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Kniha Genezis

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Gn 44, 1-34

1 (CPDV) Then Joseph instructed the steward of his house, saying: “Fill their sacks with grain, as much as they are able to hold. And place each one’s money at the top of the sack.
1 (ROH) A rozkázal tomu, ktorý bol postavený nad jeho domom, a riekol: Naplň vrecia mužov potravou a daj im toľko, koľko vládzu uniesť, a vlož každému jeho peniaze na vrch do jeho vreca,

2 (CPDV) But place my silver bowl, and the price that he gave for the wheat, in the mouth of the sack of the youngest.” And so it was done.
2 (ROH) a môj pohár, ten strieborný pohár, vlož na vrch do vreca najmladšieho i peniaze za jeho obilie. A učinil podľa slova Jozefovho, ktoré hovoril.

3 (CPDV) And when morning arose, they were sent away with their donkeys.
3 (ROH) Ráno, keď bolo svetlo, boli mužovia prepustení, oni aj ich osli.

4 (CPDV) And now they had departed from the city and had set out a short distance. Then Joseph, sending for the steward of his house, said: “Rise up and pursue the men. And when you have overtaken them, say: ‘Why have you returned evil for good?
4 (ROH) No, keď tak asi vychádzali z mesta a ešte neboli ďaleko, riekol Jozef správcovi, ktorý bol postavený nad jeho domom: Vstaň a hoň tých mužov, a keď ich dostihneš, povieš im: Prečo ste sa odplatili zlým za dobré?

5 (CPDV) The cup that you have stolen, it is that from which my lord drinks, and in which he is accustomed to discern signs. You have done a very sinful thing.’ ”
5 (ROH) Či nie je to ten pohár, z ktorého pije môj pán? A on ním aj veští! Zle ste urobili, čo ste urobili!

6 (CPDV) He did as he had been ordered. And having overtaken them, he spoke to them according to the order.
6 (ROH) A dohoniac ich hovoril im tieto slová.

7 (CPDV) And they responded: “Why does our lord speak in this way, as though your servants had committed such a shameful act?
7 (ROH) A oni mu povedali: Prečo hovorí môj pán také slová? Kdeže by učinili tvoji služobníci takú vec?!

8 (CPDV) The money, which we found at the top of our sacks, we carried back to you from the land of Canaan. So in what way does it follow that we would steal, from the house of your lord, gold or silver?
8 (ROH) Hľa, striebro, ktoré sme našli na vrchu vo svojich vreciach, sme doniesli zpät k tebe z Kananejskej zeme a jako by sme tedy ukradli z domu tvojho pána striebro alebo zlato?!

9 (CPDV) Whichever of your servants will be found to have what you seek, may he die, and we shall be the servants of my lord.”
9 (ROH) U ktorého z tvojich služobníkov by sa našiel, ten nech zomrie, a my tiež budeme služobníkmi môjho pána.

10 (CPDV) And he said to them: “Let it be 27 according to your verdict. With whomever it will be found, let him be my servant, but you will be unharmed.”
10 (ROH) A riekol: Dobre, nech je i teraz podľa vašich slov: u ktorého sa najde, bude mi sluhom, a vy budete bez viny.

11 (CPDV) And so, they quickly placed their sacks down to the ground, and each one was opened.
11 (ROH) Vtedy složili rýchle každý svoje vrece na zem, a každý rozviazal svoje vrece.

12 (CPDV) And when he had searched, beginning with the oldest, all the way to the youngest, he found the cup in Benjamin’s sack.
12 (ROH) A prehľadával; započal u najstaršieho a dokončil u najmladšieho, a pohár sa našiel - vo vreci Benjaminovom.

13 (CPDV) But they, tearing their garments and burdening their donkeys again, returned to the town.
13 (ROH) Vtedy roztrhli svoje rúcha, a každý naložil svoj náklad na svojho osla, a vrátili sa do mesta.

14 (CPDV) And Judah, first among his brothers, entered to Joseph (for he had not yet departed from the place) and together they all fell down before him to the ground.
14 (ROH) A tak prišiel Júda i jeho bratia do domu Jozefovho, ktorý bol ešte tam, a padli pred ním na zem.

