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Kniha Genezis

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Gn 26, 1-35

1 (CPDV) Then, when a famine arose over the land, after that barrenness which had happened in the days of Abraham, Isaac went to Abimelech, king of the Palestinians, in Gerar.
1 (ROH) A povstal v zemi hlad, mimo tamtoho prvého hladu, ktorý bol za dňov Abrahámových, a Izák odišiel k Abimelechovi, kráľovi Filištínov, do Gerára.

2 (CPDV) And the Lord appeared to him, and he said: “Do not descend into Egypt, but rest in the land that I will tell you,
2 (ROH) Lebo sa mu bol ukázal Hospodin a riekol mu: Neodchádzaj dolu do Egypta, ale bývaj v zemi, o ktorej ti poviem.

3 (CPDV) and sojourn in it, and I will be with you, and I will bless you. For to you and to your offspring I will give all these regions, completing the oath that I promised to Abraham your father.
3 (ROH) Bývaj v tejto zemi jako pohostín, a budem s tebou a požehnám ťa, lebo tebe a tvojmu semenu dám všetky tieto zeme a postavím prísahu, ktorú som prisahal Abrahámovi, tvojmu otcovi.

4 (CPDV) And I will multiply your offspring like the stars of heaven. And I will give to your posterity all these regions. And in your offspring all the nations of the earth will be blessed,
4 (ROH) A rozmnožím tvoje semeno tak, že ho bude jako hviezd na nebi, a dám tvojmu semenu všetky tieto zeme, a v tvojom semene budú požehnané všetky národy zeme,

5 (CPDV) because Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my precepts and commandments, and observed the ceremonies and the laws.”
5 (ROH) pretože Abrahám poslúchol na môj hlas a zachoval moje nariadenie, moje prikázania, moje ustanovenia a moje zákony.

6 (CPDV) And so Isaac remained in Gerar. 15
6 (ROH) A tak býval Izák v Geráre.

7 (CPDV) And when he was questioned by the men of that place about his wife, he answered, “She is my sister.” For he was afraid to confess her to be his mate, thinking that perhaps they would put him to death because of her beauty.
7 (ROH) Ale mužovia toho miesta sa pýtali po jeho žene, a vravel: To je moja sestra. Lebo sa bál povedať: Moja žena. Aby ma vraj nezabili mužovia toho miesta pre Rebeku, lebo bola krásneho vzozrenia.

8 (CPDV) And when very many days had passed, and he had remained in the same place, Abimelech, king of the Palestinians, gazing through a window, saw him being playful with Rebekah, his wife.
8 (ROH) A stalo sa, keď tam už býval nejaký čas, že Abimelech, kráľ Filištínov, vyzeral z obloka a videl a hľa, Izák sa poihrával s Rebekou, svojou ženou.

9 (CPDV) And summoning him, he said: “It is clear that she is your wife. Why did you falsely claim her to be your sister?” He answered, “I was afraid, lest I might die because of her.”
9 (ROH) Vtedy povolal Abimelech Izáka a povedal: Hľa, vidieť, že je to tvoja žena. Nuž, akože je to, že si hovoril: Je moja sestra? A Izák mu povedal: Vravel som tak preto, že som povedal: Aby som nezomrel pre ňu.

10 (CPDV) And Abimelech said: “Why have you burdened us? Someone from the people could have lain with your wife, and you would have brought a great sin upon us.” And he instructed all the people, saying,
10 (ROH) A Abimelech povedal: Čo si nám to urobil? Málo chýbalo, čo by bol niektorý z ľudu ležal s tvojou ženou, a bol by si na nás uviedol vinu.

11 (CPDV) “Whoever will touch the wife of this man will die a death.”
11 (ROH) Potom prikázal Abimelech všetkému ľudu a riekol: Kto by sa dotknul toho človeka alebo jeho ženy, istotne zomrie.

12 (CPDV) Then Isaac sowed in that land, and he found, in that same year, one hundredfold. And the Lord blessed him.
12 (ROH) A Izák sial v tej zemi a našiel toho roku, že sa mu urodilo stonásobne, a Hospodin ho požehnal.

13 (CPDV) And the man was enriched, and he continued prospering as well as increasing, until he became very great.
13 (ROH) A človek narástol veľký a prospieval viacej a viacej a rástol tak, až bol veľmi veliký.

