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List Filipanom

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Flp 1, 1-30

1 (CPDV) Paul and Timothy, servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons.
1 (ROH) Pavel a Timoteus, sluhovia Ježiša Krista, všetkým svätým v Kristu Ježišovi, ktorí sú vo Filipách s dozorcami a diakonmi:

2 (CPDV) Grace and peace to you, from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
2 (ROH) milosť vám a pokoj od Boha, nášho Otca, a od Pána Ježiša Krista.

3 (CPDV) I give thanks to my God, with every remembrance of you,
3 (ROH) Ďakujeme svojmu Bohu pri každej rozpomienke ma vás

4 (CPDV) always, in all my prayers, making supplication for all of you with joy,
4 (ROH) vždycky v každej svojej prosbe za vás za všetkých s radosťou prosiac

5 (CPDV) because of your communion in the Gospel of Christ, from the first day even until now.
5 (ROH) vzhľadom na vašu účasť na evanjeliu od prvého dňa až doteraz

6 (CPDV) I am confident of this very thing: that he who has begun this good work in you will perfect it, unto the day of Christ Jesus.
6 (ROH) a práve preto dôverujem, že ten, ktorý započal vo vás dobré dielo, ho aj dokoná a zachová až do dňa Ježiša Krista,

7 (CPDV) So then, it is right for me to feel this way about all of you, because I hold you in my heart, and because, in my chains and in the defense and confirmation of the Gospel, you all are partakers of my joy.
7 (ROH) jako mi je spravedlivé myslieť to za vás za všetkých, pretože vás mám v srdci, keď že jako v mojich putách, tak i v obrane a v upevňovaní evanjelia ste vy všetci mojimi spoluúčastníkmi na milosti.

8 (CPDV) For God is my witness how, within the heart of Jesus Christ, I long for all of you.
8 (ROH) Lebo mojím svedkom je Bôh, ako túžim po vás po všetkých vo vnútornostiach Ježiša Krista.

9 (CPDV) And this I pray: that your charity may abound more and more, with knowledge and with all understanding,
9 (ROH) A za to sa modlím, žeby vaša láska ešte viac a viac hojnela pravou známosťou a každým vnímaním,

10 (CPDV) so that you may be confirmed in what is better, in order that you may be sincere and without offense on the day of Christ:
10 (ROH) aby ste boli schopní posúdiť, čo je dobré a čo nie, aby ste boli čistí a prostí úrazu na deň Kristov,

11 (CPDV) filled with the fruit of justice, through Jesus Christ, in the glory and praise of God.
11 (ROH) naplnení ovocím spravedlivosti, doneseným skrze Ježiša Krista, na slávu a chválu Božiu.

12 (CPDV) Now, brothers, I want you to know that the things concerning me happened for the advancement of the Gospel,
12 (ROH) A chcem, aby ste vedeli, bratia, že to, čo sa so mnou dialo, napokon bolo viac na prospech evanjelia,

13 (CPDV) in such a way that my chains have become manifest in Christ in every place of judgment and in all other such places.
13 (ROH) takže sa moje putá staly zjavnými v Kristovi v celom prätóriu aj ostatným všetkým.

14 (CPDV) And many from among the brothers in the Lord, becoming confident through my chains, are now much bolder in speaking the Word of God without fear.
14 (ROH) A väčšina z bratov v Pánovi, súc posmelení mojimi putami, ešte lepšie sa odvážili bez bázne hovoriť slovo Božie.

15 (CPDV) Certainly, some do so even because of envy and contention; and others, too, do so because of a good will to preach Christ.
15 (ROH) Niektorí síce aj pre závisť a svár, ale niektorí aj zo záľuby hlásajú Krista,

16 (CPDV) Some act out of charity, knowing that I have been appointed for the defense of the Gospel.
16 (ROH) jedni z lásky vediac, že som nato, aby som bránil evanjelium,

17 (CPDV) But others, out of contention, announce Christ insincerely, claiming that their difficulties lift them up to my chains.
17 (ROH) a iní zase zvestujú Krista zo svárlivosti, nie čiste, domnievajúc sa, že spôsobia mojim putám súženie.

18 (CPDV) But what does it matter? As long as, by every means, whether under pretext or in truthfulness, Christ is announced. And about this, I rejoice, and moreover, I will continue to rejoice.
18 (ROH) Ale čože? Však akýmkoľvek už spôsobom, buď pod zámienkou buď v pravde, Kristus sa zvestuje, a tomu sa radujem, ale sa i budem radovať,

19 (CPDV) For I know that this will bring me to salvation, through your prayers and under the ministration of the Spirit of Jesus Christ,
19 (ROH) lebo viem, že mi to bude na spásu skrze vašu prosbu a napomáhanie Ducha Ježiša Krista

20 (CPDV) by means of my own expectation and hope. For in nothing shall I be confounded. Instead, with all confidence, now just as always, Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death.
20 (ROH) podľa môjho túžobného očakávania a mojej nádeje, že nebudem v ničom zahanbený, ale celou smelosťou, jako vždycky tak i teraz bude veličený Kristus v mojom tele buď životom buď smrťou.

