výhody registrácie

Kniha Jób

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Jób 15, 1-35

1 (CPDV) But Eliphaz the Themanite, answering, said:
1 (ROH) Na to odpovedal Elifaz Témanský a riekol:

2 (CPDV) Will a wise man answer as if he were speaking wind, and will he fill his stomach with fire?
2 (ROH) Či azda múdry bude odpovedať známosťou vzduchu a naplní svoje vnútro východným vetrom

3 (CPDV) You rebuke with words he who is not equal to you, and you speak what is not expedient for you,
3 (ROH) karhajúc slovom, ktoré neprospeje, alebo rečami, ktorými neosoží?

4 (CPDV) to such an extent that, within yourself, you have expelled reverence and have taken away prayers from the presence of God.
4 (ROH) K tomu ty ešte rušíš bázeň Božiu a ubieraš zbožnej mluvy pred silným Bohom.

5 (CPDV) For your iniquity has mislead your mouth, and you imitate the tongue of blasphemers.
5 (ROH) Lebo tvoja neprávosť učí tvoje ústa, a zvolil si jazyk chytrákov.

6 (CPDV) Your own mouth will condemn you, not I; and your own lips will answer you.
6 (ROH) Odsudzujú ťa tvoje vlastné ústa a nie ja; tvoje rty svedčia proti tebe.

7 (CPDV) Are you the first man who was born, or were you formed before the hills?
7 (ROH) Či si sa ty prvý narodil z ľudí alebo či si bol počatý prv ako boly brehy?

8 (CPDV) Have you heard the intentions of God, and will his wisdom be inferior to you?
8 (ROH) Či si azda počúval v tajnej rade Božej alebo si strhol múdrosť na seba?

9 (CPDV) What do you know, about which we are ignorant? What do you understand that we do not know?
9 (ROH) Čo vieš, čoho by sme my nevedeli? Čomu rozumieš, čoho by nebolo aj pri nás?

10 (CPDV) There are with us both aged and ancient men, even more senior than your fathers.
10 (ROH) I šedivý i starec je medzi nami, čo do veku, starší ako tvoj otec.

11 (CPDV) Is it so important that God should console you? But your own depraved words prevent this.
11 (ROH) Či sú ti málo potešenia silného Boha alebo jeho slovo, ktorým tak nežne hovorí s tebou?

12 (CPDV) Why does your heart exalt you, and why do you gaze with your eyes, as if thinking great things?
12 (ROH) Čo ťa unieslo tvoje srdce, a prečo tak pozerajú tvoje oči,

13 (CPDV) Why does your spirit stir against God, so as to utter such speeches from your mouth?
13 (ROH) že obraciaš svojho ducha proti silnému Bohu a vyvodíš také reči zo svojich úst?

14 (CPDV) What is man that he should be immaculate, and that he should appear just, having been born of woman?
14 (ROH) Čo je smrteľný človek, aby bol čistý, a aby bol spravedlivý ten, kto sa narodil zo ženy?

15 (CPDV) Behold, among his holy ones not one is immutable, and even the heavens are not pure in his sight.
15 (ROH) Hľa, neverí ani svojim svätým, a nebesia nie sú čisté v jeho očiach!

16 (CPDV) How much more abominable and useless is the man who drinks as if from the water of iniquity?
16 (ROH) A čo potom ohavný a zkazený, človek, ktorý pije neprávosť ako vodu.

17 (CPDV) I will reveal to you, so listen to me; and I will explain to you what I have seen.
17 (ROH) Poviem ti, počuj ma! A nech porozprávam to, čo som videl,

18 (CPDV) The wise acknowledge, and they do not leave behind, their fathers,
18 (ROH) to, čo povedali múdri a nezatajili toho, čo slýchali od svojich otcov.

19 (CPDV) to whom alone the earth has been given, and no stranger passed among them.
19 (ROH) Im samým bola daná zem, ani neprešiel cez nich cudzí.

