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Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

2Kor 12, 1-21

1 (CPDV) If it is necessary (though certainly not expedient) to glory, then I will next tell of visions and revelations from the Lord.
1 (ROH) Musím sa chváliť, a nie je mi to užitočné, lebo prijdem k videniam a zjaveniam Pánovým.

2 (CPDV) I know a man in Christ, who, more than fourteen years ago (whether in the body, I do not know, or out of the body, I do not know: God knows), was enraptured to the third heaven.
2 (ROH) Znám človeka v Kristovi - pred štrnástimi roky, či v tele, neviem, či mimo tela, neviem; Bôh vie -, ktorý bol ako taký vytrhnutý až do tretieho neba.

3 (CPDV) And I know a certain man (whether in the body, or out of the body, I do not know: God knows),
3 (ROH) A znám takého človeka - či v tele, či krome tela, neviem; Bôh vie -,

4 (CPDV) who was enraptured into Paradise. And he heard words of mystery, which it is not permitted for man to speak.
4 (ROH) že bol vytrhnutý do raja a počul nevysloviteľné slová, ktoré nesmie človek hovoriť.

5 (CPDV) On behalf of someone like this, I will glory. But on behalf of myself, I will not glory about anything, except my infirmities.
5 (ROH) Za takého sa budem chváliť, ale sám za seba sa nebudem chváliť, iba svojimi slabosťami.

6 (CPDV) For even though I am willing to glory, I will not be foolish. But I will speak the truth. Yet I will do so sparingly, lest anyone may consider me to be anything more than what he sees in me, or anything more than what he hears from me.
6 (ROH) Lebo keby som sa chcel pochváliť, nebudem bezrozumným, lebo veď poviem pravdu; ale sa zdŕžam, aby niekto nemyslel o mne viac, ako čo vidí pri mne alebo čo odo mňa čuje.

7 (CPDV) And lest the greatness of the revelations should extol me, there was given to me a prodding in my flesh: an angel of Satan, who struck me repeatedly.
7 (ROH) A aby som sa prevelikosťou zjavení príliš nepovyšoval, daný mi je osteň do tela, anjel satanáš, aby ma pohlavkoval, aby som sa príliš nepovyšoval.

8 (CPDV) Because of this, three times I petitioned the Lord that it might be taken away from me.
8 (ROH) Za to som trikrát prosil Pána, aby odstúpil odo mňa,

9 (CPDV) And he said to me: “My grace is sufficient for you. For virtue is perfected in weakness.” And so, willingly shall I glory in my weaknesses, so that the virtue of Christ may live within me.
9 (ROH) a povedal mi: Dosť ti je moja milosť. Lebo moja moc sa dokonáva v slabosti. Teda najradšej sa budem chváliť svojimi slabosťami, aby prebývala na mne moc Kristova.

10 (CPDV) Because of this, I am pleased in my infirmity: in reproaches, in difficulties, in persecutions, in distresses, for the sake of Christ. For when I am weak, then I am powerful.
10 (ROH) Preto mám záľubu v slabostiach, v pohaneniach, v tiesňach, v prenasledovaniach, v úzkostiach za Krista; lebo keď som slabý, vtedy som mocný.

11 (CPDV) I have become foolish; you have compelled me. For I ought to have been commended by you. For I have been nothing less than those who claim to be above the measure of Apostles, even though I am nothing.
11 (ROH) Stal som sa bezrozumným chváliac sa; vy ste ma prinútili. Lebo vy ste mňa mali odporúčať, lebo som nebol, ako ani nie som o nič menší od tých prevelikých apoštolov, keď aj nie som ničím.

12 (CPDV) And the seal of my Apostleship has been set over you, with all patience, with signs and wonders and miracles.
12 (ROH) Znamenia apoštolov sú učinené medzi vami v celej trpezlivosti, divami, zázrakmi a mocami.

13 (CPDV) For what is there that you have had which is less than the other churches, except that I myself did not burden you? Forgive me this injury.
13 (ROH) Lebo v čom ste boli za ostatnými sbory krome toho, že som vás ja sám neobťažil? Odpustite mi tú neprávosť!

14 (CPDV) Behold, this is the third time I have prepared to come to you, and yet I will not be a burden to you. For I am seeking not the things that are yours, but you yourselves. And neither should the children store up for the parents, but the parents for the children.
14 (ROH) Hľa, toto už po tretie som hotový prijsť k vám a nebudem vám na ťarchu, lebo nehľadám vašich vecí, ale vás. Lebo nie sú povinné deti shromažďovať poklady rodičom, ale rodičia deťom.