21 (CPDV) For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
21 (ROH) Lebo mne je žiť Kristus a zomrieť zisk.

22 (CPDV) And while I live in the flesh, for me, there is the fruit of works. But I do not know which I would choose.
22 (ROH) Ale ak práve žiť v tele mi je na užitok práce, nevedel by som povedať, čo by som vyvolil.

23 (CPDV) For I am constrained between the two: having a desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ, which is the far better thing,
23 (ROH) Ale oboje ma tiahne: mám žiadosť zomrieť a byť s Kristom, lebo to by bolo o mnoho lepšie,

24 (CPDV) but then to remain in the flesh is necessary for your sake.
24 (ROH) ale zostať ešte v tele je potrebnejšie pre vás.

25 (CPDV) And having this confidence, I know that I shall remain and that I shall continue to remain with all of you, for your advancement and for your joy in the faith,
25 (ROH) A spoliehajúc na to viem, že zostanem a zostanem so všetkými vami na váš prospech a na radosť viery,

26 (CPDV) so that your rejoicing may abound in Christ Jesus for me, through my return to you again.
26 (ROH) aby sa vaša chvála rozhojnila mnou v Kristu Ježišovi mojím opätným príchodom k vám.

27 (CPDV) Only let your behavior be worthy of the Gospel of Christ, so that, whether I return and see you, or whether, being absent, I hear about you, still you may stand firm with one spirit, with one mind, laboring together for the faith of the Gospel.
27 (ROH) Len obcujte tak, aby to bolo hodno evanjelia Kristovho, aby som, či už keď prijdem a vidím vás, a či súc neprítomný počul o vás, že stojíte v jednom duchu jednou dušou spolu zápasiac za vieru evanjelia

28 (CPDV) And in nothing be terrified by the adversaries. For what is to them is an occasion of perdition, is to you an occasion of salvation, and this is from God.
28 (ROH) a nedajúc sa v ničom plašiť protivníkom, čo je im očividným dôkazom ich zahynutia a vášho spasenia, a to od Boha.

29 (CPDV) For this has been given to you on behalf of Christ, not only so that you may believe in him, but even so that you may suffer with him,
29 (ROH) Lebo vám je z milosti daná za Krista, nie len aby ste v neho verili, ale aj aby ste za neho trpeli

30 (CPDV) engaging in the same struggle, of a kind which you also have seen in me, and which you now have heard from me.
30 (ROH) majúc ten istý boj, aký ste videli pri mne, a o jakom i teraz čujete pri mne.

Flp 1, 1-30

Verš 2
Grace and peace to you, from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Rim 1:7 - To all who are at Rome, the beloved of God, called as saints. Grace to you, and peace, from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
1Pt 1:2 - in accord with the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sanctification of the Spirit, with the obedience and the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: May grace and peace be multiplied for you.

Verš 3
I give thanks to my God, with every remembrance of you,
Ef 1:15 - Because of this, and hearing of your faith that is in the Lord Jesus, and of your love toward all the saints,
Kol 1:3 - Grace and peace to you, from God our Father and 676 from the Lord Jesus Christ. We give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying for you always.
1Sol 1:2 - Grace and peace to you. We give thanks to God always for all of you, keeping the memory of you in our prayers without ceasing,
2Sol 1:3 - We ought to give thanks always to God for you, brothers, in a fitting manner, because your faith is increasing greatly, and because the charity of each of you toward one another is abundant,

Verš 6
I am confident of this very thing: that he who has begun this good work in you will perfect it, unto the day of Christ Jesus.
Jn 6:29 - Jesus responded and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he sent.”
1Sol 1:3 - remembering your work of faith, and hardship, and charity, and enduring hope, in our Lord Jesus Christ, before God our Father.

