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Kniha proroka Micheáša

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Mi 1, 1-16

1 (CPDV) The word of the Lord that came to Micah the Moreshethite, in the days of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, which he saw about Samaria and Jerusalem.
1 (ROH) Slovo Hospodinovo, ktoré sa stalo k Micheášovi Morašťanskému za dní Jotáma, Achaza a Ezechiáša, kráľov Júdových, ktoré videl o Samárii a o Jeruzaleme.

2 (CPDV) All peoples, listen. And may the earth and its fullness pay attention. And may the Lord God be a witness to you, the Lord from his holy temple.
2 (ROH) Počujte, všetky národy, pozoruj ušima, zem, i jej náplň! A Pán Hospodin nech je svedkom proti vám, Pán z chrámu svojej svätosti.

3 (CPDV) For behold, the Lord will go forth from his place. And he will descend, and he will trample over the high places of the earth.
3 (ROH) Lebo hľa, Hospodin vyjde zo svojho miesta a sostúpiac bude šliapať po výšinách zeme.

4 (CPDV) And the mountains will be consumed under him, and the valleys will be torn apart, like wax before the face of fire, and like waters that rush swiftly downward.
4 (ROH) Vrchy sa budú rozplývať pod ním, a doliny sa budú trhať; budú jako vosk pred ohňom, ako vody vyliate na svahu.

5 (CPDV) All this is for the wickedness of Jacob and for the sins of the house of Israel. What is the wickedness of Jacob? Is it not Samaria? And what is the loftiness of Judah? Is it not Jerusalem?
5 (ROH) To všetko sa bude diať za prestúpenie Jakobovo a za hriechy domu Izraelovho. Ktože je príčinou prestúpenia Jakobovho? Či azda nie Samária? A kto výšin Júdových? Či azda nie Jeruzalem?

6 (CPDV) And I will place Samaria like a pile of stones in the field, when a vineyard is planted. And I will pull down its stones into the valley, and I will reveal her foundations.
6 (ROH) Ale obrátim Samáriu na hromadu rozvalín na poli, miestom na vysadenie vinice a pomecem jej kamene do doliny a odkryjem jej základy.

7 (CPDV) And all her graven images will be cut to pieces, and all her rewards will be burned with fire, and I will place all her idols in perdition. For they have been gathered together from the pay of a kept woman, and even to the pay of a kept woman, they will return.
7 (ROH) Všetky jej rytiny budú potlčené, a všetky jej mzdy za smilstvo budú spálené ohňom, a všetky jej modly obrátim v pustinu. Lebo zo mzdy smilnice ich nahromadila, a ku mzde smilnice zase sa navrátia.

8 (CPDV) I will lament and wail about this. I will go out despoiled and naked. I will make a howl like the dragons, and a mourning like the ostriches.
8 (ROH) Nad tým budem smútiť a kvíliť; budem chodiť bosý a nahý; budem nariekať ako šakali a smútiť ako mladí pštrosi.

9 (CPDV) For her wound has been in despair. For it has come even to Judah. It has touched the gate of my people, even to Jerusalem.
9 (ROH) Pretože je nevyhojiteľná zo svojich rán, a že to prijde až po Júdu, dosiahne až po bránu môjho ľudu, až po Jeruzalem.

10 (CPDV) Do not be willing to announce it in Gath; may you not lament with tears. In the house of Dust, besprinkle yourselves with dust.
10 (ROH) Neoznámte toho v Gáte, ani plakať neplačte; v Bét-leafre som sa pováľal v prachu.

11 (CPDV) And cross over to your dwelling place, Beauty, bewildered by disgrace. She did not depart, who dwells at the place of departure. The House nearby, which remained firm by herself, will receive mourning from you.
11 (ROH) Prejdiže vám ta, ty, obyvateľko Šafíra, s obnaženou hanbou! Nevyjde obyvateľka Caanána; smútok v Bét-haécele vezme od vás svoje stanovisko.

