výhody registrácie

Kniha Genezis

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Gn 42, 1-38

1 (CPDV) Then Jacob, hearing that food was being sold in Egypt, said to his sons: “Why are you negligent?
1 (KAT) Keď sa Jakub dozvedel, že v Egypte majú obilie, povedal svojim synom: „Prečo hľadíte jeden na druhého?“

2 (CPDV) I have heard that wheat is being sold in Egypt. Go down and buy necessities for us, so that we may be able to live, and not be consumed by destitution.”
2 (KAT) A pokračoval: „Pozrite, počul som, že v Egypte majú obilie. Choďte ta a nakúpte pre nás obilia, aby sme ostali na žive a nepomreli!“

3 (CPDV) And so, when ten brothers of Joseph went down to buy grain in Egypt,
3 (KAT) I vybralo sa desať Jakubových synov do Egypta nakúpiť obilia.

4 (CPDV) Benjamin was kept at home by Jacob, who said to his brothers, “Lest perhaps he may suffer harm on the journey.”
4 (KAT) Ale Jozefovho brata Benjamína Jakub neposlal s jeho bratmi, vravel, že by sa mu mohlo prihodiť nešťastie.

5 (CPDV) And they entered into the land of Egypt with the others who traveled to buy. For the famine was in the land of Canaan.
5 (KAT) Takto prišli aj Izraelovi synovia medzi tými, čo putovali nakúpiť obilie. V krajine Kanaán bol totižto hrozný hlad.

6 (CPDV) And Joseph was governor in the land of Egypt, and grain was sold under his direction to the people. And when his brothers had reverenced him
6 (KAT) A Jozef bol tým vladárom nad zemou, ktorý všetkým národom zeme predával obilie. Keď ta teda bratia došli, poklonili sa mu až po zem.

7 (CPDV) and he had recognized them, he spoke harshly, as if to foreigners, questioning them: “Where did you come from?” And they responded, “From the land of Canaan, to buy necessary provisions.”
7 (KAT) Len čo Jozef videl svojich bratov, poznal ich. Správal sa však voči nim ako cudzí a prísno sa s nimi rozprával. Povedal im: „Odkiaľ ste prišli?“ Oni odpovedali: „Z krajiny Kanaán nakúpiť živobytie.“

8 (CPDV) And although he knew his brothers, he was not known by them.
8 (KAT) A kým Jozef poznal svojich bratov, oni ho nepoznali.

9 (CPDV) And remembering the dreams, which he had seen in another time, he said to them: “You are scouts. You have come in order to see which parts of the land are weaker.”
9 (KAT) A Jozef si spomenul na sny, ktoré mal o nich. Tu im povedal: „Vy ste vyzvedači! Prišli ste sem, aby ste vyzvedeli, kde má táto krajina neopevnené miesta!“

10 (CPDV) And they said: “It is not so, my lord. But your servants have arrived in order to buy food.
10 (KAT) Oni mu však vraveli: „Nie, pane! Naozaj, tvoji sluhovia prišli len živobytie nakúpiť!

11 (CPDV) We are all sons of one man. We have come in peace, nor do any of your subjects devise evil.”
11 (KAT) My všetci sme synovia jedného muža. Počestní sme my ľudia. Tvoji sluhovia nie sú nijakí vyzvedači!“

12 (CPDV) And he answered them: “It is otherwise. You have come to examine the unguarded parts of this land.”
12 (KAT) Ale on im tvrdil: „Nie tak! Vy ste sem prišli, aby ste vyzvedeli, kde má táto krajina neopevnené miesto!“

13 (CPDV) But they said: “We, your servants, are twelve brothers, the sons of one man in the land of Canaan. The youngest is with our father; the other is not living.”
13 (KAT) Oni opakovali: „Nás, tvojich sluhov, je dvanásť. Bratia sme, synovia jedného muža v kanaánskej krajine; a uver, najmladší je toho času pri našom otcovi a jedného už niet!“

14 (CPDV) He said: “This is just as I have said. You are scouts.
14 (KAT) Tu im Jozef povedal: „Je to tak, ako hovorím: Vyzvedači ste!

15 (CPDV) I will now continue to put you to the test. By the health of Pharaoh, you will not depart from here, until your youngest brother arrives.
15 (KAT) V tomto vás vyskúšam. Pri faraónovom živote! Neodídete odtiaľto, kým sem nepríde váš najmladší brat.

16 (CPDV) Send one of you and bring him. But you will be in chains, until what you have said is proven to be either true or false. Otherwise, by the health of Pharaoh, you are scouts.”
16 (KAT) Pošlite jedného z vás, nech privedie vášho brata, vy však budete vo väzení! A vyskúšajú sa vaše výpovede, či sú vaše reči pravdivé, alebo nie. Pri faraónovom živote! Vy ste vyzvedači!“

17 (CPDV) Therefore, he delivered them into custody for three days.
17 (KAT) Potom ich dal spolu na tri dni do väzenia.