Verš 7
So then, it is right for me to feel this way about all of you, because I hold you in my heart, and because, in my chains and in the defense and confirmation of the Gospel, you all are partakers of my joy.
Ef 3:1 - By reason of this grace, I, Paul, am a prisoner of Jesus Christ, for the sake of you Gentiles.
Ef 4:1 - And so, as a prisoner in the Lord, I beg you to walk in a manner worthy of the vocation to which you have been called:
Kol 4:3 - Pray together, for us also, so that God may open a door of speech to us, so as to speak the mystery of Christ, (because of which, even now, I am in chains)
Kol 4:18 - The greeting of Paul by my own hand. Remember my chains. May grace be with you. Amen.
2Tim 1:8 - And so, do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me, his prisoner. Instead, collaborate with the Gospel in accord with the virtue of God,

Verš 8
For God is my witness how, within the heart of Jesus Christ, I long for all of you.
Rim 1:9 - For God is my witness, whom I serve in my spirit by the Gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I have kept a remembrance of you
Rim 9:1 - I am speaking the truth in Christ; I am not lying. My conscience offers testimony to me in the Holy Spirit,
2Kor 1:23 - But I call God as a witness to my soul, that I was lenient with you, in that I did not return to Corinth:
2Kor 11:31 - The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is blessed forever, knows that I am not lying.
Gal 1:20 - Now what I am writing to you: behold, before God, I am not lying.
1Sol 2:5 - And neither did we, at any time, become flattering in speech, as you know, nor did we seek an opportunity for avarice, as God is witness.
1Tim 5:21 - I testify before God and Christ Jesus and the elect Angels, that you should observe these things without prejudgment, doing nothing which shows favoritism to either side.
2Tim 4:1 - I testify before God, and before Jesus Christ, who shall judge the living and the dead through his return and his kingdom:

Verš 14
And many from among the brothers in the Lord, becoming confident through my chains, are now much bolder in speaking the Word of God without fear.
Ef 3:13 - Because of this, I ask you not to be weakened by my tribulations on your behalf; for this is your glory.
1Sol 3:3 - so that no one would be disturbed during these tribulations. For you yourselves know that we have been appointed to this.

Verš 19
For I know that this will bring me to salvation, through your prayers and under the ministration of the Spirit of Jesus Christ,
2Kor 1:11 - And you are assisting, with your prayers for us, so that from many persons, by that which is a gift in us, thanks may be given through many persons, because of us.

Verš 20
by means of my own expectation and hope. For in nothing shall I be confounded. Instead, with all confidence, now just as always, Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death.
Rim 5:5 - but hope is not unfounded, because the love of God is poured forth in our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

Verš 27
Only let your behavior be worthy of the Gospel of Christ, so that, whether I return and see you, or whether, being absent, I hear about you, still you may stand firm with one spirit, with one mind, laboring together for the faith of the Gospel.
Gn 17:1 - In truth, after he began to be ninety-nine years of age, the Lord appeared to him. And he said to him: “I am the Almighty God. Walk in my sight and become complete.
1Kor 7:20 - Let each and every one remain in the same calling to which he was called.
Ef 4:1 - And so, as a prisoner in the Lord, I beg you to walk in a manner worthy of the vocation to which you have been called:
Kol 1:10 - so that you may walk in a manner worthy of God, being pleasing in all things, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God,
1Sol 2:12 - in which we were pleading with you and consoling you, bearing witness, so that you would walk in a manner worthy of God, who has called you into his kingdom and glory.
1Sol 4:1 - Therefore, concerning other things, brothers, we ask and beg you, in the Lord Jesus, that, just as you have received from us the way in which you ought to walk and to please God, so also may you walk, in order that you may abound all the more.

Flp 1,1 - Timotej je Pavlov žiak a spolupracovník, adresát dvoch listov. Výraz "biskupi" (epískopoi) v tom čase označoval predstavených miestnej cirkvi. Z toho vidieť, že vo Filipách už bola cirkevná hierarchia (porov. Sk 20, 28; 6, 6).

Flp 1,5 - Kresťanské spoločenstvo vo Filipách prirástlo Pavlovi k srdcu. Prijal od nich aj materiálnu pomoc. Celý list dýcha vrúcnym osobným vzťahom. "Od prvého dňa", čo sa stali kresťanmi.

Flp 1,6 - Deň Krista Ježiša je deň jeho slávneho príchodu na konci vekov, ktorý dáva kresťanskému životu tón radostného očakávania.

Flp 1,13 - "Pretórium" je miesto, kde sa zdržiavali prétoriáni, cisárova osobná stráž. Ak Pavol písal z Efezu, potom ide o úradníkov miestodržiteľovej rezidencie.

Flp 1,23 - Pavol tu myslí na smrť a definitívne spojenie s Kristom.

Flp 1,27 - "Žite" – doslovne "správajte sa ako občania". Kresťan je občan nebeského kráľovstva (Ef 2, 19), ktorého Pánom je Ježiš Kristus, Spasiteľ (Flp 3, 20) a jeho ústavou je evanjelium.

Flp 1,30 - Porov. Sk 16, 19–24.