15 (CPDV) And he said to them: “Why would you choose to act in this way? Could you be ignorant that there is no one like me in the knowledge of discerning signs?”
15 (ROH) A Jozef im riekol: Aký je to skutok, ktorý ste vykonali? Či neviete, že človek, ako som ja, istotne veští a zvie i také veci?

16 (CPDV) And Judah said to him, “What could we answer to my lord? And what would we be able to say, or to justly claim? God has discovered the iniquity of your servants. See, we have all become servants to my lord, both we, and he with whom the cup was found.”
16 (ROH) A Júda povedal: Čo povieme môjmu pánovi? Čo budeme hovoriť? A čím sa ospravedlníme? Bôh našiel neprávosť tvojich služobníkov. Hľa, sme služobníci môjho pána, i my i ten, v ktorého ruke sa našiel pohár.

17 (CPDV) Joseph responded: “Far be it from me that I should act in this way. He who stole the cup, he will be my servant. But you may go away free to your father.”
17 (ROH) A Jozef riekol: Kdeže by som to urobil! Muž, v ktorého ruke sa našiel pohár, ten mi bude sluhom, a vy iďte hore v pokoji ku svojmu otcovi.

18 (CPDV) Then Judah, approaching closer, said confidently: “I beg you, my lord, let your servant speak a word in your ears, and do not be angry with your servant. For you are next to Pharaoh.
18 (ROH) Vtedy pristúpil k nemu Júda a povedal: Počuj ma, prosím, môj pane! Nech smie prehovoriť tvoj služobník slovo v uši svojho pána, a nehnevaj sa na svojho služobníka, lebo ty si jako sám faraon.

19 (CPDV) My lord, you questioned your servants before: ‘Do you have a father or a brother?’
19 (ROH) Môj pán sa pýtal svojich služobníkov a riekol: Či máte otca alebo brata?

20 (CPDV) And we answered you, my lord: ‘There is our father, an old man, and a young boy, who was born in his old age. His brother of the same womb has died, and he alone is left to his mother and father, who truly love him tenderly.’
20 (ROH) A my sme povedali môjmu pánovi: Máme otca, starého, a brata, dieťa to jeho starého veku, mladšieho, ktorého brat zomrel a zostal iba on sám svojej matke, a jeho otec ho miluje.

21 (CPDV) And you said to your servants, ‘Bring him to me, and I will set my eyes on him.’
21 (ROH) A ty si riekol svojim služobníkom: Doveďte ho sem dolu ku mne, aby som ho videl.

22 (CPDV) We suggested to my lord: ‘The boy is not able to leave his father. For if he sends him away, he will die.’
22 (ROH) Na to sme my povedali môjmu pánovi: Chlapec nebude môcť opustiť svojho otca; lebo ak opustí svojho otca, ten zomrie.

23 (CPDV) And you said to your servants: ‘Unless your youngest brother arrives with you, you will not see my face any more.’
23 (ROH) Ale ty si riekol svojim služobníkom: Ak neprijde s vami dolu váš najmladší brat, neuvidzte viacej mojej tvári!

24 (CPDV) Therefore, when we had gone up to your servant our father, we explained to him all that my lord had spoken.
24 (ROH) A stalo sa, keď sme odišli hore k tvojmu služobníkovi, môjmu otcovi, a rozpovedali sme mu slová môjho pána,

25 (CPDV) And our father said: ‘Return and buy us a little wheat.’
25 (ROH) a náš otec povedal: Iďte zase a nakúpte nám niečo potravy,

26 (CPDV) And we said to him: ‘We cannot go. If our youngest brother descends with us, we will set out together. Otherwise, in his absence, we do not dare to see the face of the man.’
26 (ROH) že sme povedali: Nemôžeme ísť ta dolu. Ale ak bude náš najmladší brat s nami, pojdeme. Lebo by sme nemohli vidieť tvár toho muža bez toho, že by náš najmladší brat bol s nami.

27 (CPDV) To which he responded: ‘You know that my wife conceived twice by me.
27 (ROH) A tvoj služobník, môj otec, nám povedal: Vy viete, že mi len dvoch porodila moja žena.