14 (CPDV) Likewise, he had possessions of sheep and of herds, and a very large family. Because of this, the Palestinians envied him,
14 (ROH) A mal stádo drobného dobytka a stádo rožného statku a služobnej čeľade mnoho, a preto mu závideli Filištíni.

15 (CPDV) so, at that time, they obstructed all the wells that the servants of his father Abraham had dug, filling them with soil.
15 (ROH) A všetky studne, ktoré boli vykopali sluhovia jeho otca za dní Abraháma, jeho otca, zahádzali Filištíni a zaplnili ich zemou.

16 (CPDV) It reached a point where Abimelech himself said to Isaac, “Move away from us, for you have become very much more powerful than we.”
16 (ROH) A Abimelech povedal Izákovi: Odídi od nás, lebo si o mnoho mocnejší ako my.

17 (CPDV) And departing, he then went toward the torrent of Gerar, and he dwelt there.
17 (ROH) A tak odišiel odtiaľ Izák a rozložil sa táborom v doline Geráre a býval tam.

18 (CPDV) Again, he dug up other wells, which the servants of his father Abraham had dug, and which, after his death, the Philistines had formerly obstructed. And he called them by the same names that his father had called them before.
18 (ROH) A Izák zase vykopal studne vody, ktoré boli vykopali za dní Abraháma, jeho otca, a ktoré boli zahádzali Filištíni po smrti Abrahámovej, a pomenoval ich menami, jakými ich bol pomenoval jeho otec.

19 (CPDV) And they dug in the torrent, and they found living water.
19 (ROH) A služobníci Izákovi kopali aj na tej doline a našli tam studňu živej vody.

20 (CPDV) But in that place also the shepherds of Gerar argued against the shepherds of Isaac, by saying, “It is our water.” For this reason, he called the name of the well, because of what had happened, ‘Calumny.’
20 (ROH) Ale pastieri z Gerára vadili sa s pastiermi Izákovými a vraveli: To je naša voda. A tak nazval meno studne Esek , lebo sa vadili s ním.

21 (CPDV) Then they dug up yet another one. And over that one also they fought, and he called it, ‘Enmity.’
21 (ROH) Potom vykopali druhú studňu a vadili sa aj o tú, a preto nazval jej meno Sitna .

22 (CPDV) Advancing from there, he dug another well, over which they did not contend. And so he called its name, ‘Latitude,’ saying, “Now the Lord has expanded us and caused us to increase across the land.”
22 (ROH) A hnul sa odtiaľ a kopal ešte inú studňu, a o tú sa už nevadili, a preto ju pomenoval: Rechobót , a povedal: Teraz nám upriestranil Hospodin, a rozplodíme sa na zemi.

23 (CPDV) Then he ascended from that place into Beersheba,
23 (ROH) Potom odišiel odtiaľ hore do Bér-šeby.

24 (CPDV) where the Lord appeared to him on the same night, saying: “I am the God of Abraham your father. Do not be afraid, for I am with you. I will bless you, and I will multiply your offspring because of my servant Abraham.”
24 (ROH) A v tú noc sa mu ukázal Hospodin a riekol: Ja som Bôh Abraháma, tvojho otca; neboj sa, lebo ja som s tebou a požehnám ťa a rozmnožím tvoje semeno pre Abraháma, svojho služobníka.

25 (CPDV) And so he built an altar there. And he invoked the name of the Lord, and he stretched out his tent. And he instructed his servants to dig a well.
25 (ROH) A vystavil tam oltár a vzýval meno Hospodinovo a tam tiež postavil svoj stán, a služobníci Izákovi tam vykopali studňu.

26 (CPDV) When Abimelech, and Ahuzzath, his friend, and Phicol, the leader of the military, had arrived from Gerar to that place,
26 (ROH) Potom išiel k nemu Abimelech z Gerára a Achuzat, jeho priateľ, a Fíkol, knieža jeho vojska.

27 (CPDV) Isaac said to them, “Why have you come to me, a man whom you hate, and whom you have expelled from among you?”
27 (ROH) A Izák im povedal: Prečo ste prišli ku mne, keď ma nenávidíte a zahnali ste ma od seba?