18 (CPDV) Then, on the third day, he brought them out of prison, and he said: “Do as I have said, and you will live. For I fear God.
18 (KAT) Na tretí deň im Jozef povedal: „Ak chcete žiť, musíte to urobiť! Ja som taký, ktorý sa bojí Boha.

19 (CPDV) If you are peaceful, let one of your brothers be bound in prison. Then you may go away and carry the grain that you have bought to your houses.
19 (KAT) Ak ste počestní ľudia, nech ostane jeden z vašich bratov v dome vášho väzenia a vy si naberte pre svoju hladujúcu rodinu obilie a choďte!

20 (CPDV) And bring your youngest brother to me, so that I may be able to test your words, and you may not die.” They did as he had said,
20 (KAT) Ale svojho najmladšieho brata priveďte ku mne, aby sa dokázalo, že sú vaše reči pravdivé, a aby ste neprišli o život.“ Oni urobili, ako rozkázal,

21 (CPDV) and they spoke to one another: “We deserve to suffer these things, because we have sinned against our brother, seeing the anguish of his soul, when he begged us and we would not listen. For that reason, this tribulation has come upon us.”
21 (KAT) a medzi sebou si vraveli: „Veru, previnili sme sa proti svojmu bratovi. Videli sme úzkosť jeho duše, keď nás úpenlivo prosil, ale my sme nepočúvali. Za to doľahlo na nás toto trápenie.“

22 (CPDV) And Reuben, one of them, said: “Did not I say to you, ‘Do not sin against the boy,’ and you would not listen to me? See, his blood is exacted.”
22 (KAT) A Ruben im vyčitoval takto: „Nevravel som vám: Nepreviňte sa proti chlapcovi!? No vy ste nechceli ani počuť. Hľa, teraz sa vyžaduje od nás jeho krv!“

23 (CPDV) But they did not know that Joseph understood, because he was speaking to them through an interpreter.
23 (KAT) Oni však nevedeli, že Jozef im rozumie, lebo (obyčajne) bol pri nich tlmočník.

24 (CPDV) And he turned himself away briefly and wept. And returning, he spoke to them.
24 (KAT) I odvrátil sa od nich a plakal. Potom sa obrátil k nim a zhováral sa s nimi. Nato dal spomedzi nich chytiť Simeona a pred ich očami ho dal zviazať.

25 (CPDV) And taking Simeon, and binding him in their presence, he ordered his ministers to fill their sacks with wheat, and to replace each one’s money in their sacks, and to give them, in addition, provisions for the way. And they did so.
25 (KAT) Potom Jozef rozkázal, aby im vrecia naplnili obilím, aby každému jeho peniaze vložili do jeho vreca a aby im dali aj potravy na cestu. Keď im takto pripravili,

26 (CPDV) Then, having loaded their donkeys with the grain, they set out.
26 (KAT) oni naložili obilie na svoje osly a odišli odtiaľ.

27 (CPDV) And one of them, opening a sack to give his beast of burden fodder at the inn, looked upon the money at the sack’s mouth,
27 (KAT) Tu jeden z nich otvoril vrece, aby v nocľahárni nakŕmil svojho osla, a zbadal svoje peniaze. Boli tam na vrchu vo vreci.

28 (CPDV) and he said to his brothers: “My money has returned to me. See, it is held in the sack.” And they were astonished and troubled, and they said to one another, “What is this that God has done to us?”
28 (KAT) I povedal svojim bratom: „Našli sa moje peniaze! Tu v mojom vreci!“ Tŕpli od údivu, s chvením hľadeli jeden na druhého a hovorili: „Prečo nám to Boh urobil?!“

29 (CPDV) And they went to their father Jacob in the land of Canaan, and they explained to him all the things that had befallen them, saying:
29 (KAT) Keď potom došli k svojmu otcovi v krajine Kanaán, rozprávali mu všetko, čo sa im prihodilo, a vraveli:

30 (CPDV) “The lord of the land spoke harshly to us, and he considered us to be scouts of the province.
30 (KAT) „Muž, ktorý je pánom krajiny, tvrdo s nami nakladal a pokladal nás za vyzvedačov v krajine.

31 (CPDV) And we answered him: ‘We are peaceful, and we do not intend any treachery.
31 (KAT) Povedali sme mu: »My sme počestní ľudia, nie sme nijakí vyzvedači.

32 (CPDV) We are twelve brothers conceived of one father. One is not living; the youngest is with our father in the land of Canaan.’
32 (KAT) Sme dvanásti bratia, synovia nášho otca; jedného už niet a najmladší je pri našom otcovi v kanaánskej krajine.«

33 (CPDV) And he said to us: ‘Thus will I prove that you are peaceful. Release one of your brothers to me, and take necessary provisions for your houses, and go away,
33 (KAT) Ale muž, pán tej krajiny, nám povedal: »Podľa toho poznám, že ste počestní ľudia: Nechajte jedného z bratov tu u mňa! Potom si naberte pre svoju hladujúcu rodinu a choďte!