12 (CPDV) For she has been weakened in goodness, who dwells in bitterness. For disaster has descended from the Lord to the gate of Jerusalem.
12 (ROH) Lebo obyvateľka Maróta sa bude svíjať bolesťou za strateným dobrým, pretože sostúpi zlé od Hospodina do brány Jeruzalema.

13 (CPDV) A tumult of four-horse chariots has stupefied the inhabitants of Lachish. The beginning has been sin for the daughter of Zion, because in you have been found the evil deeds of Israel.
13 (ROH) Zapriahni tátoše do voza, obyvateľko Lachiša! Ona bola počiatkom hriechu dcéry Siona, lebo v tebe sa našly prestúpenia Izraelove.

14 (CPDV) Because of this, she will send emissaries to the inheritance of Gath: the house of Lying in order to deceive the kings of Israel.
14 (ROH) Preto dáš Moréšet-gátu rozvodný dar prepustný. Domy Achzíba budú klamom kráľom Izraelovým.

15 (CPDV) Nevertheless, I will lead an heir to you, who dwell in Mareshah: the glory of Israel will reach all the way to Adullam.
15 (ROH) Ešte ti dovediem vlastníka, obyvateľko Maréše. Až po Adullam prijde sláva Izraelova.

16 (CPDV) Become bald and shaved for your delicate sons. Increase your baldness like the eagle. For they have been carried into captivity from you.
16 (ROH) Sprav si plešinu a ostrihaj sa pre synov svojich rozkoší; rozšír svoju plešinu jako orol, lebo sa odstehujú od teba do zajatia.

Mi 1, 1-16

Verš 2
All peoples, listen. And may the earth and its fullness pay attention. And may the Lord God be a witness to you, the Lord from his holy temple.
Dt 32:1 - “Listen, O heavens, to what I am saying. Let the earth hear the words of my mouth.
Iz 1:2 - Listen, O heavens, and pay attention, O earth, for the Lord has spoken. I have nurtured and raised children, but they have spurned me.

Verš 3
For behold, the Lord will go forth from his place. And he will descend, and he will trample over the high places of the earth.
Iz 26:21 - For behold, the Lord will go forth from his place, so that he may visit the iniquity of each inhabitant of the earth against him. And the earth will reveal its blood, and it will no longer cover its slain.
Ž 115:3 - What shall I repay to the Lord, for all the things that he has repaid to me?
Dt 32:13 - He stood him upon an exalted land, so that he might eat the fruits of the fields, so that he might eat honey from the rock, and oil from the hardest stone,
Dt 33:29 - Blessed are you, O Israel. Who is like you, the people who are saved by the Lord? He is the shield of your assistance and the sword of your glory. Your enemies will refuse to acknowledge you, and so you shall tread upon their necks.”

Verš 4
And the mountains will be consumed under him, and the valleys will be torn apart, like wax before the face of fire, and like waters that rush swiftly downward.
Ž 97:5 - Sing psalms to the Lord with stringed instruments, with strings and the voice of a psalmist,
Am 9:5 - And the Lord God of hosts, he touches the earth and it will melt. And all who dwell in it will mourn. And everyone will rise up like a river, and will flow away like the river of Egypt.

Verš 8
I will lament and wail about this. I will go out despoiled and naked. I will make a howl like the dragons, and a mourning like the ostriches.
Jób 30:29 - I was the brother of snakes, and the companion of ostriches.

Verš 10
Do not be willing to announce it in Gath; may you not lament with tears. In the house of Dust, besprinkle yourselves with dust.
2Sam 1:20 - Do not choose to announce it in Gath, and do not announce it in the crossroads of Ashkelon. Otherwise, the daughters of the Philistines may rejoice; otherwise, the daughters of the uncircumcised may exult.
Jer 6:26 - Wrap yourself in haircloth, O daughter of my people. And sprinkle yourself with ashes. Make a mourning for yourself, as for an only son, a bitter lamentation: ‘for the destroyer will overwhelm us suddenly.’

