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Kniha Genezis

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Gn 4, 1-26

1 (CPDV) Truly, Adam knew his wife Eve, who conceived and gave birth to Cain, saying, “I have obtained a man through God.”
1 (KAT) Adam potom poznal svoju ženu Evu a ona počala a porodila Kaina, a povedala: „Získala som človeka od Pána.“

2 (CPDV) And again she gave birth to his brother Abel. But Abel was a pastor of sheep, and Cain was a farmer.
2 (KAT) A opäť porodila - jeho brata, Ábela. Ábel bol pastier oviec, Kain roľník.

3 (CPDV) Then it happened, after many days, that Cain offered gifts to the Lord, from the fruits of the earth.
3 (KAT) Po nejakom čase Kain priniesol obetu Pánovi z poľných plodín.

4 (CPDV) Abel likewise offered from the firstborn of his flock, and from their fat. And the Lord looked with favor on Abel and his gifts.
4 (KAT) Aj Ábel obetoval podobne z prvotín svojich oviec, z tých najtučnejších. A Pán zhliadol na Ábela a na jeho obetu.

5 (CPDV) Yet in truth, he did not look with favor on Cain and his gifts. And Cain was vehemently angry, and his countenance fell.
5 (KAT) Na Kaina však a na jeho obetu nezhliadol. Kain sa veľmi rozhneval a zamračila sa mu tvár.

6 (CPDV) And the Lord said to him: “Why are you angry? And why is your face fallen?
6 (KAT) Tu povedal Pán Kainovi: „Prečo sa hneváš a prečo sa ti zamračila tvár?

7 (CPDV) If you behave well, will you not receive? But if you behave badly, will not sin at once be present at the door? And so its desire will be within you, and you will be dominated by it.”
7 (KAT) Či nie je to takto: Ak robíš dobre, môžeš sa vystrieť, ale ak dobre nerobíš, číha hriech pri dverách a sleduje ťa jeho žiadostivosť, a predsa ty ju máš ovládať?“

8 (CPDV) And Cain said to his brother Abel, “Let us go outside.” And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel, and he put him to death.
8 (KAT) Tu Kain povedal svojmu bratovi Ábelovi: „Vyjdime si von!“ A keď boli na poli, napadol Kain svojho brata Ábela a zabil ho.

9 (CPDV) And the Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” And he responded: “I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?”
9 (KAT) A Pán povedal Kainovi: „Kde je tvoj brat Ábel?“ On však odvetil: „Neviem. Či som ja strážca svojho brata?“

10 (CPDV) And he said to him: “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to me from the land.
10 (KAT) Pán povedal: „Čo si to urobil?! Hlas krvi tvojho brata hlasno volá zo zeme ku mne.

11 (CPDV) Now, therefore, you will be cursed upon the land, which opened its mouth and received the blood of your brother at your hand.
11 (KAT) Buď teraz prekliaty zo zeme, ktorá otvorila ústa, aby pila krv tvojho brata z tvojich rúk!

12 (CPDV) When you work it, it will not give you its fruit; a vagrant and a fugitive shall you be upon the land.”
12 (KAT) Keď budeš obrábať pôdu, neprinesie ti nijakú úrodu. Budeš nestály a túlavý na zemi.“

13 (CPDV) And Cain said to the Lord: “My iniquity is too great to deserve kindness.
13 (KAT) Kain povedal Pánovi: „Môj zločin je väčší, než aby mi bol odpustený.

14 (CPDV) Behold, you have cast me out this day before the face of the earth, and from your face I will be hidden; and I will be a vagrant and a fugitive on the earth. Therefore, anyone who finds me will kill me.”
14 (KAT) Hľa, ty ma dnes odháňaš od zeme a budem sa skrývať pred tvojou tvárou; nestály a túlavý budem na zemi. A ktokoľvek ma nájde, zabije ma.“

15 (CPDV) And the Lord said to him: “By no means will it be so; rather, whoever would kill Cain, will be punished sevenfold.” And the Lord placed a seal upon Cain, so that anyone who found him would not put him to death.
15 (KAT) Pán mu však povedal: „Nie tak! Lebo každý, kto zabije Kaina, sedemnásobnú pomstu si odnesie!“ Potom Pán urobil Kainovi znak, aby ho nik, kto ho nájde, nezabil.

16 (CPDV) And so Cain, departing from the face of the Lord, lived as a fugitive on the earth, toward the eastern region of Eden.
16 (KAT) A Kain sa vzdialil od Pána a zdržoval sa v kraji Nod na východ od Edenu.

