výhody registrácie

2. kniha kráľov

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

2Kr 1, 1-18

1 (CPDV) Then, after the death of Ahab, Moab transgressed against Israel.
1 (ROH) Potom po smrti Achabovej sprotivil sa Moáb Izraelovi.

2 (CPDV) And Ahaziah fell down through the lattices of his upper room, which he had in Samaria, and he was injured. And he sent messengers, saying to them, “Go, consult Beelzebub, the god of Ekron, as to whether I may be able to survive this infirmity of mine.”
2 (ROH) A Achaziáš spadol cez mrežu na svojom hornom príbytku svojho paláca, ktorý bol v Samárii, a onemocnel. Vtedy poslal poslov a povedal im: Iďte, opýtajte sa Bál-zebúba, boha mesta Ekrona, či vyjdem z tejto svojej nemoci a budem žiť?

3 (CPDV) And an Angel of the Lord spoke to Elijah, the Tishbite, saying: “Rise up, and ascend to meet the messengers of the king of Samaria. And you shall say to them: ‘Is there not a God in Israel, so that you would go to consult Beelzebub, the god of Ekron?
3 (ROH) Ale anjel Hospodinov hovoril Eliášovi Tišbänskému: Vstaň, iď hore vústrety poslom kráľa Samárie a hovor im: Či preto, že niet Boha v Izraelovi, idete sa pýtať Bál-zebúba, boha Ekrona?

4 (CPDV) For this reason, thus says the Lord: From the bed to which you have ascended, you shall not descend. Instead, dying you shall die.’ ” And Elijah went away.
4 (ROH) Preto takto hovorí Hospodin: S lože, na ktorú si vyšiel, viacej nesídeš, ale istotne zomrieš. Potom odišiel Eliáš.

5 (CPDV) And the messengers returned to Ahaziah. And he said to them, “Why have you returned?”
5 (ROH) A keď sa navrátili poslovia k nemu, povedal im: Prečo ste sa vrátili?

6 (CPDV) But they responded to him: “A man met us, and he said to us: ‘Go, and return to the king who sent you. And you shall say to him: Thus says the Lord: Is it because there was no God in Israel that you are sending to consult Beelzebub, the god of Ekron? Therefore, from the bed to which you have ascended, you shall not descend. Instead, dying you shall die.’ ”
6 (ROH) A oni mu odpovedali: Nejaký muž nám vyšiel hore vústrety a povedal nám: Iďte, vráťte sa ku kráľovi, ktorý vás poslal, a hovorte mu: Takto hovorí Hospodin: Či preto, že niet Boha v Izraelovi, posielaš sa pýtať Bál-zebúba, boha Ekrona? Preto s lože, na ktorú si vyšiel, viacej nesídeš, ale istotne zomrieš.

7 (CPDV) And he said to them: “What was the appearance and dress of that man, who met you and who spoke these words?”
7 (ROH) A hovoril im: Aký je spôsob muža, ktorý vám vyšiel hore vústrety a hovoril vám tie slová?

8 (CPDV) So they said, “A hairy man, with a belt of leather wrapping his waist.” And he said, “It is Elijah, the Tishbite.”
8 (ROH) A oni mu povedali: Je to vlasatý človek a je opásaný koženým pásom na svojich bedrách. Vtedy povedal: To je Eliáš Tišbänský.

9 (CPDV) And he sent to him a leader of fifty, with the fifty who were under him. And he ascended to him, sitting at the top of a hill, and he said, “Man of God, the king commanded that you should descend.”
9 (ROH) A poslal k nemu veliteľa nad päťdesiatimi a jeho päťdesiatich, a tak išiel k nemu hore. A hľa, sedel hore na vrchu. A hovoril mu: Mužu Boží, kráľ hovoril: Sídi!

10 (CPDV) And responding, Elijah said to the leader of fifty, “If I am a man of God, let fire from heaven descend and devour you and your fifty.” And then fire from heaven descended and devoured him and the fifty who were with him.
10 (ROH) Ale Eliáš odpovedal a hovoril veliteľovi nad päťdesiatimi: A jestli som ja muž Boží, nech sostúpi oheň s neba a strávi teba i tvojich päťdesiatich! A sostúpil oheň s neba a strávil jeho i jeho päťdesiatich.

