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Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Ž 107, 1-14

1 (CPDV) A Canticle Psalm, of David himself.

2 (CPDV) My heart is prepared, O God, my heart is prepared. I will sing songs, and I will sing psalms in my glory.

3 (CPDV) Rise up, my glory. Rise up, Psalter and harp. I will arise in early morning.

4 (CPDV) I will confess to you, O Lord, among the peoples. And I will sing psalms to you among the nations.

5 (CPDV) For your mercy is great, beyond the heavens, and your truth, even to the clouds.

6 (CPDV) Be exalted, O God, beyond the heavens, and your glory, beyond all the earth,

7 (CPDV) so that your beloved may be freed. Save with your right hand, and heed me.

8 (CPDV) God has spoken in his holiness. I will exult, and I will divide Shechem, and I will divide by measure the steep valley of tabernacles.

9 (CPDV) Gilead is mine, and Manasseh is mine, and Ephraim is the supporter of my head. Judah is my king.

10 (CPDV) Moab is the cooking pot of my hope. I will extend my shoe in Idumea; the foreigners have become my friends.

11 (CPDV) Who will lead me into the fortified city? Who will lead me, even into Idumea?

12 (CPDV) Will not you, O God, who had rejected us? And will not you, O God, go out with our armies?

13 (CPDV) Grant us help from tribulation, for vain is the help of man.

14 (CPDV) In God, we will act virtuously, and he will bring our enemies to nothing.

Ž 107, 1-14

Verš 41
1Sam 2:8 - He raises up the indigent from the dust, and he lifts up the poor from filth, so that they may sit with princes, and take hold of a throne of glory. For the hinges of the earth belong to the Lord, and he has placed the globe upon them.
Ž 113:7 - Before the face of the Lord, the earth was moved, before the face of the God of Jacob.

Verš 42
Jób 22:19 - The just will see and will rejoice, and the innocent will mock them.
Jób 5:16 - And there will be hope for those in need, for iniquity will diminish its speech.

Verš 35
Iz 41:18 - I will open rivers in the high hills, and fountains in the midst of the plains. I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the impassable land into streams of water.

Verš 22
Lv 7:12 - If the oblation will be an act for giving thanks, they shall offer bread without leaven sprinkled with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with oil, and fine wheat flour fried, and cakes sprinkled and mixed with oil,
Ž 50:14 - Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and confirm me with an unsurpassed spirit.

Verš 23
Zjv 18:17 - For such great wealth was brought to destitution in one hour. And every shipmaster, and all who navigate on lakes, and mariners, and those who work at sea, stood far away.

Z 107 - Žalm, ako badať hneď z úvodných veršov, je z časov návratu z babylonského zajatia.

Z 107,4 - Ako kedysi za Mojžišových časov Izraeliti blúdili na púšti, podobne aj teraz v časoch vyhnanstva.

Z 107,7 - "Na správnu cestu ich priviedol" - nedal im odpadnúť od pravej viery, "aby šli k trvalému bydlisku" - do Palestíny, kde boli doma.

Z 107,10 - Babylonské zajatie opisuje ako väzenie.

Z 107,32 - Oslava má byť verejná v "zhromaždeniach… v zbore starších", t.j. na verejnom mieste pri bránach mesta, kde sa schádzavali starší mesta a kde obyčajne rozsudzovali sporné otázky (Rút 4,1 n.).

Z 107,33-41 - V tejto druhej časti žalmu pevec oslavuje diela a skutky Božej prozreteľnosti a poukazuje na Božiu všemohúcnosť. Žalmista preberá obrazy z Izaiáša (napr. Iz 50,2; 34,7; 41,18; 42,15), ktorými veľký prorok znázornil návrat pozostalých z babylonského zajatia.