17 (CPDV) Then Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and gave birth to Enoch. And he built a city, and he called its name by the name of his son, Enoch.
17 (KAT) A Kain poznal svoju ženu a ona počala, a porodila Henocha. Potom vystaval mesto a nazval ho menom svojho syna Henocha.

18 (CPDV) Thereafter, Enoch conceived Irad, and Irad conceived Mahujael, and Mahujael conceived Mathusael, and Mathusael conceived Lamech.
18 (KAT) Henochovi sa narodil zasa Irad, Iradovi Maviel, Mavielovi Matusael a Matusaelovi Lamech.

19 (CPDV) Lamech took two wives: the name of one was Adah, and the name of the other was Zillah.
19 (KAT) Lamech si vzal dve ženy. Jedna mala meno Ada a druhá mala meno Sela.

20 (CPDV) And Adah conceived Jabel, who was the father of those who live in tents and are shepherds.
20 (KAT) Ada porodila Jabela; on je praotcom tých, čo bývajú v stanoch a chovajú dobytok.

21 (CPDV) And the name of his brother was Jubal; he was the father of those who sing to the harp and the organ.
21 (KAT) Meno jeho brata bolo Jubal. On je praotcom všetkých, čo hrajú na citare a na flaute.

22 (CPDV) Zillah also conceived Tubalcain, who was a hammerer and artisan in every work 4 of brass and iron. In fact, the sister of Tubalcain was Noema.
22 (KAT) Aj Sela porodila Tubalkaina, kováča, ktorý robil všelijaké veci z medi a zo železa. Tubalkainova sestra bola Noema.

23 (CPDV) And Lamech said to his wives Adah and Zillah: “Listen to my voice, you wives of Lamech, pay attention to my speech. For I have killed a man to my own harm, and an adolescent to my own bruising.
23 (KAT) Raz povedal Lamech svojim ženám, Ade a Sele: „Počujte môj hlas, Lamechove ženy, nakloňte sluch k mojej reči! Zabijem muža, ktorý ma poraní, a mládenca, ktorý ma udrie.

24 (CPDV) Sevenfold vengeance will be given for Cain, but for Lamech, seventy-seven times.”
24 (KAT) Sedem ráz pomstený bude Kain, Lamech však sedemdesiatsedem ráz.“

25 (CPDV) Adam also knew his wife again, and she gave birth to a son, and she called his name Seth, saying, “God has given me another offspring, in place of Abel, whom Cain killed.”
25 (KAT) Adam opäť poznal svoju ženu a ona porodila syna, a dala mu meno Set, hovoriac: „Veď Boh mi nahradil iného potomka namiesto Ábela, ktorého zabil Kain.“

26 (CPDV) But to Seth also was born a son, whom he called Enos. This one began to invoke the name of the Lord.
26 (KAT) Aj Setovi sa narodil syn a dal mu meno Enos. Vtedy sa začalo vzývať meno Pánovo.

Gn 4, 1-26

Verš 4
Abel likewise offered from the firstborn of his flock, and from their fat. And the Lord looked with favor on Abel and his gifts.
Heb 11:4 - By faith, Abel offered to God a much better sacrifice than that of Cain, through which he obtained testimony that he was just, in that God offered testimony to his gifts. And through that sacrifice, he still speaks to us, though he is dead.

Verš 8
And Cain said to his brother Abel, “Let us go outside.” And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel, and he put him to death.
Mt 23:35 - so that upon you may fall all the blood of the just, which has been shed upon the earth, from the blood of Abel the just, even to the blood of Zechariah the son of Barachiah, whom you killed between the temple and the altar.
1Jn 3:12 - Do not be like Cain, who was of the evil one, and who killed his brother. And why did he kill him? Because his own works were wicked, but his brother’s works were just.
Júd 1:11 - Woe to them! For they have gone after the way of Cain, and they have poured out the error of Balaam for profit, and they have perished in the sedition of Korah.

Verš 10
And he said to him: “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to me from the land.
Heb 12:24 - and to Jesus, the Mediator of the New Testament, and to a sprinkling of blood, which speaks better than the blood of Abel.

Verš 12
When you work it, it will not give you its fruit; a vagrant and a fugitive shall you be upon the land.”
Prís 28:17 - A man who slanders the blood of a life, even if he flees to the pit, no one will tolerate him.

Verš 14
Behold, you have cast me out this day before the face of the earth, and from your face I will be hidden; and I will be a vagrant and a fugitive on the earth. Therefore, anyone who finds me will kill me.”
Jób 15:20 - The impious is arrogant for all his days, and the number of the years of his tyranny is uncertain.

