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Evanjelium podľa Marka

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(UKJV - Anglický - Updated King James)

Mk 9, 1-50

1 (UKJV) And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power.
1 (ROH) A hovoril im: Ameň vám hovorím, že sú niektorí z tých, ktorí tu stoja, ktorí neokúsia smrti, dokiaľ neuvidia kráľovstva Božieho, prišlého v moci.

2 (UKJV) And after six days Jesus takes with him Peter, and James, and John, and leads them up into an high mountain apart by themselves: and he was transfigured before them.
2 (ROH) Potom po šiestich dňoch povolal Ježiš so sebou Petra, Jakoba a Jána a vyviedol ich na vysoký vrch osobitne, samotných. A premenil sa pred nimi,

3 (UKJV) "And his raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow; so as no launderer on earth can white them. "
3 (ROH) i jeho rúcho stalo sa skvejúcim, veľmi bielym ako sneh, akého bielič na zemi nemôže vybieliť.

4 (UKJV) And there appeared unto them Elijah with Moses: and they were talking with Jesus.
4 (ROH) A ukázal sa im Eliáš s Mojžišom, a shovárali sa s Ježišom.

5 (UKJV) "And Peter answered and said to Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah. "
5 (ROH) Vtedy odpovedal Peter a riekol Ježišovi: Rabbi, dobre nám je tu byť; urobme tri stány: tebe jeden, Mojžišovi jeden a Eliášovi jeden.

6 (UKJV) "For he knows not what to say; for they were sore afraid. "
6 (ROH) Lebo nevedel, čo by mal hovoriť, pretože boli veľmi poľakaní.

7 (UKJV) And there was a cloud that overshadowed them: and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him.
7 (ROH) A povstal oblak, zatôňujúci ich, a hlas prišiel z oblaku, ktorý hovoril: Toto je ten môj milovaný Syn, jeho počúvajte!

8 (UKJV) And suddenly, when they had looked round about, they saw no man any more, save Jesus only with themselves.
8 (ROH) A razom, obzrúc sa dookola, nevideli viacej nikoho, iba samého Ježiša so sebou.

9 (UKJV) And as they came down from the mountain, he charged them that they should tell no man what things they had seen, till the Son of man were risen from the dead.
9 (ROH) A keď schádzali s vrchu, prikázal im, aby nikomu nerozprávali o tom, čo videli, iba vraj až potom, keď vstane Syn človeka z mŕtvych.

10 (UKJV) And they kept that saying (o. logos) with themselves, questioning one with another what the rising from the dead should mean.
10 (ROH) A držali to slovo u seba dopytujúc sa medzi sebou, čo je to vstať z mŕtvych.

11 (UKJV) And they asked him, saying, Why say the scribes that Elijah must first come?
11 (ROH) A opýtali sa ho a riekli: Zákonníci hovoria, že Eliáš musí prijsť prv. -

12 (UKJV) "And he answered and told them, Elijah verily comes first, and restores all things; and how it is written of the Son of man, that he must suffer many things, and be set at nothing. "
12 (ROH) A on im povedal: Eliáš pravda prijde prv a napraví všetko. A jako je napísané o Synovi človeka, že musí mnoho trpieť a byť zavrhnutým?

13 (UKJV) But I say unto you, That Elijah is indeed come, and they have done unto him whatsoever they listed, as it is written of him.
13 (ROH) Ale hovorím vám, že aj Eliáš už prišiel, a urobili mu, čo chceli, jako je o ňom napísané.

14 (UKJV) And when he came to his disciples, he saw a great multitude about them, and the scribes questioning with them.
14 (ROH) A keď prišli k učeníkom, videli veľký zástup okolo nich a zákonníkov dohadovať sa s nimi.

15 (UKJV) And immediately all the people, when they beheld him, were greatly amazed, and running to him saluted him.
15 (ROH) A hneď celý zástup, keď ho uvideli, preľakli sa a pribehnúc pozdravili ho.

16 (UKJV) And he asked the scribes, What question all of you with them?
16 (ROH) A opýtal sa ich, (tých zákonníkov): Čo sa s nimi dohadujete?

