výhody registrácie

Kniha Genezis

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Gn 27, 1-46

1 (CPDV) Now Isaac was old, and his eyes were cloudy, and so he was not able to see. And he called his elder son Esau, and he said to him, “My son?” And he responded, “Here I am.”
1 (KAT) Keď Izák zostarol a keď jeho oči stratili silu vidieť, zavolal si svojho staršieho syna Ezaua a povedal mu: „Syn môj!“ On mu odvetil: „Hľa, tu som!“

2 (CPDV) His father said to him: “You see that I am old, and I do not know the day of my death.
2 (KAT) Povedal mu: „Pozri, ja som už starý, neviem, kedy zomriem.

3 (CPDV) Take your weapons, the quiver and the bow, and go out. And when you have taken something by hunting,
3 (KAT) Preto si teraz vezmi zbraň, tulec a kušu a choď do stepi uloviť nejakú zver!

4 (CPDV) make from it a small meal for me, just as you know I like, and bring it, so that I may eat and my soul may bless you before I die.”
4 (KAT) Potom mi priprav chutné jedlo, aké mám rád. A keď pojem, požehnám ťa prv, ako zomriem.“

5 (CPDV) And when Rebekah had heard this, and he had gone out into the field to fulfill his father’s order,
5 (KAT) Rebeka však načúvala, keď sa Izák rozprával so svojím synom Ezauom. A Ezau vyšiel do stepi uloviť nejakú zver, aby ju doniesol.

6 (CPDV) she said to her son Jacob: “I heard your father speaking with your brother Esau, and saying to him,
6 (KAT) Tu povedala Rebeka svojmu synovi Jakubovi: „Len teraz som počula, ako tvoj otec hovoril tvojmu bratovi Ezauovi:

7 (CPDV) ‘Bring to me from your hunting, and make me foods, so that I may eat and bless you in the sight of the Lord before I die.’
7 (KAT) »Nože mi prines nejakú zverinu a priprav mi chutné jedlo, aby som jedol a aby som ťa požehnal pred Pánom prv, ako zomriem.«

8 (CPDV) Therefore, now my son, agree to my counsel,
8 (KAT) A teraz počúvaj, syn môj, na môj hlas, čo ti prikazujem:

9 (CPDV) and go straight to the flock, and bring me two of the best young goats, so that from them I may make meat for your father, such as he willingly eats.
9 (KAT) Choď k stádu a prines mi dvoje pekných kozliat. Ja ich pripravím pre tvojho otca ako chutné jedlo, aké má on rád.

10 (CPDV) Then, when you have brought these in and he has eaten, he may bless you before he dies.”
10 (KAT) Potom to zanesieš svojmu otcovi, aby jedol a aby ťa požehnal prv, ako zomrie.“

11 (CPDV) He answered her: “You know that my brother Esau is a hairy man, and I am smooth.
11 (KAT) Ale Jakub povedal svojej matke Rebeke: „Veď môj brat Ezau je zarastený človek a ja som hladký.

12 (CPDV) If my father should lay hands on me and perceive it, I am afraid lest he think me willing to mock him, and I will bring a curse upon myself, instead of a blessing.”
12 (KAT) A ak ma môj otec ohmatá, potom budem v jeho očiach ako taký, kto si z neho robí posmech, a privediem na seba kliatbu a nie požehnanie.“

13 (CPDV) And his mother said to him: “Let this curse be upon me, my son. Yet listen to my voice, and go directly to bring what I said.”
13 (KAT) Ale matka mu povedala: „Tvoja kliatba, syn môj, bude na mne. Len počuj môj hlas! Choď a prines mi ich!“

14 (CPDV) He went out, and he brought, and he gave to his mother. She prepared the meats, just as she knew his father liked.
14 (KAT) I odišiel a vzal a doniesol ich svojej matke. Jeho matka pripravila chutné jedlo, aké mal rád jeho otec.

15 (CPDV) And she clothed him with the very fine garments of Esau, which she had at home with her.
15 (KAT) Potom priniesla Rebeka najlepšie šaty svojho staršieho syna, čo mala v dome pri sebe, a obliekla ich svojmu mladšiemu synovi Jakubovi.

16 (CPDV) And she encircled his hands with little pelts from the young goats, and she covered his bare neck.
16 (KAT) Kožkami kozliat mu však obložila ruky a holý krk.

17 (CPDV) And she gave him the small meal, and she handed him the bread that she had baked.
17 (KAT) Potom dala svojmu synovi do rúk jedlo a chlieb, ktoré pripravila.