15 (CPDV) And so, very willingly, I will spend and exhaust myself for the sake of your souls, loving you more, while being loved less.
15 (ROH) Ale ja veľmi rád vynaložím, i sám seba cele vynaložím za vaše duše, hoci aj väčšmi vás milujúc menej som milovaný.

16 (CPDV) And so be it. I have not burdened you, but instead, being astute, I obtained you by guile.
16 (ROH) Ale nech! Ja som na vás nepoložil bremena; ale súc chytrý ľsťou som vás dostal.-

17 (CPDV) And yet, did I defraud you by means of any of those whom I sent to you?
17 (ROH) Však som vás len neoškodil niekym z tých, ktorých som bol poslal k vám?

18 (CPDV) I asked for Titus, and I sent a brother with him. Did Titus defraud you? Did we not walk with the same spirit? Did we not walk in the same steps?
18 (ROH) Prosil som Títa a poslal s ním toho brata. Či vás azda Títus oškodil? Či sme nechodili v tom istom duchu? Či nie v tých istých šľapajach?

19 (CPDV) Have you ever thought that we should explain ourselves to you? We speak in the sight of God, in Christ. But all things, most beloved, are for your edification.
19 (ROH) Dávno sa domnievate, že sa pred vami bránime; pred Bohom v Kristovi hovoríme a to všetko, milovaní, pre vaše vzdelanie.

20 (CPDV) Yet I fear, lest perhaps, when I have arrived, I might not find you such as I would want, and I might be found by you, such as you would not want. For perhaps there may be among you: contention, envy, animosity, dissension, detraction, whispering, self-exaltation, and rebellion.
20 (ROH) Lebo sa bojím, aby som vás, keď prijdem, nenašiel nejako takých, akých nechcem, a zase vy aby ste mňa nenašli takého, jakého nechcete; aby snáď nebolo svárov, závistí, hnevov, hašterení, pomlúv, pletích, nadúvaní sa, nepokojov.

21 (CPDV) If so, then, when I have arrived, God may again humble me among you. And so, I mourn for the many who sinned beforehand, and did not repent, over the lust and fornication and homosexuality, which they have committed.
21 (ROH) Aby ma zase, keď prijdem, neponížil u vás môj Bôh, a žalostil by som nad mnohými z tých, ktorí prv hrešili a neurobili pokánia zo svojej neplechy a zo smilstva a z nestudatosti, ktoré popáchali.

2Kor 12, 1-21

Verš 2
I know a man in Christ, who, more than fourteen years ago (whether in the body, I do not know, or out of the body, I do not know: God knows), was enraptured to the third heaven.
Sk 9:3 - And as he made the journey, it happened that he was approaching Damascus. And suddenly, a light from heaven shone around him.
Sk 22:17 - Then it happened that, when I returned to Jerusalem and was praying in the temple, a mental stupor came over me,
1Kor 15:8 - And last of all, he was seen also by me, as if I were someone born at the wrong time.

Verš 7
And lest the greatness of the revelations should extol me, there was given to me a prodding in my flesh: an angel of Satan, who struck me repeatedly.
Jób 2:6 - Therefore, the Lord said to Satan, “Behold, he is in your hand, but even so, spare his life.”

Verš 11
I have become foolish; you have compelled me. For I ought to have been commended by you. For I have been nothing less than those who claim to be above the measure of Apostles, even though I am nothing.
1Kor 15:10 - But, by the grace of God, I am what I am. And his grace in me has not been empty, since I have labored more abundantly than all of them. Yet it is not I, but the grace of God within me.

Verš 12
And the seal of my Apostleship has been set over you, with all patience, with signs and wonders and miracles.
1Kor 9:2 - And if I am not an Apostle to others, yet still I am to you. For you are the seal of my Apostleship in the Lord.

Verš 13
For what is there that you have had which is less than the other churches, except that I myself did not burden you? Forgive me this injury.
1Kor 9:12 - If others are sharers in this authority over you, why are we not more entitled? And yet we have not used this authority. Instead, we bear all things, lest we give any hindrance to the Gospel of Christ.
2Kor 11:9 - And when I was with you and in need, I was burdensome to no one. For the 668 brothers who came from Macedonia supplied whatever was lacking to me. And in all things, I have kept myself, and I will keep myself, from being burdensome to you.

Verš 14
Behold, this is the third time I have prepared to come to you, and yet I will not be a burden to you. For I am seeking not the things that are yours, but you yourselves. And neither should the children store up for the parents, but the parents for the children.
Sk 20:33 - I have coveted neither silver and gold, nor apparel,

Verš 15
And so, very willingly, I will spend and exhaust myself for the sake of your souls, loving you more, while being loved less.
2Kor 6:12 - You are not narrowed by us, but it is by your own inner selves that you are narrowed.