17 (UKJV) "And one of the multitude answered and said, Master, I have brought unto you my son, which has a dumb spirit; (o. pneuma) "
17 (ROH) A jeden zo zástupu mu odpovedal: Učiteľu, doviedol som k tebe svojho syna, ktorý má nemého ducha,

18 (UKJV) "And where ever he takes him, he tears him: and he foams, and gnashes with his teeth, and pins away: and I spoke to your disciples that they should cast him out; and they could not. "
18 (ROH) a kdekoľvek ho pochytí, trhá ho, a idú mu peny, škrípe zubami a schne. A povedal som tvojim učeníkom, žeby ho vyhnali, ale nevládali.

19 (UKJV) He answers him, and says, O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him unto me.
19 (ROH) A on im odpovedal a riekol: Ó, neveriace pokolenie, dokiaľ budem s vami?! Dokiaľ vás ponesiem?! Priveďte ho ku mne!

20 (UKJV) "And they brought him unto him: and when he saw him, immediately the spirit (o. pneuma) tare him; and he fell on the ground, and wallowed foaming. "
20 (ROH) A priviedli ho k nemu. A keď ho uvidel, hneď ním lomcoval duch, a padol na zem, váľal sa a penil.

21 (UKJV) And he asked his father, How long is it ago since this came unto him? And he said, Of a child.
21 (ROH) A opýtal sa jeho otca: Jako dávno je odvtedy, ako sa mu to stalo? A on povedal: Od detinstva.

22 (UKJV) And frequently it has cast him into the fire, and into the waters, to destroy him: but if you can do any thing, have compassion on us, and help us.
22 (ROH) A mnoho ráz ho aj na oheň hodil aj do vody, len aby ho zahubil. Ale ak môžeš niečo, pomôž nám zľutujúc sa nad nami.

23 (UKJV) Jesus said unto him, If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes.
23 (ROH) Ale Ježiš mu povedal: Ach, to ak môžeš! Všetko je možné veriacemu!

24 (UKJV) "And immediately the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help you mine unbelief. "
24 (ROH) Tu hneď skríkol otec mládenca so slzami a povedal: Verím, Pane; pomôž mojej nevere!

25 (UKJV) When Jesus saw that the people came running together, he rebuked the foul spirit, (o. pneuma) saying unto him, You dumb and deaf spirit, (o. pneuma) I charge you, come out of him, and enter no more into him.
25 (ROH) A keď videl Ježiš, že sa sbieha zástup, pokarhal nečistého ducha a povedal mu: Duchu, nemý a hluchý, ja ti rozkazujem, vyjdi z neho a viacej nevojdeš do neho!

26 (UKJV) "And the spirit cried, and rent him sore, and came out of him: and he was as one dead; insomuch that many said, He is dead. "
26 (ROH) A kričiac a veľmi ním lomcujúc vyšiel, a mládenec bol ako mŕtvy, takže mnohí hovorili, že zomrel.

27 (UKJV) "But Jesus took him by the hand, and lifted him up; and he arose. "
27 (ROH) Ale Ježiš ho chopil za ruku, pozdvihnul ho, a vstal.

28 (UKJV) And when he was come into the house, his disciples asked him privately, Why could not we cast him out?
28 (ROH) A keď vošiel do domu, pýtali sa ho jeho učeníci osobitne: Prečo sme ho my nemohli vyhnať?

29 (UKJV) And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.
29 (ROH) A povedal im: Toto pokolenie nemôže vyjsť nijakým činom, iba modlitbou a pôstom.

30 (UKJV) "And they departed thence, and passed through Galilee; and he would not that any man should know it. "
30 (ROH) Potom vyšli ztadiaľ a išli pomimo cez Galileu, a nechcel, aby to niekto zvedel,

31 (UKJV) "For he taught his disciples, and said unto them, The Son of man is delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill him; and after that he is killed, he shall rise the third day. "
31 (ROH) lebo učil svojich učeníkov a hovoril im: Syn človeka bude vydaný do rúk ľudí, a zabijú ho. No, keď ho zabijú, tretieho dňa vstane z mŕtvych.

32 (UKJV) But they understood not that saying, (o. rhema) and were afraid to ask him.
32 (ROH) Ale oni nerozumeli tomu slovu a báli sa ho opýtať sa.

