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Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Rim 6, 1-23

1 So what shall we say? Should we remain in sin, so that grace may abound? 2 Let it not be so! For how can we who have died to sin still live in sin? 3 Do you not know that those of us who have been baptized in Christ Jesus have been baptized into his death? 4 For through baptism we have been buried with him into death, so that, in the manner that Christ rose from the dead, by the glory of the Father, so may we also walk in the newness of life. 5 For if we have been planted together, in the likeness of his death, so shall we also be, in the likeness of his resurrection. 6 For we know this: that our former selves have been crucified together with him, so that the body which is of sin may be destroyed, and moreover, so that we may no longer serve sin. 7 For he who has died has been justified from sin. 8 Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live together with Christ. 9 For we know that Christ, in rising up from the dead, can no longer die: death no longer has dominion over him. 10 For in as much as he died for sin, he died once. But in as much as he lives, he lives for God. 11 And so, you should consider yourselves to be certainly dead to sin, and to be living for God in Christ Jesus our Lord. 12 Therefore, let not sin reign in your mortal body, such that you would obey its desires. 13 Nor should you offer the parts of your body as instruments of iniquity for sin. Instead, offer yourselves to God, as if you were living after death, and offer the parts of your body as instruments of justice for God. 14 For sin should not have dominion over you. For you are not under the law, but under grace. 15 What is next? Should we sin because we are not under the law, but under grace? Let it not be so! 16 Do you not know to whom you are offering yourselves as servants under obedience? You are the servants of whomever you obey: whether of sin, unto death, or of obedience, unto justice. 17 But thanks be to God that, though you used to be the servants of sin, now you have been obedient from the heart to the very form of the doctrine into which you have been received. 18 And having been freed from sin, we have become servants of justice. 19 I am speaking in human terms because of the infirmity of your flesh. For just as you offered the parts of your body to serve impurity and iniquity, for the sake of iniquity, so also have you now yielded the parts of your body to serve justice, for the sake of sanctification. 20 For though you were once the servants of sin, you have become the children of justice. 21 But what fruit did you hold at that time, in those things about which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death. 22 Yet truly, having been freed now from sin, and having been made servants of God, you hold your fruit in sanctification, and truly its end is eternal life. 23 For the wages of sin is death. But the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Rim 6, 1-23

Verš 3
Do you not know that those of us who have been baptized in Christ Jesus have been baptized into his death?
Gal 3:27 - For as many of you as have been baptized in Christ have become clothed with Christ.

Verš 4
For through baptism we have been buried with him into death, so that, in the manner that Christ rose from the dead, by the glory of the Father, so may we also walk in the newness of life.
Kol 2:12 - You have been buried with him in baptism. In him also, you have risen again through faith, by the work of God, who raised him up from the dead.
Rim 8:11 - But if the Spirit of him who raised up Jesus from the dead lives within you, then he who raised up Jesus Christ from the dead shall also enliven your mortal bodies, by means of his Spirit living within you.
Flp 3:10 - So shall I know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his Passion, having been fashioned according to his death,
Ef 4:23 - and so be renewed in the spirit of your mind,
Kol 3:10 - and clothe yourself with the new man, who has been renewed by knowledge, in accord with the image of the One who created him,
Heb 12:1 - Furthermore, since we also have so great a cloud of witnesses over us, let us set aside every burden and sin which may surround us, and advance, through patience, to the struggle offered to us.
1Pt 2:2 - Like newborn infants, desire the milk of reasonableness without guile, so that by this you may increase unto salvation,

Verš 5
For if we have been planted together, in the likeness of his death, so shall we also be, in the likeness of his resurrection.
Rim 8:11 - But if the Spirit of him who raised up Jesus from the dead lives within you, then he who raised up Jesus Christ from the dead shall also enliven your mortal bodies, by means of his Spirit living within you.
Kol 3:1 - Therefore, if you have risen together with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.

Verš 6
For we know this: that our former selves have been crucified together with him, so that the body which is of sin may be destroyed, and moreover, so that we may no longer serve sin.
Gal 2:20 - I live; yet now, it is not I, but truly Christ, who lives in me. And though I live now in the flesh, I live in the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and who delivered himself for me.
Gal 5:24 - For those who are Christ’s have crucified their flesh, along with its vices and desires.
Flp 3:10 - So shall I know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his Passion, having been fashioned according to his death,
1Pt 4:1 - Since Christ has suffered in the flesh, you also should be armed with the same intention. For he who suffers in the flesh desists from sin,

Verš 7
For he who has died has been justified from sin.
1Pt 4:1 - Since Christ has suffered in the flesh, you also should be armed with the same intention. For he who suffers in the flesh desists from sin,

Verš 8
Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live together with Christ.
2Tim 2:11 - It is a faithful saying: that if we have died with him, we will also live with him.

