výhody registrácie


Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Ž 128, 1-8

1 A Canticle in steps. They have often fought against me from my youth, let Israel now say: 2 they have often fought against me from my youth, yet they could not prevail over me. 3 The sinners have made fabrications behind my back. They have prolonged their iniquity. 4 The just Lord will cut the necks of sinners. 5 Let all those who hate Zion be confounded and turned backwards. 6 Let them be like grass on the rooftops, which withers before it can be pulled up: 7 with it, he who reaps does not fill his hand and he who gathers sheaves does not fill his bosom. 8 And those who were passing by have not said to them: “The blessing of the Lord be upon you. We have blessed you in the name of the Lord.”

Ž 128, 1-8

Z 128 - Žalmista vyzdvihuje šťastie a spokojnosť toho, kto bohabojne slúži Pánovi.

Z 128,5-6 - Tieto verše sa zdajú byť liturgickým požehnaním. Pútnikom, čo spievali túto pieseň, kňaz požehnal a žičil im, aby ich Pán požehnal tak, ako prisľúbil svojim ctiteľom. Šťastie, dlhý život, početné potomstvo zodpovedajú prísľubom za verné plnenie Božích príkazov (Lv 26,9; Dt 28,4 n.).