20 (CPDV) The impious is arrogant for all his days, and the number of the years of his tyranny is uncertain.
20 (ROH) Po všetky svoje dni sa trápi bezbožník, a malý počet rokov je uschovaný pre ukrutníka.

21 (CPDV) The sound of terror is always in his ears; and when there is peace, he always suspects treason.
21 (ROH) Hlas strachov zavznieva v jeho ušiach; v čas pokoja prijde na neho zhubca.

22 (CPDV) He does not believe that it is possible for him to be turned from darkness into the light, for he sees around him the sword on every side.
22 (ROH) Neverí, že by sa kedy navrátil zo tmy, a je vyhliadnutý pre meč.

23 (CPDV) When he moves himself to seek bread, he knows that the day of darkness has been prepared for his hand.
23 (ROH) Túla sa za chlebom starajúc sa: Kde vezmem? Vie, že je už po jeho ruke pripravený deň tmy.

24 (CPDV) Tribulation will terrify him, and anguish will prevail over him, like a king who is being prepared to go to battle.
24 (ROH) Desia ho súženie a úzkosť; uderí to na neho jako kráľ, hotový do boja.

25 (CPDV) For he has extended his hand against God, and he has strengthened himself against the Almighty.
25 (ROH) Lebo vztiahol svoju ruku proti silnému Bohu a postavil sa spurne proti Všemohúcemu.

26 (CPDV) He has rushed against him with his throat exposed, and he has been armed with a fat neck.
26 (ROH) Pobehol proti nemu tvrdou šijou, hustým hrbov svojich štítov.

27 (CPDV) Thickness has covered his face, and lard hangs down from his sides.
27 (ROH) Lebo pokryl svoju tvár svojím tukom a nabral sadla na slabiny.

28 (CPDV) He has lived in desolate cities and deserted houses, which have been turned into tombs.
28 (ROH) A býval v zkazených mestách, v domoch, v ktorých nemali bývať, ktoré boly určené na hromady rumov.

29 (CPDV) He will not be enriched, nor will his basic necessities endure, nor will he establish his root in the earth.
29 (ROH) Nezbohatne, ani neobstojí jeho imanie, ani sa ťarchou nebude kloniť ich nadobudnutý majetok k zemi.

30 (CPDV) He will not withdraw from the darkness; the flame will burn up his branches, and he will be defeated by the breath of his own mouth.
30 (ROH) Neuhne zo tmy; plameň usuší jeho výhonok, a uhne od ducha jeho úst.

31 (CPDV) He will not believe, being vainly deceived by error, that he could be redeemed at any price.
31 (ROH) Nech neverí v márnosť, blúdi; lebo márnosť, bude to, čo dostane do zámeny.

32 (CPDV) Before his time is completed, he will pass into ruin and his hands will wither away.
32 (ROH) Ešte ani nebude jeho deň, a splní sa to, a jeho vetev sa nebude zelenať.

33 (CPDV) He will be wounded like a grapevine, when its cluster is in first flower, and like an olive tree that casts off its flower.
33 (ROH) Zmarí jako vinič svoj nedozrelok; svrhne svoj kvet ako oliva.

34 (CPDV) For the congregation of the hypocrites is fruitless, and fire will devour the tabernacles of those who love to accept money.
34 (ROH) Lebo shromaždenie pokrytca zjalovie, a oheň spáli stány úplatného daru.

35 (CPDV) He has conceived sorrow, and he has brought forth iniquity, and his womb prepares deceit.
35 (ROH) Tehotnejú trápením a rodia neprávosť, a ich lono pripravuje lesť.

Jób 15, 1-35

Verš 32
Before his time is completed, he will pass into ruin and his hands will wither away.
Jób 22:16 - These were taken away before their time, and a flood overthrew their foundation.
Ž 55:23 -

Verš 35
He has conceived sorrow, and he has brought forth iniquity, and his womb prepares deceit.
Ž 7:14 - And with it, he has prepared instruments of death. He has produced his arrows for those on fire.
Iz 59:4 - There is no one who calls for justice, and there is no one who judges truly. For they trust in nothing, and they speak emptiness. They have conceived hardship, and they have given birth to iniquity.
Oz 10:13 - You have ploughed impiety; you have harvested iniquity; you have eaten the fruit of lies. For you had confidence in your ways, in the multitude of your good fortunes.