Verš 24
Sevenfold vengeance will be given for Cain, but for Lamech, seventy-seven times.”
Gn 4:15 - And the Lord said to him: “By no means will it be so; rather, whoever would kill Cain, will be punished sevenfold.” And the Lord placed a seal upon Cain, so that anyone who found him would not put him to death.

Gn 4,1 - "Poznať ženu" v hlbokej biblickej reči značí pohlavné obcovanie v kladnom slova zmysle. V opačnom prípade používa Sväté písmo výraz "ležal s ňou" (porov. 2 Sam 13,14), čím sa myslí cudzoložstvo.

Gn 4,1-2 - Kain na tomto mieste odvodzuje sa od slovesa qánáh a značilo by ,získaného, prijatého'. Ábel je ,syn' (asyr), prvorodený syn.

Gn 4,3-4 - "Pán zhliadol" a "nezhliadol" sa vyjadruje záľuba v obete, alebo jej odvrhnutie. Ako poznali Kain a Ábel, že prvého obetu Pán neprijal a druhého prijal, nie je isté. Pravdepodobne v tom, že Ábela požehnával a Kainovi sa nevodilo najlepšie.

Gn 4,6-7 - Pri Kainovi bolo badať, že je zlej vôle a že čosi zlého zamýšľa. Pán snaží sa ho odvrátiť od jeho zlého úmyslu. Ak sa Kain neprestane hnevať, je v nebezpečenstve, že spácha zločin.

Gn 4,8-16 - Kain zamietol príležitosť polepšiť sa a rúti sa do záhuby. Hriech rodí hriech. Zo závisti zabije svojho nevinného brata. Ábel, nevinná obeta, je predobrazom Ježišovej smrti. – Aj po hriechu vraždy Pán blíži sa s výčitkou ku Kainovi. Kain sa nechce k hriechu priznať. Napokon uzná svoj hriech, lež ani teraz neprosí o odpustenie, zdá sa, že si ide zúfať: "ktokoľvek ma nájde, zabije ma" a "môj zločin je väčší, než aby mi bol odpustený". Bratovrah sa bojí svojho zavraždenia, myslí si, že niekto bude pomstiť Ábela. Ale Boh aj tu trest ponecháva len sebe.

Gn 4,17 - Henoch značí ,zvyklý' alebo ,zasvätený'. Kde a kedy postavil Kain "mesto", nedá sa zistiť. Nebolo to však mesto v našom zmysle.

Gn 4,19-22 - Kainov rodostrom má sedem generácií: Kain, Henoch, Irad, Maviel, Matusael, Lamech a Jabel s Jubalom. Význam týchto mien je neistý, zdá sa, že niektoré ani nie sú hebrejského pôvodu. Ada znamená ,okrasu', Sella ,tieň'.

Gn 4,23-24 - Pieseň Lamechova, čiže pieseň o meči, prezrádza, ako ľudstvo bez Boha mravne klesá. Už nejde o prísnu spravodlivosť, ale o pomstu: svojvoľne bude vraždiť aj pre najmenšiu urážku a ublíženie na tele. Možno, že Lamech po prvý raz držal v rukách meč, čo mu ukoval jeho syn Tubalkain, a pyšný na svoju silu a istotu prezrádza svoje ukrutné vnútro. Lamech je horší ako Kain. Kain vraždil z nenávisti a závisti, Lamech nemá skoro na to ani príčiny. Kain sa nechcel ani priznať, že zabil brata, Lamech sa so svojím vražedným úmyslom vychvaľuje. Lamech sa vynáša nad Boha, ktorý sľúbil, že Kainovu smrť potresce sedemkrát, Lamech sa bude pomstiť krutejšie, krivdu potresce totiž až sedemdesiatsedemkrát. Hrozný je rodostrom Kainov: začína sa bratovraždou a končí človekom, ktorý sa chvastá vražednými úmyslami.

Gn 4,25 - Podľa niektorých meno Set je pôvodu sumerského a značí ,brat'. Iní odvodzujú ho od slovesa šít ,nahradený', postavený na ,miesto'. V tomto prípade Set by bol náhradou za Ábela a Set by už Eve bol býval zárukou, že sa splní prísľub o Mesiášovi (3,15).

Gn 4,26 - V mene Enos, za ktorého, "sa začalo vzývať meno Pánovo", sú podčiarknuté dva významy: Enos znamená "človek" aj "meno" Pána – Jahveho. Text je dokladom náboženskej orientovanosti časti ľudského potomstva.