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Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Ž 132, 1-3

1 A Canticle in steps: of David. Behold, how good and how pleasing it is for brothers to dwell in unity. 2 It is like the ointment on the head that descended to the beard, the beard of Aaron, which descended to the hem of his garment. 3 It is like the dew of Hermon, which descended from mount Zion. For in that place, the Lord has commanded a blessing, and life, even unto eternity.

Ž 132, 1-3

Verš 11
2Sam 7:12 - And when your days will have been fulfilled, and you will sleep with your fathers, I will raise up your offspring after you, who will go forth from your loins, and I will make firm his kingdom.
1Kr 8:25 - Now therefore, O Lord God of Israel, fulfill, for your servant David, my father, that which you spoke to him, saying, ‘There shall not be taken away from you a man before me, who may sit upon the throne of Israel, if only your sons will guard their way, so that they walk before me, just as you have walked in my sight.’
2Krn 6:16 - Now then, O Lord God of Israel, fulfill for your servant David, my father, whatsoever you said to him, saying: ‘There shall not fail to be a man from you before me, who will sit upon the throne of Israel, yet only if your sons will guard their ways, and will walk in my law, just as you also have walked before me.’
Lk 1:69 - And he has raised up a horn of salvation for us, in the house of David his servant,

Verš 16
2Krn 6:41 - Now therefore, rise up, O Lord God, to your resting place, you and the ark of your strength. Let your priests, O Lord God, be clothed with salvation, and let your holy ones rejoice in what is good.

Verš 3
It is like the dew of Hermon, which descended from mount Zion. For in that place, the Lord has commanded a blessing, and life, even unto eternity.
1Krn 15:1 - Also, he made houses for himself in the City of David. And built a place for the ark of God, and he set up a tent for it.

Verš 14
Ž 132:8 -
Ž 68:16 - Do not allow the tempest of water to submerge me, nor the deep to absorb me. And do not allow the well to close in on me.

Verš 17
Lk 1:69 - And he has raised up a horn of salvation for us, in the house of David his servant,

Z 132 - Žalm je mesiášsky, verše 11 a 12 sa v plnom zmysle vyplnia len na Mesiášovi. V žalme sa jasne rozlišuje Dávidova osoba od jeho potomka, Mesiáša.

Z 132,2 - "Mocný Jakubov" je pomenovanie Boha (Gn 49,24; Iz 49,26; 60,16).

Z 132,3 - 2 Sam 7,1-2; 1 Krn 17,1.

Z 132,6 - "Počuli sme, že archa je v Efrate" - keď mal Dávid preniesť archu zmluvy z Kirjatiarimu na Sion, zvesť o tom sa rozšírila po jeho kráľovstve. Počuli totižto, že je neďaleko Betlehema, odkiaľ pochádzal Dávid, v kraji Efrata. V žalme sa hovorí: "Našli sme ju na jaarských nivách", čo je to isté ako Kirjatiarim. Odtiaľ Dávid preniesol v slávnostnom sprievode archu na Sion (1 Sam 7,1; 2 Sam 6,2).

Z 132,8 - Slová sú známe už z Mojžišových čias. Izraeliti sa ich modlili vždy, keď sa archa pohýnala na cestu po púšti (Nm 10,35.36; Ž 68,2). Odteraz už nebude putovať z miesta na miesto, lebo odvtedy, čo ju odniesli zo Šíla (1 Sam 4,3 n.), nemala pevný príbytok.

Z 132,11 - "Dávidovi sa Pán zaviazal prísahou"- tieto slová sú paralelné so slovami 2. verša. Vzťahujú sa na Boží sľub, ktorý dal Pán Dávidovi skrze proroka Nátana v čase, keď Pán odkázal, aby mu Dávid nestaval chrám (2 Sam 7,5-16; Ž 89,4-5.29-38).

Z 132,17 - Tento verš sa nedá vysvetliť inakšie ako o Mesiášovi. Tak ho chápe celá katolícka tradícia.

Z 132,18 - Na hlave mesiášskeho kráľa bude naveky žiariť Pánov "diadém". Mesiáš bude kráľom Izraela.