výhody registrácie

Kniha Jób

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Jób 17, 1-16

1 (CPDV) My spirit will be wasted, my days will be shortened, and only the grave will left for me.
1 (ROH) Môj duch je rozrušený; moje dni hasnú; zbývajú mi hroby.

2 (CPDV) I have not sinned, yet my eye remains in bitterness.
2 (ROH) Je isté, že je posmech posmievačov u mňa, a moje oko má dlieť na ich poburovaní!

3 (CPDV) Free me, O Lord, and set me beside you, and let the hand of anyone you wish fight against me.
3 (ROH) Nože polož záloh; zaruč sa u seba za mňa! Lebo veď kde kto iný uderí do mojej ruky!

4 (CPDV) You have set their heart far from discipline; therefore, they will not be praised.
4 (ROH) Pretože si prikryl ich srdce, aby nerozumeli, preto ich ani nepovýšiš.

5 (CPDV) He promises prey to his companions, but the eyes of his sons will grow faint.
5 (ROH) Kto za podiel oznámi blížnych, toho synov oči sa zatmejú.

6 (CPDV) He has posted me like a proverb to the people, and I am an example in their presence.
6 (ROH) Ale ma vystavil ľuďom za príslovie, a stal som sa takým, ktorému sa pľuje do tvári.

7 (CPDV) My eyesight has been clouded by indignation, and my limbs have been reduced, as if to nothing.
7 (ROH) Moje oko zoslablo od žiaľu, a všetky moje údy sú podobné tôni.

8 (CPDV) The just will be astounded over this, and the innocent will be stirred up against the hypocrite.
8 (ROH) Statoční ľudia priami sa hrozia nad tým, a nevinný sa poburuje nad pokrytcom.

9 (CPDV) And the just will cling to his way, and clean hands will increase strength.
9 (ROH) Avšak spravedlivý sa bude držať svojej cesty, a ten, kto je čistých rúk, priberie sily.

10 (CPDV) Therefore, be converted, all of you, and approach, for I do not find in you any wisdom.
10 (ROH) Ale i vy všetci sa vráťte a nože poďte! Lež nenajdem medzi vami múdreho.

11 (CPDV) My days have passed away; my thoughts have been scattered, tormenting my heart.
11 (ROH) Moje dni sa pominuly; moje úmysly sú roztrhané, dedičstvá môjho srdca.

12 (CPDV) They have turned night into day, and I hope for light again after the darkness.
12 (ROH) Noc mi obracajú na deň, a zase vraj svetlo je blízko tmy.

13 (CPDV) If I should wait, the underworld is my house, and in darkness I have spread out my bed.
13 (ROH) I keby som niečo očakával, jednako bude hrob mojím domom; vo tme si usteliem svoju ložu.

14 (CPDV) I have said to decay and to worms: “You are my father, my mother, and my sister.”
14 (ROH) Jame privolám: Ty si môj otec! Moja mať a moja sestra privolám červom.

15 (CPDV) Therefore, where is my expectation now, and who is it that considers my patience?
15 (ROH) Kde je tedy moje očakávanie? A čo do môjho očakávania, kto kedy ho uvidí?

16 (CPDV) Everything of mine will descend into the deepest underworld; do you think that, in that place at least, there will be rest for me?
16 (ROH) Všetko to sostúpi k závorám hrobu, akže všetko spolu spočíva na prachu.

Jób 17, 1-16

Verš 16
Everything of mine will descend into the deepest underworld; do you think that, in that place at least, there will be rest for me?
Jób 3:17 - There the impious cease from rebellion, and there the wearied in strength take rest.
Jób 30:23 - I know that you will hand me over to death, where a home has been established for all the living.

Verš 10
Therefore, be converted, all of you, and approach, for I do not find in you any wisdom.
Jób 6:29 - Respond, I beg you, without contention, and, speaking what is just, pass judgment.

Verš 11
My days have passed away; my thoughts have been scattered, tormenting my heart.
Jób 7:6 - My days have passed by more quickly than threads are cut by a weaver, and they have been consumed without any hope.
Jób 9:25 - My days have been swifter than a messenger; they have fled and have not seen goodness.

Verš 6
He has posted me like a proverb to the people, and I am an example in their presence.
Jób 30:9 - Now I become their song, and I have been made into their proverb.

Job 17,5 - Verš uvádza porekadlo, ktoré vzniklo na Východe.

Job 17,8 - Vo veršoch sa javí ďalšia trpká irónia. "Poctiví a čistí" sú priatelia, ktorí sa pohoršia a žasnú nad údajným hriešnikom Jóbom, ktorého majú za vinníka jedine preto, lebo trpí. "Cesta spravodlivých" je v zmysle Jóbovho výsmechu všetko bezohľadné počínanie priateľov proti Jóbovi.

Job 17,12 - Moji priatelia by mi chceli nahovoriť, že noc mojich bolestí je vlastne už istým "svitom" môjho nádejného šťastia, a tak mi "noc obrátili na deň". Pritom neprestávajú ma pokladať za veľkého hriešnika, ktorý má konať len pokánie, aby sa všetko okolo neho zmenilo.