33 (UKJV) And he came to Capernaum: and being in the house he asked them, What was it that all of you disputed among yourselves by the way?
33 (ROH) A prišli do Kafarnauma. A keď bol v dome, pýtal sa ich: O čom ste to rozmýšľali medzi sebou na ceste?

34 (UKJV) But they held their peace: for by the way they had disputed among themselves, who should be the greatest.
34 (ROH) Ale oni mlčali. Lebo sa shovárali medzi sebou na ceste o tom, ktorý je väčší.

35 (UKJV) And he sat down, and called the twelve, and says unto them, If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all.
35 (ROH) A sadnúc si zavolal dvanástich a povedal im: Ak chce niekto byť prvým, bude od všetkých najposlednejším a všetkých služobníkom.

36 (UKJV) And he took a child, and set him in the midst of them: and when he had taken him in his arms, he said unto them,
36 (ROH) Potom vzal dieťa, postavil ho do prostredku medzi nich a vezmúc ho na ramená povedal im:

37 (UKJV) Whosoever shall receive one of such children in my name, receives me: and whosoever shall receive me, receives not me, but him that sent me.
37 (ROH) Ktokoľvek by prijal jedno z takýchto detí v mojom mene, mňa prijíma; a ktokoľvek by mňa prijal, nie mňa prijíma, ale toho, ktorý ma poslal.

38 (UKJV) And John answered him, saying, Master, we saw one casting out devils in your name, and he follows not us: and we forbad him, because he follows not us.
38 (ROH) A Ján mu povedal: Učiteľu, videli sme nejakého človeka, ktorý v tvojom mene vyháňa démonov a ktorý nechodí s nami, a zbraňovali sme mu to, pretože nechodí s nami.

39 (UKJV) But Jesus said, Forbid him not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me.
39 (ROH) Ale Ježiš povedal: Nebráňte mu, lebo nieto nikoho, kto by v mojom mene činil divy, a mohol by hneď zle o mne hovoriť.

40 (UKJV) For he that is not against us is on our part.
40 (ROH) Pretože kto nie je proti nám, je za nás.

41 (UKJV) For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because all of you belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.
41 (ROH) Lebo ktokoľvek by vás pohárom vody napojil v mojom mene, pretože ste Kristovi, ameň vám hovorím, že nestratí svojej odplaty.

42 (UKJV) And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.
42 (ROH) A ktokoľvek by pohoršil jedného z týchto maličkých, veriacich vo mňa, tomu by lepšie bolo, keby mu bol mlynský kameň zavesený okolo šije, a bol hodený do mora.

43 (UKJV) And if your hand offend you, cut it off: it is better for you to enter into life physically disabled, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:
43 (ROH) A keby ťa pohoršovala tvoja ruka, odtni ju; lepšie ti je vojsť do života bezrukému, než aby si mal dve ruky a odišiel do pekla, do toho neuhasiteľného ohňa,

44 (UKJV) Where their worm dies not, and the fire is not quenched.
44 (ROH) kde ich červ nezomiera, a oheň nehasne.

45 (UKJV) And if your foot offend you, cut it off: it is better for you to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:
45 (ROH) A keby ťa pohoršovala tvoja noha, odtni ju; lepšie ti je vojsť do života beznohému, než aby si mal dve nohy a bol hodený do pekla, do toho neuhasiteľného ohňa,

46 (UKJV) Where their worm dies not, and the fire is not quenched.
46 (ROH) kde ich červ nezomiera, a oheň nehasne.

47 (UKJV) And if your eye offend you, pluck it out: it is better for you to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire:
47 (ROH) A keby ťa pohoršovalo tvoje oko, vylúp ho; lepšie ti je vojsť do kráľovstva Božieho jednookému, než aby si mal dve oči a bol hodený do ohnivého pekla,

48 (UKJV) Where their worm dies not, and the fire is not quenched.
48 (ROH) kde ich červ nezomiera, a oheň nehasne.

49 (UKJV) For every one shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt.
49 (ROH) Lebo každý bude osolený ohňom a každá obeť bude osolená soľou.