11 (CPDV) And again, he sent to him another leader of fifty, and the fifty with him. And he said to him, “Man of God, thus says the king: Hurry, descend.”
11 (ROH) Opät poslal k nemu iného veliteľa nad päťdesiatimi i jeho päťdesiatich, ktorý odpovedajúc vravel mu: Mužu Boží, takto hovorí kráľ: Sídi rýchle!

12 (CPDV) Responding, Elijah said, “If I am a man of God, let fire from heaven descend and devour you and your fifty.” And fire from heaven descended and devoured him and his fifty.
12 (ROH) A Eliáš odpovedal a hovoril im: Ak som ja muž Boží, nech sostúpi oheň s neba a strávi teba i tvojich päťdesiatich! A sostúpil oheň Boží s neba a strávil jeho i jeho päťdesiatich.

13 (CPDV) Again, he sent a third leader of fifty men and the fifty who were with him. And when he had arrived, he bent his knees before Elijah, and he pleaded with him, and said: “Man of God, do not choose to despise my life and the lives of your servants who are with me.
13 (ROH) A zase poslal veliteľa nad päťdesiatimi, tretieho, i jeho päťdesiatich. A tak odišiel hore a prišiel ten tretí veliteľ nad päťdesiatimi a kľaknúc na svoje kolená naproti pred Eliášom prosil ho pokorne a hovoril mu: Mužu Boží, prosím, nech je drahá moja duša a duša týchto tvojich päťdesiat služobníkov v tvojich očiach!

14 (CPDV) Behold, fire from heaven descended and devoured the two previous leaders of fifty and the fifties who were with them. But now I beg you to take pity on my life.”
14 (ROH) Hľa, oheň sostúpil s neba a strávil dvoch prvých veliteľov nad päťdesiatimi aj ich päťdesiatich; ale teraz nech je drahou moja duša v tvojich očiach.

15 (CPDV) Then the Angel of the Lord spoke to Elijah, saying, “Descend with him; fear not.” And so, he arose and descended with him to the king.
15 (ROH) A anjel Hospodinov hovoril Eliášovi: Sídi s nimi, neboj sa jeho tvári. Vtedy vstal a sišiel s ním ku kráľovi.

16 (CPDV) And he said to him: “Thus says the Lord: Because you sent messengers to consult Beelzebub, the god of Ekron, as if there were no God in Israel, from whom you would be able to seek a word, therefore, from the bed to which you have ascended, you shall not descend. Instead, dying you shall die.”
16 (ROH) A hovoril mu: Takto hovorí Hospodin: Preto, že si poslal poslov pýtať sa Bál-zebúba, boha Ekrona, jako keby nebolo Boha v Izraelovi, aby si sa opýtal jeho slova, preto s lože, na ktorú si vyšiel, viacej nesídeš, ale istotne zomrieš.

17 (CPDV) And so he died, in accord with the word of the Lord, which Elijah spoke. And Jehoram, his brother, reigned in his place, in the second year of Jehoram, the son of Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah. For he had no son.
17 (ROH) A tak zomrel podľa slova Hospodinovho, ktoré hovoril Eliáš, a kraľoval Jehorám miesto neho v druhom roku Jehoráma, syna Jozafatovho, judského kráľa, lebo nemal syna.

18 (CPDV) But the rest of the words of Ahaziah that he worked, have these not been written in the book of the words of the days of the kings of Israel?
18 (ROH) A ostatné deje Achaziášove, čo robil, či nie je to napísané v knihe letopisov kráľov Izraelových?

2Kr 1, 1-18

Verš 1
Then, after the death of Ahab, Moab transgressed against Israel.
2Kr 3:5 - And when Ahab had died, he transgressed the pact that he had with the king of Israel.

Verš 10
And responding, Elijah said to the leader of fifty, “If I am a man of God, let fire from heaven descend and devour you and your fifty.” And then fire from heaven descended and devoured him and the fifty who were with him.
Lk 9:54 - And when his disciples, James and John, had seen this, they said, “Lord, do you want us to call for fire to descend from heaven and consume them?”

2Kr 1,2 - O Akarone pozri 1 Sam 5,10. Meno Belzebub znamená: Pán múch. Muchy rozširovali choroby, preto bol bohom chorôb a liečenia. V Novom zákone (gréckom) je Belzebul, t. j. Pán (nebeského) obydlia (Mt 10,25; 12,27). Nový zákon dáva toto meno kniežaťu zlých duchov.

2Kr 1,10 - Oslovenia "Muž Boží" používajú vojaci posmešne, preto ich stihol taký prísny trest.