výhody registrácie

Kniha Jób

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Jób 39, 1-35

1 (CPDV) Do you know at what time the wild goats have given birth among the rocks, or do you observe the deer when they go into labor?
1 (ROH) Či vieš čas rodenia kamzíkov? Pozoroval si azda svíjať sa jelenice, keď rodia?

2 (CPDV) Have you numbered the months since their conception, and do you know at what time they gave birth?
2 (ROH) Či počítaš mesiace, ktoré vyplňujú? A či vieš čas ich pôrodu,

3 (CPDV) They bend themselves for their offspring, and they give birth, and they emit roars.
3 (ROH) kedy sa skláňajú, rodia svoje mláďatá, odvrhujú svoje bolesti?

4 (CPDV) Their young are weaned and go out to feed; they depart and do not return to them.
4 (ROH) Ich mladé silnejú; rastú na poli; vyjdú a viacej sa nevrátia.

5 (CPDV) Who has set the wild ass free, and who has released his bonds?
5 (ROH) Kto pustil divého osla na slobodu, a sväzky toho divocha kto rozviazal?

6 (CPDV) I have given a house in solitude to him, and his tabernacle is in the salted land.
6 (ROH) Ktorému som dal pustinu za jeho dom a za jeho príbytky slanú zem?

7 (CPDV) He despises the crowded city; he does not pay attention to the bellow of the tax collector.
7 (ROH) Smeje sa lomozu mesta; nečuje povyku pohoniča.

8 (CPDV) He looks around the mountains of his pasture, and he searches everywhere for green plants.
8 (ROH) To, čo najde na vrchoch, je jeho pašou, a vyhľadáva všetko, čo je zelené.

9 (CPDV) Will the rhinoceros be willing to serve you, and will he remain in your stall?
9 (ROH) Či ti bude chcieť slúžiť jednorožec? Či bude nocovať pri tvojich jasliach?

10 (CPDV) Can you detain the rhinoceros with your harness to plough for you, and will he loosen the soil of the furrows behind you?
10 (ROH) Či pripriahneš jednorožca k brázde jeho povrazom? Či bude za tebou brániť údolia?

11 (CPDV) Will you put your faith in his great strength, and delegate your labors to him?
11 (ROH) Či sa spoľahneš na neho preto, že má veľkú silu, a zanecháš na neho svoju prácu?

12 (CPDV) Will you trust him to return to you the seed, and to gather it on your drying floor?
12 (ROH) Či mu budeš veriť, že svezie tvoje semeno a sprace tvoje humno?

13 (CPDV) The wing of the ostrich is like the wings of the heron, and of the hawk.
13 (ROH) Krýdlo pštrosov plesá. A istotne to nie je peruť ľútostného bociana ani perie!

14 (CPDV) When she leaves eggs behind in the earth, will you perhaps warm them in the dust?
14 (ROH) Pretože zanechá zemi svoje vajcia a liahnuc hreje ich na prachu

15 (CPDV) She forgets that feet may trample them, or that the beasts of the field may shatter them.
15 (ROH) a zabúda, že ich môže rozpučiť noha, alebo že ich môže zašliapať poľná zver.

16 (CPDV) She is hardened against her young, as if they were not hers; she has labored in vain, with no fear compelling her.
16 (ROH) Tvrde zaobchodí so svojimi mláďatami, jako keby neboly jeho, i keby jeho práca mala byť nadarmo, nestrachuje sa o ňu.

17 (CPDV) For God has deprived her of wisdom; neither has he given her understanding.
17 (ROH) Pretože mu Bôh dal zabudnúť na múdrosť ani mu nedal podielu na rozumnosti.

18 (CPDV) Yet, when the time is right, she raises her wings on high; she ridicules the horse and his rider.
18 (ROH) V taký čas, keď zatrepoce krýdlami na výšine, vysmeje sa koňovi i jeho jazdcovi.

19 (CPDV) Will you supply strength to the horse, or envelope his throat with neighing?
19 (ROH) Či ty dáš koňovi silu? Či odeješ jeho šiju hrivou?

20 (CPDV) Will you alarm him as the locusts do? His panic is revealed by the display of his nostrils.
20 (ROH) Či spôsobíš, že bude skákať sťa kobylka? Jeho nádherný frkot je strašný.