28 (CPDV) One went out, and you said, “A beast devoured him.” And since then, he has not appeared.
28 (ROH) Ten jeden vyšiel odo mňa, a povedal som: Je isté, že ho roztrhala divá zver. A nevidel som ho doteraz.

29 (CPDV) If you take this one also, and anything happens to him on the way, you will lead my grey hairs down with grief to the grave.’
29 (ROH) A keď vezmete i tohoto odo mňa, a prihodí sa mu nejaké nešťastie, sprevadíte moje šediny v trápení do hrobu.

30 (CPDV) Therefore, if I would have gone to your servant, our father, with the boy not present, (though his life depends upon the life of him)
30 (ROH) A tak teraz, keď prijdem k tvojmu služobníkovi, svojmu otcovi, a chlapec nebude s nami, kým jeho duša je sviazaná s jeho dušou,

31 (CPDV) and if he were to see that he is not with us, he would die, and your servants will lead his grey hairs down with sorrow to the grave.
31 (ROH) nuž bude, keď uvidí, že nieto chlapca, že zomrie žiaľom, a tak sprevadia tvoji služobníci šediny tvojho služobníka, svojho otca, v zármutku do hrobu.

32 (CPDV) Let me be your very own servant, for I accepted this one into my trust, and I promised, saying: ‘Unless I lead him back, I will be guilty of a sin against my father for all time.’
32 (ROH) Lebo tvoj služobník sa zaručil za chlapca, aby ho dostal od svojho otca, povediac: Ak ho nedovediem k tebe, budem hriešny svojmu otcovi po všetky dni.

33 (CPDV) And so I, your servant, will remain in place of the boy, in ministry to my lord, and then let the boy go up with his brothers.
33 (ROH) Preto, prosím, nech teraz zostane tvoj služobník miesto chlapca za sluhu svojmu pánovi, a chlapec nech ide hore so svojimi bratmi.

34 (CPDV) For I cannot return to my father without the boy, lest I appear as a witness to the calamity that will oppress my father.”
34 (ROH) Lebo jako by som odišiel hore k svojmu otcovi, keby nebolo chlapca so mnou? Nech nemusím hľadieť na zlé, ktoré by stihlo môjho otca!

Gn 44, 1-34

Verš 32
Let me be your very own servant, for I accepted this one into my trust, and I promised, saying: ‘Unless I lead him back, I will be guilty of a sin against my father for all time.’
Gn 43:9 - I accept the boy; require him at my hand. Unless I lead him back and restore him to you, I will be guilty of a sin against you for all time.

Verš 29
If you take this one also, and anything happens to him on the way, you will lead my grey hairs down with grief to the grave.’
Gn 42:38 - But he said: “My son will not go down with you. His brother is dead, and he is left alone. If any adversity will befall him in the land to which you travel, you would lead my grey hairs down with sorrow to the grave.”

Verš 28
One went out, and you said, “A beast devoured him.” And since then, he has not appeared.
Gn 37:33 - And when the father acknowledged it, he said: “It is the tunic of my son. An evil wild beast has eaten him; a beast has devoured Joseph.”

Verš 21
And you said to your servants, ‘Bring him to me, and I will set my eyes on him.’
Gn 42:15 - I will now continue to put you to the test. By the health of Pharaoh, you will not depart from here, until your youngest brother arrives.

Verš 23
And you said to your servants: ‘Unless your youngest brother arrives with you, you will not see my face any more.’
Gn 43:3 - Judah answered: “The man himself declared to us, under the attestation of an oath, saying: ‘You will not see my face, unless you bring your youngest brother with you.’
Gn 43:5 - But if you are not willing, we will not go. For the man, as we have often said, declared to us, saying: ‘You will not see my face without your youngest brother.’ ”

Gn 44,1-3 - Jozef skúša opäť svojich bratov v láske k Benjamínovi a Jakubovi.

Gn 44,5 - V Babylonsku z pohára veštievali kňazi. Nalialo sa doň oleja a vody a potom z rozličných figúr oleja, rozťahujúceho sa vo vode, určoval sa osud.

Gn 44,28 - Ako badať, Jakub mal vždy akú-takú nádej, že sa ešte uvidí so svojím synom.