18 (CPDV) When he had carried these in, he said, “My father?” And he answered, “I’m listening. Who are you, my son?”
18 (KAT) Keď prišiel k otcovi, povedal: „Otče môj!“ On odvetil: „Tu som. Kto si, syn môj?“

19 (CPDV) And Jacob said: “I am Esau, your firstborn. I have done as you instructed me. Arise; sit and eat from my hunting, so that your soul may bless me.”
19 (KAT) Jakub odpovedal svojmu otcovi: „Ja som Ezau, tvoj prvorodený. Urobil som, ako si mi rozkázal. Len si rovno sadni a jedz z mojej diviny, aby si ma požehnal!“

20 (CPDV) And again Isaac said to his son, “How were you able to find it so quickly, my son?” He answered, “It was the will of God, so that what I sought met with me quickly.”
20 (KAT) Lenže Izák odvetil svojmu synovi: „Ako si mohol, syn môj, tak rýchlo niečo nájsť?“ On odpovedal: „Pán, tvoj Boh, dal sa mi s ňou stretnúť!“

21 (CPDV) And Isaac said, “Come here, so that I may touch you, my son, and may prove whether you are my son Esau, or not.”
21 (KAT) Tu povedal Izák Jakubovi: „Nože pristúp bližšie, syn môj, aby som ťa ohmatal, či si ty naozaj môj syn Ezau, alebo nie.“

22 (CPDV) He approached his father, and when he had felt him, Isaac said: “The voice indeed is the voice of Jacob. But the hands are the hands of Esau.”
22 (KAT) I pristúpil Jakub bližšie k svojmu otcovi, Izákovi, a keď ho ohmatal, povedal mu: „Hlas je hlasom Jakubovým, ale ruky sú ruky Ezauove.“

23 (CPDV) And he did not recognize him, because his hairy hands made him seem similar to the elder one. Therefore, blessing him,
23 (KAT) I nepoznal ho, lebo jeho ruky boli chlpaté ako ruky jeho brata Ezaua. I žehnal ho.

24 (CPDV) he said, “Are you my son Esau?” He answered, “I am.”
24 (KAT) A znova mu povedal: „Naozaj si ty môj syn Ezau?“ On odpovedal: „Ja som to!“

25 (CPDV) Then he said, “Bring me the foods from your hunting, my son, so that my soul may bless you.” And when he had eaten what was offered, he also brought forth wine for him. And after he finished it,
25 (KAT) Tu on povedal: „Prines mi to! Budem jesť z diviny od svojho syna, aby som ťa požehnal.“ I priniesol mu to a on jedol. Doniesol mu aj vína a on pil.

26 (CPDV) he said to him, “Come to me and give me a kiss, my son.”
26 (KAT) Potom mu povedal jeho otec Izák: „Nože pristúp ku mne, syn môj, a pobozkaj ma!“

27 (CPDV) He approached and kissed him. And 16 immediately he perceived the fragrance of his garments. And so, blessing him, he said: “Behold, the smell of my son is like the smell of a plentiful field, which the Lord has blessed.
27 (KAT) Keď sa priblížil a keď ho pobozkal, zacítil vôňu jeho šiat a požehnal ho, hovoriac: „Hľaďže, vôňa syna môjho je ako vôňa nivy, ktorú požehnal Pán.

28 (CPDV) May God give to you, from the dew of heaven and from the fatness of the earth, an abundance of grain and wine.
28 (KAT) Nech ti dá Boh z nebeskej rosy a zo žírnosti zeme, tiež hojnosť zrna a muštu!

29 (CPDV) And may the peoples serve you, and may the tribes reverence you. May you be the lord of your brothers, and may your mother’s sons bow down before you. Whoever curses you, may he be cursed, and whoever blesses you, may he be filled with blessings.”
29 (KAT) Nech ti slúžia ľudia a nech sa sklonia pred tebou národy. Buď pánom nad svojimi bratmi, a nech sa ti koria synovia tvojej matky! Kto bude teba preklínať, nech je prekliaty, a kto bude teba žehnať, nech je požehnaný!“

30 (CPDV) Scarcely had Isaac completed his words, and Jacob departed, when Esau arrived.
30 (KAT) Len čo Izák prestal žehnať Jakuba a sotva Jakub vyšiel od svojho otca Izáka, už prichádzal jeho brat Ezau z poľovačky (domov).