Verš 9
For we know that Christ, in rising up from the dead, can no longer die: death no longer has dominion over him.
Zjv 1:18 - And I am alive, though I was dead. And, behold, I live forever and ever. And I hold the keys of 699 death and of Hell.

Verš 10
For in as much as he died for sin, he died once. But in as much as he lives, he lives for God.
1Pt 2:24 - He himself bore our sins in his body upon the tree, so that we, having died to sin, would live for justice. By his wounds, you have been healed.

Verš 13
Nor should you offer the parts of your body as instruments of iniquity for sin. Instead, offer yourselves to God, as if you were living after death, and offer the parts of your body as instruments of justice for God.
Lk 1:74 - so that, having been freed from the hand of our enemies, we may serve him without fear,
Rim 12:1 - And so, I beg you, brothers, by the mercy of God, that you offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, with the subservience of your mind.
Gal 2:20 - I live; yet now, it is not I, but truly Christ, who lives in me. And though I live now in the flesh, I live in the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and who delivered himself for me.
Heb 9:14 - how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the Holy Spirit has offered himself, immaculate, to God, cleanse our conscience from dead works, in order to serve the living God?
1Pt 4:2 - so that now he may live, for the remainder of his time in the flesh, not by the desires of men, but by the will of God.

Verš 16
Do you not know to whom you are offering yourselves as servants under obedience? You are the servants of whomever you obey: whether of sin, unto death, or of obedience, unto justice.
Jn 8:34 - Jesus answered them: “Amen, amen, I say to you, that everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin.
2Pt 2:19 - promising them freedoms, while they themselves are the servants of corruption. For by whatever a man is overcome, of this also is he the servant.

Verš 18
And having been freed from sin, we have become servants of justice.
Jn 8:32 - And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”
Gal 5:1 - Stand firm, and do not be willing to be again held by the yoke of servitude.
1Pt 2:16 - in an open manner, and not as if cloaking malice with liberty, but like servants of God.

Verš 20
For though you were once the servants of sin, you have become the children of justice.
Jn 8:34 - Jesus answered them: “Amen, amen, I say to you, that everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin.

Verš 23
For the wages of sin is death. But the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Gn 2:17 - But from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat. For in whatever day you will eat from it, you will die a death.”
Rim 5:12 - Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into this world, and through sin, death; so also death was transferred to all men, to all who have sinned.
1Kor 15:21 - For certainly, death came through a man. And so, the resurrection of the dead came through a man
Jak 1:15 - Thereafter, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin. Yet truly sin, when it has been consummated, produces death.
1Pt 1:3 - Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to his great mercy has regenerated us into a living hope, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead:

Rim 6,1-6 - Bolo by bludným a rúhavým záverom, keby sme z povedaného uzatvárali, že môžeme bezočivo hrešiť v nádeji, že Kristova milosť je väčšia ako naše hriechy. Umreli sme predsa raz navždy hriechu, keď sme boli pokrstení (gr. doslovne "ponorení") v Ježiša Krista, ktorý vzal na seba naše hriechy a za nás zomrel. S ním bol pochovaný hriešny človek, naše hriešne "Ja" a s ním sme vstali vo svätom krste z mŕtvych, aby sme žili novým životom, životom milosti v Bohu a pre Boha. Stali sme sa jedno s Kristom. Symbolika krstu, ktorý sa v raných časoch kresťanstva udeľoval ponorením, spája pokrsteného s Kristom umierajúcim, pochovaným (ponorenie) a zmŕtvychvstalým (vynorenie) a začleňuje ho do Kristovho tajomného tela. Ospravedlnenie prináša odpustenie hriechov, ale pokrstenému ukladá aj povinnosť žiť bez hriechu, lebo Kristus vstal zo smrti do života a ustavične žije "nový" život pre Boha.

Rim 6,7 - Telesnou smrťou sa končí možnosť hrešiť. Kto v krste spojený s Kristom tajomne umrel a vstal z mŕtvych, už nemá hrešiť.

Rim 6,8 - Keďže krstom sme sa stali novým stvorením, už žijeme život slávy, ktorý bude definitívny po smrti; porov. 2 Kor 5, 15–17; Gal 6, 15; Ef 2, 10; 4, 24; Kol 3, 9–10.

Rim 6,14 - Hriech, t. j. zlá žiadostivosť, nebude mať nad vami takú moc, že by ste jej nemohli odolať, lebo nie ste pod Zákonom (Mojžišovým), ktorý síce obsahoval dobré príkazy, ale sám od seba nemohol pomáhať zachovávať ich, lež ste pod milosťou, t. j. pod evanjeliom alebo Kristovým zákonom, ktorý neukladá len povinnosti, ale poskytuje aj nadprirodzenú pomoc na jeho zachovávanie.

Rim 6,20 - To znamená: nemali ste nijaký vzťah k spravodlivosti, neslúžili ste jej, ale hriechu (zlej žiadostivosti).