Verš 11
And cross over to your dwelling place, Beauty, bewildered by disgrace. She did not depart, who dwells at the place of departure. The House nearby, which remained firm by herself, will receive mourning from you.
Iz 47:3 - Your disgrace will be revealed, and your shame will be seen. I will seize vengeance, and no man will withstand me.

Verš 12
For she has been weakened in goodness, who dwells in bitterness. For disaster has descended from the Lord to the gate of Jerusalem.
Am 3:6 - Will the trumpet sound in a city, and the people not become frightened? Will there be disaster in a city, which the Lord has not done?

Mich 1,1 - O Micheášovi a jeho vlasti pozri úvod k tomuto prorokovi. – K dobe, v ktorej Micheáš pôsobil, porov. Iz 1,1; Oz 1,1. – Hlavné mesto Izraelskej ríše, Samária, spomína sa tu miesto celej ríše, podobne aj Jeruzalem, hlavné mesto Južnej ríše.

Mich 1,2 - Porov. Dt 32,1; Iz 1,2; Mich 6,1 n.

Mich 1,3 - "Zo svojho miesta" rozumej: z neba.

Mich 1,4 - Porov. Sdc 5,4 n.; Ž 18,8 n.; 68,9; 97,2–6.

Mich 1,5 - Samária a Jeruzalem sú strediskami modloslužby svojich krajín.

Mich 1,7 - Samária pokladala svoje bohatstvo, ktoré jej umožnilo narobiť toľko modiel, za dar svojich falošných bohov, porov. Oz 2,12.

Mich 1,8 - O slove "nahý" pozri pozn. k Iz 20,2.

Mich 1,9 - Úder, ktorý zničil Samáriu, bol úder aj pre Júdsko. Nepriateľ väčšmi ohrozoval aj Júdsko.

Mich 1,10-16 - Spomína sa niekoľko júdskych miest vždy v súvise s nejakým nešťastím, ktoré má v pôvodine podobný význam alebo aspoň podobné znenie ako meno mesta. Tieto slovné hry v preklade nemožno podať. Okrem tohto je osnova týchto veršov dosť porušená.

Mich 1,10 - Prorok vyzýva júdskych utečencov, aby pred cudzincami zatajili svoje nešťastie, lebo tí by sa ich pohrome tešili. Ako príklad sa spomína filištínske mesto Get a fenické mesto Ako (Akko). – Bet Afra je asi Ofera, mesto na územía Benjamínovho kmeň.

Mich 1,11 - Mestá, spomínané v tomto verši, nepodarilo sa s istotou určiť. Zmysel je asi: Obyvatelia Šafiru sa ešte vyzývajú k úteku, obyvatelia Sánanu však už nemohli ujsť pred nepriateľom.

Mich 1,12 - Poloha Marotu je neznáma.

Mich 1,13 - O Lachisi pozri pozn. k 2 Kr 14,19. "Zapriahni do voza tátoše" rozumej: Ujdi, ako rýchlo len môžeš.

Mich 1,14 - Odbytné dával ženích verenici, keď ju prepúšťal. Aj Pán prepustí svoju nevernú snúbenicu. Meno Morešet znamená "verenica". O tomto meste pozri úvod. – Meno mesta Akzib znamená "lož, klamstvo". V tomto meste sa dožijú sklamania králi, ktorí sa spoliehali na silu a ľudskú pomoc. – Akzib bol v Júdsku, pozri Joz 15,44.

Mich 1,15 - O Marese porov. pozn. k 2 Krn 11,6–10. Toto mesto dostane nového, nepriateľského dediča. "Sláva Izraela" sú veľmoži, ktorí budú musieť utekať a schovávať sa v jaskyni Odolam ako kedysi Dávid, porov. 1 Sam 22,1; 2 Sam 23,13.

Mich 1,16 - Porov. Iz 15,2; 22,12; Jer 7,29; 16,6; 41,5; Am 8,10. – Synovia národa pôjdu do zajatia.