31 (CPDV) And he brought his father foods cooked from his hunting, saying, “Arise, my father, and eat from your son’s hunting, so that your soul may bless me.”
31 (KAT) Aj on pripravil chutné jedlo, priniesol ho otcovi a vravel: „Otče môj, vstaň a jedz z diviny od svojho syna, aby si ma požehnal!“

32 (CPDV) And Isaac said to him, “But who are you?” And he answered, “I am your firstborn son, Esau.”
32 (KAT) Jeho otec Izák mu povedal: „A ty si kto?“ On odpovedal: „Ja som tvoj syn, tvoj prvorodený Ezau.“

33 (CPDV) Isaac became frightened and very astonished. And wondering beyond what can be believed, he said: “Then who is he that a while ago brought me the prey from his hunting, from which I ate, before you arrived? And I blessed him, and he will be blessed.”
33 (KAT) Izák sa náramne zľakol a povedal: „Kto to bol teda, čo mi ulovil zverinu a čo mi ju bol doniesol? A ja som jedol zo všetkého prv, ako si ty prišiel! Aj som ho požehnal a bude požehnaný!“

34 (CPDV) Esau, having heard his father’s words, roared out with a great outcry. And, being confounded, he said, “But bless me also, my father.”
34 (KAT) Keď Ezau počul otcove slová, hrozne zreval a veľmi sa spriečil, a svojmu otcovi povedal: „Otče môj, požehnaj aj mňa!“

35 (CPDV) And he said, “Your twin came deceitfully, and he received your blessing.”
35 (KAT) On odvetil: „Podvodne prišiel tvoj brat a odňal ti požehnanie!“

36 (CPDV) But he responded: “Justly is his name called Jacob. For he has supplanted me yet another time. My birthright he took away before, and now, this second time, he has stolen my blessing.” And again, he said to his father, “Have you not reserved a blessing for me also?”
36 (KAT) Tu on povedal: „Preto mu dali meno Jakub, že ma teraz už druhý raz oklamal? Už mi odňal prvorodenské právo a teraz, hľa, odňal mi aj požehnanie!“

37 (CPDV) Isaac answered: “I have appointed him as your lord, and I have subjugated all his brothers as his servants. I have reinforced him with grain and wine, and after this, my son, what more shall I do for you?”
37 (KAT) Izák odpovedal Ezauovi: „Pozri, ja som ho ustanovil za pána nad tebou a všetkých jeho bratov som mu dal za sluhov! Zrnom a muštom som ho zaopatril. Čo ešte môžem urobiť pre teba, syn môj?“

38 (CPDV) And Esau said to him: “Have you only one blessing, father? I beg you, bless me also.” And when he wept with a loud wail,
38 (KAT) Vtedy mu Ezau odvetil: „Otče môj, či máš len jedno požehnanie? Požehnaj aj mňa, otče môj!“ Tu Ezau začal hlasne plakať.

39 (CPDV) Isaac was moved, and he said to him: “In the fatness of the earth, and in the dew of heaven from above,
39 (KAT) A Izák mu povedal: „Ďaleko od žírnej pôdy bude tvoje bydlisko a ďaleko od nebeskej rosy zhora.

40 (CPDV) will your blessing be. You will live by the sword, and you will serve your brother. But the time will arrive when you will shake off and release his yoke from your neck.”
40 (KAT) Zo svojho meča budeš žiť, slúžiť však budeš svojmu bratovi, a keď sa budeš snažiť oslobodiť, zhodíš jeho jarmo zo svojej šije.“

41 (CPDV) Therefore, Esau always hated Jacob, for the blessing with which his father had blessed him. And he said in his heart, “The days will arrive for the mourning of my father, and I will kill my brother Jacob.”
41 (KAT) Ezau sa hneval na Jakuba pre požehnanie, ktoré mu dal jeho otec, preto si hovoril: „Čoskoro príde čas, že sa bude smútiť nad mojím otcom. Potom svojho brata zabijem!“

42 (CPDV) These things were reported to Rebekah. And sending and calling for her son Jacob, she said to him, “Behold, your brother Esau is threatening to kill you.
42 (KAT) Lenže slová staršieho syna oznámili Rebeke. Preto dala zavolať svojho mladšieho syna Jakuba a takto mu vravela: „Hľa, tvoj brat Ezau ti chystá pomstu, chce ťa zabiť.

43 (CPDV) Therefore, now my son, listen to my voice. Rise up and flee to my brother Laban, in Haran.
43 (KAT) Preto počuj, syn môj, na môj hlas: Zober sa a utekaj k môjmu bratovi Labanovi do Haranu.