50 (UKJV) Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his saltiness, wherewith will all of you season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another.
50 (ROH) Soľ je dobrá. Ale keby sa soľ stala neslanou, čím ju osolíte? Majte soľ v sebe a majte pokoj medzi sebou!

Mk 9, 1-50

Verš 1
And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power.
Mt 16:28 - Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.
Lk 9:27 - But I tell you truthfully, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the kingdom of God.

Verš 2
And after six days Jesus takes with him Peter, and James, and John, and leads them up into an high mountain apart by themselves: and he was transfigured before them.
Mt 17:1 - And after six days Jesus takes Peter, James, and John his brother, and brings them up into an high mountain apart,
Lk 9:28 - And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, (o. logos) he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray.

Verš 7
And there was a cloud that overshadowed them: and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him.
Iz 42:1 - "Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delights; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. "
Mt 3:17 - And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
Mt 17:5 - "While he yet spoke, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear all of you him. "
Mk 1:11 - And there came a voice from heaven, saying, You are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
Lk 3:22 - "And the Holy Spirit (o. pneuma) descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, You are my beloved Son; in you I am well pleased. "
Lk 9:35 - And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him.
Kol 1:13 - Who has delivered us from the power of darkness, and has translated us into the kingdom of his (o. agape) dear Son:
2Pt 1:17 - For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
Dt 18:19 - And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.

Verš 9
And as they came down from the mountain, he charged them that they should tell no man what things they had seen, till the Son of man were risen from the dead.
Mt 17:9 - And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead.
Lk 9:36 - And when the voice was past, Jesus was found alone. And they kept it close, and told no man in those days any of those things which they had seen.

Verš 11
And they asked him, saying, Why say the scribes that Elijah must first come?
Mal 4:5 - Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:
Mt 11:14 - And if all of you will receive it, this is Elijah, which was in order to come.
Lk 1:17 - "And he shall go before him in the spirit (o. pneuma) and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. "

Verš 12
"And he answered and told them, Elijah verily comes first, and restores all things; and how it is written of the Son of man, that he must suffer many things, and be set at nothing. "
Ž 22:6 - "But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people. "
Iz 53:4 - Surely he has borne our sicknesses, and carried our pains: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
Dan 9:26 - "And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. "

Verš 13
But I say unto you, That Elijah is indeed come, and they have done unto him whatsoever they listed, as it is written of him.
Mal 4:5 - Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:

Verš 17
"And one of the multitude answered and said, Master, I have brought unto you my son, which has a dumb spirit; (o. pneuma) "
Mt 17:14 - And when they were come to the multitude, there came to him a certain man, kneeling down to him, and saying,
Lk 9:37 - And it came to pass, that on the next day, when they were come down from the hill, much people met him.

Verš 20
"And they brought him unto him: and when he saw him, immediately the spirit (o. pneuma) tare him; and he fell on the ground, and wallowed foaming. "
Mk 1:26 - And when the unclean spirit (o. pneuma) had torn him, and cried with a loud voice, he came out of him.

Verš 23
Jesus said unto him, If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes.
Lk 17:6 - "And the Lord said, If all of you had faith as a grain of mustard seed, all of you might say unto this sycamine tree, Be you plucked up by the root, and be you planted in the sea; and it should obey you. "

Verš 28
And when he was come into the house, his disciples asked him privately, Why could not we cast him out?
Mt 17:19 - Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out?

Verš 30
"And they departed thence, and passed through Galilee; and he would not that any man should know it. "
Mt 16:21 - From that time forth began Jesus to show unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day.
Mt 17:22 - And while they abode in Galilee, Jesus said unto them, The Son of man shall be betrayed into the hands of men:
Mt 20:18 - "Behold, we go up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man shall be betrayed unto the chief priests and unto the scribes, and they shall condemn him to death, "
Mk 8:31 - And he began to teach them, that the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders, and of the chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again.
Mt 10:33 - But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
Lk 9:22 - Saying, The Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be slain, and be raised the third day.
Lk 18:31 - Then he took unto him the twelve, and said unto them, Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of man shall be accomplished.
Lk 24:7 - Saying, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.

Verš 33
And he came to Capernaum: and being in the house he asked them, What was it that all of you disputed among yourselves by the way?
Mt 18:1 - At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?
Lk 9:46 - Then there arose a reasoning among them, which of them should be greatest.
Lk 22:24 - And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest.