Verš 8
Have you heard the intentions of God, and will his wisdom be inferior to you?
Rim 11:34 - For who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor?

Verš 10
There are with us both aged and ancient men, even more senior than your fathers.
Jób 32:7 - For I had hoped that greater age would speak, and that a multitude of years would teach wisdom.

Verš 14
What is man that he should be immaculate, and that he should appear just, having been born of woman?
1Kr 8:46 - But if they sin against you, for there is no man who does not sin, and you, being angry, deliver them to their enemies, and they will have been led away as captives to the land of their enemies, whether far or near,
2Krn 6:36 - But if they will have sinned against you (for there is no man who does not sin) and you will have become angry against them, and if you will have delivered them to their enemies, and so they lead them away as captives to a far away land, or even to one that is near,
Jób 14:4 - Who can make him clean who is conceived of unclean seed? Are you not the only one who can?
Ž 14:3 - He who speaks the truth in his heart, who has not acted deceitfully with his tongue, and has not done evil to his neighbor, and has not taken up a reproach against his neighbors.
Prís 20:9 - Who is able to say: “My heart is clean. I am pure from sin?”
Kaz 7:20 - Wisdom has strengthened the wise more than ten princes of a city.
1Jn 1:8 - If we claim that we have no sin, then we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.
1Jn 1:10 - If we claim that we have not sinned, then we make him a liar, and his Word is not in us.

Verš 15
Behold, among his holy ones not one is immutable, and even the heavens are not pure in his sight.
Jób 4:18 - Behold, those who serve him are not steadfast, and in his angels he finds imperfection.
Jób 4:18 - Behold, those who serve him are not steadfast, and in his angels he finds imperfection.
Jób 25:5 - Behold, even the moon is not radiant, and the stars are not pure, in his sight.

Verš 21
The sound of terror is always in his ears; and when there is peace, he always suspects treason.
1Sol 5:3 - For when they will say, “Peace and security!” then destruction will suddenly overwhelm them, like the labor pains of a woman with child, and they will not escape.

Verš 23
When he moves himself to seek bread, he knows that the day of darkness has been prepared for his hand.
Jób 18:12 - Let his strength be diminished by famine, and let starvation invade his ribs.
Ž 109:10 -

Verš 30
He will not withdraw from the darkness; the flame will burn up his branches, and he will be defeated by the breath of his own mouth.
Jób 4:9 - perishing by the breath of God, and being consumed by the wrath of his spirit.

Job 15,11 - Za "Božiu útechu" pokladá Elifaz prisľúbenia Jóbových priateľov, ktorými mu dávali do výhľadu obnovu jeho života a návrat predošlého šťastia a blahobytu v prípade, že Jób bude konať úprimné pokánie.

Job 15,15 - "Boží svätí" sú bezpochyby anjeli (porov. 4,18 n.).

Job 15,20 - Svedomie nedá hriešnikovi pokoja.

Job 15,22 - Noc a tma sú znakom pohromy, nešťastia, ako zasa svetlo alebo deň je označením pre dobu blahobytu.

Job 15,23 - Hriešnik prv alebo neskoršie upadne istotne do hmotnej biedy a bude iba živoriť.

Job 15,25-28 - Príčinou neoprávnenej sebadôvery a vzbury proti Bohu bol u Jóba jeho doterajší blahobyt a priveľké bohatstvo. "Tuk" tela je znamením vonkajšieho, hmotného blahobytu, v ktorom si môže dovoliť rozličné pôžitky.

Job 15,33 - "Nezrelé strapce viniča a zhodené kvety olivy" sú deti hriešnika, ktoré ešte za života svojho otca ho predídu do hrobu.