44 (CPDV) And you will dwell with him for a few days, until the fury of your brother subsides,
44 (KAT) Ostaň u neho nejaký čas, kým sa neutíši hnev tvojho brata

45 (CPDV) and his indignation ceases, and he forgets the things that you have done to him. After this, I will send for you and bring you from there to here. Why should I be bereaved of both my sons in one day?”
45 (KAT) a kým neprestane jeho zlosť a kým nezabudne, čo si mu urobil! Potom pošlem po teba a dám si ťa priviesť odtiaľ sem. Prečo by som vás mala oboch stratiť v jeden deň?!“

46 (CPDV) And Rebekah said to Isaac, “I am weary of my life because of the daughters of Heth. If Jacob accepts a wife from the stock of this land, I would not be willing to live.”
46 (KAT) Potom povedala Rebeka Izákovi: „Omŕza ma život pre Hetejky. Ak si aj Jakub vezme za ženu Hetejku, ako sú tieto z dcér (tunajšej) krajiny, načo mi žiť?!“

Gn 27, 1-46

Verš 34
Esau, having heard his father’s words, roared out with a great outcry. And, being confounded, he said, “But bless me also, my father.”
Heb 12:17 - For you know that afterwards, when he desired to inherit the benediction, he was rejected. For he found no place for repentance, even though he had sought it with tears.

Verš 36
But he responded: “Justly is his name called Jacob. For he has supplanted me yet another time. My birthright he took away before, and now, this second time, he has stolen my blessing.” And again, he said to his father, “Have you not reserved a blessing for me also?”
Gn 25:33 - Jacob said, “So then, swear to me.” Esau swore to him, and he sold his right of the firstborn.

Verš 38
And Esau said to him: “Have you only one blessing, father? I beg you, bless me also.” And when he wept with a loud wail,
Heb 12:17 - For you know that afterwards, when he desired to inherit the benediction, he was rejected. For he found no place for repentance, even though he had sought it with tears.

Verš 46
And Rebekah said to Isaac, “I am weary of my life because of the daughters of Heth. If Jacob accepts a wife from the stock of this land, I would not be willing to live.”
Gn 26:35 - And they both offended the mind of Isaac and Rebekah.

Verš 28
May God give to you, from the dew of heaven and from the fatness of the earth, an abundance of grain and wine.
Heb 11:20 - By faith, also, Isaac 689 blessed Jacob and Esau, concerning future events.

Verš 29
And may the peoples serve you, and may the tribes reverence you. May you be the lord of your brothers, and may your mother’s sons bow down before you. Whoever curses you, may he be cursed, and whoever blesses you, may he be filled with blessings.”
Gn 12:3 - I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you, and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”

Gn 27,5-27 - Jakub si prvorodenské právo od brata už kúpil (25,29–34). No i tak sa obaja, Rebeka aj Jakub, prehrešujú. Písmo zaznačuje ich skutok, nechváli ho. Naopak, poukazuje na to, čo museli obaja pretrpieť za svoje previnenie. Následky boli tvrdé. Napokon tak právo prvorodeného, ako aj požehnania s ním spojené boli by ostali neplatné, keby ich Izák nebol osobitne potvrdil. Presvedčil sa, že to Pán už predtým ustanovil. "Vôňu šiat" – Ezau sa zdržiaval zväčša vonku, na poliach, medzi rastlinami prenikavej vône. Ňou sa nabrali aj jeho šaty.

Gn 27,33 - Sv. Augustín, sv. Hieronym a iní Otcovia myslia, že Boh v tejto chvíli prezrádza Izákovi svoj zámer, a tak sa dá pochopiť, že patriarcha, i keď poznal klam, ktorého sa stal obeťou, nechce dať požehnanie tomu, ktorému by prináležalo podľa práva prvorodeného. Naopak, potvrdzuje požehnanie, ktoré pred chvíľou udelil Jakubovi (Hebr 12,7).

Gn 27,36 - Slovná hračka: "prvorodenské právo" – bekorah a "požehnanie" – berakah.

Gn 27,40 - Z meča žiť označuje život beduína. Aj v tomto verši latinský text má inú lekciu: Príde však čas, keď jeho jarmo… To by naznačovalo, že Edomčania sa zbavia nadvlády Izraelitov. Lenže stalo sa to, čo vystihuje text hebrejský. Edomčania sa nakoniec živili z koristi a lúpeže. V dejinách Izraelitov sú vždy na strane nepriateľa vyvoleného národa.

Gn 27,45 - Stratiť v jeden deň – Rebeka myslí na trest odvety. Jakub by bol mŕtvy a Ezau by sa stal vinným smrti. Najbližší príbuzní mali by Jakubovu smrť trestať smrťou Ezaua.