výhody registrácie


Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Ž 110, 1-10

1 (CPDV) Alleluia. I will confess to you, O Lord, with my whole heart, in the council of the just and in the congregation.

2 (CPDV) Great are the works of the Lord, exquisite in all his intentions.

3 (CPDV) Confession and magnificence are his work. And his justice remains from age to age.

4 (CPDV) He has created a memorial to his wonders; he is a merciful and compassionate Lord.

5 (CPDV) He has given food to those who fear him. He will be mindful of his covenant in every age.

6 (CPDV) He will announce the virtue of his works to his people,

7 (CPDV) so that he may give them the inheritance of the nations. The works of his hands are truth and judgment.

8 (CPDV) All his commands are faithful: confirmed from age to age, created in truth and fairness.

9 (CPDV) He has sent redemption upon his people. He has commanded his covenant for all eternity. Holy and terrible is his name.

10 (CPDV) The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. A good understanding is for all who do it. His praise remains from age to age.

Ž 110, 1-10

Verš 4
He has created a memorial to his wonders; he is a merciful and compassionate Lord.
Heb 5:6 - And similarly, he says in another place: “You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek.”
Heb 6:20 - to the place where the forerunner Jesus has entered on our behalf, so as to become the High Priest for eternity, according to the order of Melchizedek.
Heb 7:17 - For he testifies: “You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek.”

Verš 6
He will announce the virtue of his works to his people,
Zjv 14:14 - And I saw, and behold, a white cloud. And upon the cloud was one sitting, resembling a son of man, having a crown of gold on his head, and a sharp sickle in his hand.
Zjv 16:14 - For these are the spirits of the demons that were causing the signs. And they advance to the kings of the entire earth, to gather them for battle on the great day of Almighty God.
Zjv 20:8 - And they climbed across the breadth of the earth, and they encompassed the camp of the Saints and the Beloved City.

Z 110 - Ako svedčí nadpis, žalm je od Dávida. - Žalm je priamo mesiášsky, všetko, čo v ňom hovorí, platí len o Mesiášovi a vyplní sa na jeho svätej Osobe. Ježiš Kristus sám vysvetľuje tento žalm o sebe, aby pred farizejmi dokázal svoje božstvo (Mt 22,41 n.; Mk 12,35 n.; Lk 20,41 n.). Ježiš háji týmto žalmom svoje právo a svoju hodnosť sedieť po Božej pravici (Mt 26,64; Lk 22,69).

Z 110,1 - "Pán (Jahve) povedal" (dosl. "výrok, predpoveď - ne'um", je technický výraz na označenie Božieho neodvolateľného výroku alebo predpovede) "môjmu Pánovi" ('Adóni). V hebrejskej reči meno "'adóni" sa užíva vtedy, keď poddaný oslovuje svojho pána, kráľa. Dávid na tomto mieste mohol týmto spôsobom osloviť budúceho Mesiáša (1 Sam 25,25 n.; 2 Sam 1,10), lebo okrem Boha bol aj On jeho Pánom, i keď bude podľa tela jeho ďalekým potomkom. Teda Jahve hovorí Mesiášovi: "Seď po mojej pravici." Sedieť po pravici niekoho v hebrejčine znamená mať tú istú hodnosť, ako má ten, po ktorého pravici sa sedí (1 Kr 2,19). "Kým nepoložím tvojich nepriateľov za podnožku tvojim nohám" - prísl. "kým" tu neoznačuje konečné ohraničenie času.

Z 110,3 - Mesiášovi právom patrí svätá (v posvätnej nádhere) vláda nad celým svetom, patrí mu právom jeho večného (pred východom zornice) zrodu zo samého Boha.

Z 110,4 - "Podľa radu Melchizedechovho" znamená, že je kňazom v pravom zmysle slova, a nie v prenesenom ani iba v levitskom, ako bol Áron, ale ako bol Melchizedech, ktorý bol pravý kňaz a priniesol na obetu chlieb a víno.