21 (CPDV) He digs at the earth with his hoof; he jumps around boldly; he advances to meet armed men.
21 (ROH) Jeho nohy hrabú na doline, a plesá vo svojej sile; ide von v ústrety zbrani.

22 (CPDV) He despises fear; he does not turn away from the sword.
22 (ROH) Smeje sa strachu ani sa neľaká ani neustúpi pred mečom,

23 (CPDV) Above him, the quiver rattles, the spear and the shield shake.
23 (ROH) hoci nad ním chreští túl, lesklá kopija a pika;

24 (CPDV) Seething and raging, he drinks up the earth; neither does he pause when the blast of the trumpet sounds.
24 (ROH) s hrmotom a s búrlivým hnevom hltá zem ani nepostojí s pokojom, lebo zavznel zvuk trúby.

25 (CPDV) When he hears the bugle, he says, “Ha!” He smells the battle from a distance, the exhortation of the officers, and the battle cry of the soldiers.
25 (ROH) Kedykoľvek zatrúbi trúba, zarehoce, a zďaleka začuchá boj, hrmot kniežat a krik.

26 (CPDV) Does the hawk grow feathers by means of your wisdom, spreading her wings towards the south?
26 (ROH) Či je to z tvojho rozumu, že lieta jastrab, rozostrie svoje krýdla oproti juhu?

27 (CPDV) Will the eagle lift herself up at your command and make her nest in steep places?
27 (ROH) Či na tvoj rozkaz vznáša sa orol a že na vysokom mieste kladie svoje hniezdo?

28 (CPDV) She dwells among the rocks, and she lingers among broken boulders and inaccessible cliffs.
28 (ROH) Prebýva na skale a hniezdi na výčnelku skaly, a to jako na hrade.

29 (CPDV) From there, she looks for food, and her eyes catch sight of it from far away.
29 (ROH) Odtiaľ pátra po žrádle; jeho oči hľadia naďaleko.

30 (CPDV) Her young will drink blood, and wherever the carcass will be, she is there immediately.
30 (ROH) A jeho mláďatá strebú krv. Kde sú nejakí pobití, tam je aj on.

31 (CPDV) And the Lord continued, and he said to Job:
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32 (CPDV) Will he who contends with God be so easily silenced? Certainly, he who argues with God must also respond to him.
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33 (CPDV) Then Job answered the Lord, saying:
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34 (CPDV) What could I possibly answer, since I have been speaking thoughtlessly? I will place my hand over my mouth.
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35 (CPDV) One thing I have spoken, which I wish I had not said; and another, to which I will add no more.
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Jób 39, 1-35

Verš 1
Do you know at what time the wild goats have given birth among the rocks, or do you observe the deer when they go into labor?
Ž 29:9 - To you, Lord, I will cry out. And I will make supplication to my God.

Verš 27
Will the eagle lift herself up at your command and make her nest in steep places?
Jer 49:16 - Your arrogance has deceived you, by the pride of your heart, you who live in the caverns of the rock and who strive to take hold of the height of the hill. But even if you make your nest like that of an eagle, I will pull you down from there, says the Lord. 456
Abd 1:4 - Though you have been lifted high like an eagle, and though you have placed your nest among the stars, from there I will pull you down, says the Lord.

Verš 30
Her young will drink blood, and wherever the carcass will be, she is there immediately.
Mt 24:28 - Wherever the body shall be, there also will the eagles be gathered together.
Lk 17:37 - And he said to them, “Wherever the body will be, in that place also, the eagles shall be gathered together.”

Verš 6
I have given a house in solitude to him, and his tabernacle is in the salted land.
Jób 24:5 - Others, like wild asses in the desert, go forth to their work; by watching for prey, they obtain bread for their children.
Jer 2:24 - A wild donkey accustomed to solitude, out of the desire in his soul, caught the scent of his lover. Now nothing will turn him away from her. All those who seek her will not cease. But they will find her in her menstruation.

Job 39,14-15 - Pštros opustí na dlhší čas vajcia, na ktorých sedí.

Job 39,18 - Rýchlym svojím behom pštros predbehne aj najlepšieho jazdca.