Verš 35
And he sat down, and called the twelve, and says unto them, If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all.
Mt 20:27 - And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant:
Mk 10:43 - But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister:

Verš 36
And he took a child, and set him in the midst of them: and when he had taken him in his arms, he said unto them,
Mk 10:16 - And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them.

Verš 37
Whosoever shall receive one of such children in my name, receives me: and whosoever shall receive me, receives not me, but him that sent me.
Mt 18:5 - And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receives me.
Lk 9:48 - And said unto them, Whosoever shall receive this child in my name receives me: and whosoever shall receive me receives him that sent me: for he that is least among you all, the same shall be great.
Jn 13:20 - "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receives whomsoever I send receives me; and he that receives me receives him that sent me. "

Verš 38
And John answered him, saying, Master, we saw one casting out devils in your name, and he follows not us: and we forbad him, because he follows not us.
Lk 9:49 - "And John answered and said, Master, we saw one casting out devils in your name; and we forbad him, because he follows not with us. "

Verš 39
But Jesus said, Forbid him not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me.
1Kor 12:3 - Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit (o. pneuma) of God calls Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Spirit. (o. pneuma)

Verš 41
For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because all of you belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.
Mt 10:42 - And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.

Verš 42
And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.
Mt 18:6 - But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Lk 17:2 - It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

Verš 43
And if your hand offend you, cut it off: it is better for you to enter into life physically disabled, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:
Dt 13:6 - "If your brother, the son of your mother, or your son, or your daughter, or the wife of your bosom, or your friend, which is as your own soul, entice you secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which you have not known, you, nor your fathers; "
Mt 5:30 - And if your right hand offend you, cut it off, and cast it from you: for it is profitable for you that one of your members should perish, and not that your whole body should be cast into hell.
Mt 18:8 - Wherefore if your hand or your foot offend you, cut them off, and cast them from you: it is better for you to enter into life halt or physically disabled, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.

Verš 44
Where their worm dies not, and the fire is not quenched.
Iz 66:24 - "And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcasses of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh. "

Verš 49
For every one shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt.
Lv 2:13 - "And every oblation of your food offering shall you season with salt; neither shall you suffer the salt of the covenant of your God to be lacking from your food offering: with all of your offerings you shall offer salt. "

Verš 50
Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his saltiness, wherewith will all of you season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another.
Mt 5:13 - All of you are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
Lk 14:34 - Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be seasoned?
Rim 12:18 - If it be possible, as much as lies in you, live peaceably with all men.
Heb 12:14 - Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:

Mk 9,1 - Pozri poznámku k Mt 16, 27-28.

Mk 9,2-8 - Mt 17, 1-8; Lk 9, 28-36; 2 Pt 1, 17-18.

Mk 9,9-13 - Mt 17, 9-13.Pozri poznámku k Mt 17, 10-13.

Mk 9,14-29 - Mt 17, 14-20; Lk 9, 37-42.

Mk 9,30-32 - Mt 17, 22-23; Lk 9, 43-45.

Mk 9,31-32 - Apoštoli si nevedeli predstaviť, ako môže súvisieť utrpenie Mesiáša s uskutočnením jeho vlády.

Mk 9,33-37 - Mt 18, 1-5; Lk 9, 46-48.

Mk 9,38-41 - Lk 9, 49-50; Mt 10, 42.

Mk 9,42-50 - Mt 18, 6-9; Lk 17, 1-2; Mt 5, 13; 5, 29-30; Lk 14, 34.

Mk 9,44 46 - Tieto verše Neovulgáta vynecháva. Grécky text ich nemá. Je to jednoduché opakovanie verša 48: "Kde ich červ neumiera a oheň nezhasína."

Mk 9,48 - Iz 66, 24.

Mk 9,49 - Každá starozákonná obeť, ak mala byť Bohu milá, mala sa konať podľa predpisu (Lv 2, 13) a musela sa osoliť. Podobne aj každý človek, čo chce byť Bohu milý, musí sa uchrániť pred večnou záhubou a musí byť posolený ohňom a soľou, t. j. musí byť očistený ohňom utrpenia a premáhaním seba.