34 (CPDV) and bring your youngest brother to me, so that I may know that you are not scouts. And this one, who is held in chains, you may be able to receive again. And thereafter, you shall have permission to buy what you want.’ ”
34 (KAT) Musíte mi však priviesť svojho najmladšieho brata, aby som sa presvedčil, že nie ste vyzvedači, ale počestní ľudia. Vášho brata vám len potom vydám a vy sa budete voľne pohybovať v krajine.«“

35 (CPDV) Having said this, when they poured out their grain, each found his money tied to the mouth of his sack. And all were terrified together.
35 (KAT) A keď vysýpali vrecia, každý našiel vo svojom vreci svoje peniaze. Keď aj so svojím otcom videli peniaze, naľakali sa.

36 (CPDV) Their father Jacob said, “You have caused me to be without children. 26 Joseph is not living, Simeon is held in chains, and Benjamin you would carry away. All these evils have fallen back upon me.”
36 (KAT) Tu im povedal ich otec Jakub: „Okrádate ma (o deti)! Niet Jozefa, Simeona niet a chcete odviesť aj Benjamína! Toto všetko sa na mňa valí!“

37 (CPDV) And Reuben answered him, “Put my two sons to death, if I do not lead him back to you. Deliver him into my hand, and I will restore him to you.”
37 (KAT) Vtedy Ruben povedal svojmu otcovi: „Oboch mojich synov môžeš zabiť, ak ti ho neprivediem späť. Spoľahni sa na mňa, ja ti ho dovediem!“

38 (CPDV) But he said: “My son will not go down with you. His brother is dead, and he is left alone. If any adversity will befall him in the land to which you travel, you would lead my grey hairs down with sorrow to the grave.”
38 (KAT) On však povedal: „Môj syn nepôjde s vami. Jeho brat je mŕtvy a on ostal sám. Ak by ho zastihlo nešťastie na ceste, po ktorej pôjdete, zármutkom by ste priviedli moje šediny do podsvetia.“

Gn 42, 1-38

Verš 2
I have heard that wheat is being sold in Egypt. Go down and buy necessities for us, so that we may be able to live, and not be consumed by destitution.”
Sk 7:12 - But when Jacob had heard that there was grain in Egypt, he sent our fathers first.

Verš 35
Having said this, when they poured out their grain, each found his money tied to the mouth of his sack. And all were terrified together.
Gn 42:25 - And taking Simeon, and binding him in their presence, he ordered his ministers to fill their sacks with wheat, and to replace each one’s money in their sacks, and to give them, in addition, provisions for the way. And they did so.
Gn 44:1 - Then Joseph instructed the steward of his house, saying: “Fill their sacks with grain, as much as they are able to hold. And place each one’s money at the top of the sack.

Verš 6
And Joseph was governor in the land of Egypt, and grain was sold under his direction to the people. And when his brothers had reverenced him
Gn 37:7 - I thought we were binding sheaves in the field. And my sheaf seemed to rise up and stand, and your sheaves, standing in a circle, reverenced my sheaf.”

Verš 9
And remembering the dreams, which he had seen in another time, he said to them: “You are scouts. You have come in order to see which parts of the land are weaker.”
Gn 37:5 - Then it also happened that he recounted the vision of a dream to his brothers, for which reason a greater hatred began to be nurtured.

Verš 13
But they said: “We, your servants, are twelve brothers, the sons of one man in the land of Canaan. The youngest is with our father; the other is not living.”
Gn 43:29 - Then Joseph, lifting up his eyes, saw Benjamin, his brother of the same womb, and he said, “Is this your little brother, about whom you spoke to me?” And again, he said, “May God be compassionate to you, my son.”

Verš 20
And bring your youngest brother to me, so that I may be able to test your words, and you may not die.” They did as he had said,
Gn 43:5 - But if you are not willing, we will not go. For the man, as we have often said, declared to us, saying: ‘You will not see my face without your youngest brother.’ ”
Gn 44:23 - And you said to your servants: ‘Unless your youngest brother arrives with you, you will not see my face any more.’

Verš 22
And Reuben, one of them, said: “Did not I say to you, ‘Do not sin against the boy,’ and you would not listen to me? See, his blood is exacted.”
Gn 37:21 - But Reuben, on hearing this, strove to free him from their hands, and he said:

Gn 42,15-16 - Egypťania prisahali na faraónov život. Jozef skúša svojich bratov, či milujú svojho otca, či sa navzájom milujú a či oľutovali svoje previnenie. Jozef chce vidieť Benjamína, lebo on je jeho jediný vlastný brat. Aj otca, aj matku mali spoločných.