeds from the mouth. This is what defiles a man.”
Sk 10:15 - And the voice, again a second time to him: “What God has purified, you shall not call common.”
Rim 14:20 - Do not be willing to destroy the work of God because of food. Certainly, all things are clean. But there is harm for a man who offends by eating.
Mt 23:35 - so that upon you may fall all the blood of the just, which has been shed upon the earth, from the blood of Abel the just, even to the blood of Zechariah the son of Barachiah, whom you killed between the temple and the altar.
Rim 14:23 - But he who discerns, if he eats, is condemned, because it is not of faith. For all that is not of faith is sin.

Tit 1,1-4 - V dlhej úvodnej vete Pavol zhŕňa celý obsah svojho apoštolského povolania a poslania: má hlásať ľuďom vieru v Kristovo evanjelium a nádej na večný život.

Tit 1,5-9 - Pavol tu uvádza smernice na vonkajšiu organizáciu Cirkvi. Porov. 1 Tim 3, 1–5.

Tit 1,5 - "Starší" (gr. presbýteroi) sú predstavení miestnej cirkvi.

Tit 1,7 - Biskup (gr. epískopos), po slovensky strážca, dozorca, sa tu pravdepodobne vzťahuje na jedného zo "starších" čiže presbyterov (porov. 1 Tim 3, 1).

Tit 1,12 - Pôvodcom citátu je krétsky básnik Epimenides (6. stor. pred Kr.). Pavol ho nazýva prorokom, pretože v tejto veci povedal pravdu, a azda aj preto, že ho pohania pokladali za veštca, proroka.

Tit 1,15 - Zásada pochádzajúca istotne z Ježišových slov v Lk 11, 41: "a všetko vám bude čisté". Už bola použitá v Rim 14, 20. Pre tých, čo majú čisté srdce, je všetko čisté a dobré, lebo sa na všetko pozerajú nepredpojato, vo všetkom vidia dielo Božích rúk. Ale tí, čo majú dušu skazenú hriechmi a opantanú zlými náruživosťami, vidia aj v tej najsvätejšej veci len predmet svojich hriešnych žiadostí, prípadne nenávisti.