28 (CPDV) And they responded: “We saw that the Lord is with you, and therefore we said: Let there be an oath between us, and let us initiate a pact,
28 (ROH) A povedali: Vidíme zrejme, že je Hospodin s tebou, a povedali sme si: Nechže je prísaha medzi nami, medzi nami a medzi tebou, a učiníme s tebou smluvu,

29 (CPDV) so that you may not do us any kind of harm, just as we have touched nothing of yours, and have not caused any injury to you, but with peace we released you, augmented by the blessing of the Lord.”
29 (ROH) že nám neurobíš zlého, tak ako sme sa my teba neba nedotkli a jako sme ti neurobili iba dobré a prepustili sme ťa v pokoji, ty, teraz požehnaný Hospodinov.

30 (CPDV) Therefore, he made them a feast, and after the food and drink,
30 (ROH) A učinil im hostinu, a jedli a pili.

31 (CPDV) arising in the morning, they swore to one another. And Isaac sent them away peacefully to their own place.
31 (ROH) Potom vstali skoro ráno a prisahali druh druhovi, a Izák ich prepustil, a odišli od neho v pokoji.

32 (CPDV) Then, behold, on the same day the servants of Isaac came, reporting to him about a well which they had dug, and saying: “We have found water.”
32 (ROH) A stalo sa toho dňa, že prišli služobníci Izákovi a oznámili mu o studni, ktorú kopali, a povedali mu: Našli sme vodu.

33 (CPDV) Therefore, he called it, ‘Abundance.’ And the name of the city was established as ‘Beersheba,’ even to the present day.
33 (ROH) A pomenoval ju: Šeba , preto je meno toho mesta Bér-šeba , až do dnešného dňa.

34 (CPDV) In truth, at forty years of age, Esau took wives: Judith, the daughter of Beeri, the Hittite, and Basemath, the daughter of Elon, of the same place.
34 (ROH) A Ezavovi bolo štyridsať rokov, keď si vzal ženu Juditu, dcéru Bériho Hetejského, a Bazematu, dcéru Elona Hetejského.

35 (CPDV) And they both offended the mind of Isaac and Rebekah.
35 (ROH) A boly horkosťou ducha Izákovi aj Rebeke.

Gn 26, 1-35

Verš 35
And they both offended the mind of Isaac and Rebekah.
Gn 27:46 - And Rebekah said to Isaac, “I am weary of my life because of the daughters of Heth. If Jacob accepts a wife from the stock of this land, I would not be willing to live.”

Verš 3
and sojourn in it, and I will be with you, and I will bless you. For to you and to your offspring I will give all these regions, completing the oath that I promised to Abraham your father.
Gn 13:15 - All the land that you see, I will give to you, and to your offspring even forever.
Gn 15:18 - On that day, God formed a covenant with Abram, saying: “To your offspring I will give this land, from the river of Egypt, even to the great river Euphrates:

Verš 4
And I will multiply your offspring like the stars of heaven. And I will give to your posterity all these regions. And in your offspring all the nations of the earth will be blessed,
Gn 12:3 - I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you, and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”
Gn 18:18 - since he will become a great and very robust nation, and in him all the nations of the earth will be blessed?
Gn 22:18 - And in your offspring, all the nations of the earth will be blessed, because you obeyed my voice.”

Gn 26,19 - Živá voda je voda z prameňa, odlišná od vody dažďovej, ktorá sa nachytá do vodných nádrží.

Gn 26,22 - Esek ,hádka', Sitna ,obžaloba', Rechobot ,voľnosť' je pravdepodobne dnešná studňa er-Ruchébe, 30 km juhozápadne od Bersaby.

Gn 26,24 - Abrahám je prvý, ktorý dostáva v Svätom písme meno služobník Boží. Boh patriarchov nie je patrónom nijakého územia. On sa zjavuje skupine ľudí, ktorú chráni a vedie.

Gn 26,33 - Šebuah ,prísaha'. Táto studňa sotva je tá istá, pri ktorej svojho času prisahal s Abimelechom Abrahám (21,22–34).

Gn 26,34 - Ezau sa ukazuje čoraz ľahostajnejším. Berie si za ženy dcéry hetejské, teda pohanky. To iste zarmútilo bohabojných rodičov.